If you are new to the catalogue pipeline the GitBook documentation is a good place to start.
Information for developers working on the catalogue-pipeline.
If the internal_model has been changed you will want to update the information stored by the pipeline to match that model.
A reindex operation runs the source data from the adapters through the pipeline causing it to be re-transformed / matched & merged as appropriate.
If you want to perform a reindex, follow the instructions in REINDEXING.md.
Some information for working with Python lambdas.
Generally small things you might want to do irregularly involving the API & data are in /scripts
Stack overflow from scalac (in IntelliJ) when building projects:
Go to
Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler
and changeBuild process heap size (Mbytes)
to something large, eg 2048. -
Pulling docker containers from ECR
You'll need to log into ECR before local docker can pull from there:
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 --profile platform-dev | \ docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 760097843905.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com