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122 lines (114 loc) · 5.96 KB

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122 lines (114 loc) · 5.96 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


  • Created a new OxyPlot.Mobile NuGet package to combine the mobile platforms into a single package. (#362)
  • Support for XWT (#295)
  • TwoColorAreaSeries (#299)
  • Delta values in AxisChangedEventArgs (#276)
  • Enable Git source server (added GitLink build step) (#267,#266)
  • iOS PlotView ZoomThreshold/AllowPinchPastZero for use with KeepAspectRatioWhenPinching=false (#359)
  • CandleStickAndVolumeSeries and VolumeSeries (#377)
  • Axis.DesiredSize property (#383)
  • Added WPF Wrapper for BoxPlot (#434)
  • Added capability to display mean value to BoxPlot (#440)
  • Added LinearBarSeries for WPF (#506)
  • Added TitleToolTip to PlotModel (#508)
  • Expose PlotElement's TextColor property on WPF.Axes.Axis (#452)
  • ThreeColorLineSeries (#378)


  • Renamed OxyPlot.WindowsUniversal to OxyPlot.Windows (#242)
  • Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms to require OxyPlot.Mobile dependency instead of each separate NuGet. (#362)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinIOS to OxyPlot.MonoTouch (#327)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinAndroid to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android (#327)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinForms to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms (#327)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinForms.iOS to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS (#327)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsIOS to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Classic (#327)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsAndroid to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android (#327)
  • Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsWinPhone to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WP8 (#327)
  • Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android target to Android level 10 (#223)
  • Separated WPF Plot and PlotView (#252,#239)
  • Current CandleStickSeries renamed to OldCandleStickSeries, replaced by a faster implementation (#369)
  • Fixed axis min/max calc and axis assignment for CandleStick + VolumeSeries (#389)
  • Invalidate plot when ItemsSource contents change (INotifyCollectionChanged) on WPF only (#406)
  • Xamarin.Forms references updated to 1.4.2 (#293,#439)
  • Change OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android target to Android level 15 (#439)
  • Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms to portable Profile259 (#439)
  • PlotController should not intercept input per default (#446)
  • Changed DefaultTrackerFormatString for BoxPlotSeries (to include Mean) (#440)
  • Changed Constructor of BoxPlotItem (to include Mean) (#440)
  • Changed Axis, Annotation and Series Render() method (removed model parameter)
  • Changed PCL project to profile 259, SL5 is separate now (#115)
  • Extracted CreateReport() and CreateTextReport() from PlotModel (#517)
  • Renamed GetLastUpdateException to GetLastPlotException and added the ability to see render exceptions(#543)
  • Move TileMapAnnotation class to example library (#567)


  • OxyPlot.Metro project (superseded by OxyPlot.WindowsUniversal) (#241)
  • PlotModel.ToSvg method. Use the SvgExporter instead. (#347)
  • Constructors with parameters. Use default constructors instead. (#347)
  • Axis.ShowMinorTicks property. Use MinorTickSize = 0 instead. (#347)
  • ManipulatorBase.GetCursorType method (#447)
  • Model.GetElements() method
  • Remove SL4 support (#115)
  • Remove NET35 support (#115)
  • PlotElement.Format method. Use StringHelper.Format instead.


  • HeatMapSeries.GetValue returns NaN instead of calculating a wrong value in proximity to NaN (#256)
  • Tracker position is wrong when PlotView is offset from origin (#455)
  • CategoryAxis should use StringFormat (#415)
  • Fixed the dependency of OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms NuGet (#370)
  • Add default ctor for Xamarin.Forms iOS renderer (#348)
  • Windows Phone cursor exception (#345)
  • Bar/ColumSeries tracker format string bug (#333)
  • Fix exception for default tracker format strings (#265)
  • Fix center-aligned legends (#79)
  • Fix Markdown links to tag comparison URL with footnote-style links.
  • WPF dispatcher issue (#311,#309)
  • Custom colors for scatters (#307)
  • Rotated axis labels (#303,#301)
  • Floating point error on axis labels (#289,#227)
  • Performance of CandleStickSeries (#290)
  • Tracker text for StairStepSeries (#263)
  • XamarinForms/iOS view not updating when model is changed (#262)
  • Improved WPF rendering performance (#260,#259)
  • Null reference with MVVM binding (#255)
  • WPF PngExporter background (#234)
  • XamlExporter background (#233)
  • .NET 3.5 build (#229)
  • Support WinPhone 8.1 in core NuGet package (#161)
  • Draw legend line with custom pattern (#356)
  • iOS pan/zoom stability (#336)
  • Xamarin.Forms iOS PlotViewRenderer crash (#458)
  • Inaccurate tracker when using LogarithmicAxis (#443)
  • Fix reset of transforms in WinForms render context (#489)
  • Fix StringFormat for TimeSpanAxis not recognizing f, ff, fff, etc (#330)
  • Fix LineSeries SMOOTH=True will crash WinForms on right click (#499)
  • Fix PlotView leak on iOS (#503)
  • This PlotModel is already in use by some other PlotView control (#497)
  • LegendTextColor not synchronized between wpf.Plot and InternalModel (#548)
  • Legend in CandleStickSeries does not scale correctly (#554)
  • Fix CodeGenerator exception for types without parameterless ctor (#573)
  • Migrate automatic package restore (#557)

2014.1.546 - 2014-10-22


  • Support data binding paths ("Point.X") (#210)
  • Support for Xamarin.Forms (#204)
  • Support for Windows Universal apps (#190)
  • Improve TrackerFormatString consistency (#214)
  • Support LineColor.BrokenLineColor
  • LabelFormatString for ScatterSeries (#12)


  • Changed tracker format strings arguments (#214)
  • Rename OxyPenLineJoin to LineJoin
  • Rename LineStyle.Undefined to LineStyle.Automatic


  • Improved text rendering for Android and iOS (#209)
  • Custom shape outline for PointAnnotation (#174)
  • Synchronize Wpf.Axis.MinimumRange (#205)
  • TrackerHitResult bug (#198)
  • Position of axis when PositionAtZeroCrossing = true (#189)
  • Expose ScatterSeries.ActualPoints (#201)
  • Add overridable Axis.FormatValueOverride (#181)
  • PngExporter text formatting (#170)