diff --git a/docs/Troubleshooting.RunningTests.md b/docs/Troubleshooting.RunningTests.md
index 612d673e61..63353af647 100644
--- a/docs/Troubleshooting.RunningTests.md
+++ b/docs/Troubleshooting.RunningTests.md
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ Error: Cannot determine which configuration to use. use --configuration to choos
**Solution:** You have configured more than one configuration in your package.json and detox cannot understand which one of them you want to run. The error will print a list of available configurations, choose one by using `--configuration` option.
-Run your commands with one of these configrations, for example:
+Run your commands with one of these configurations, for example:
-`detox build --configration ios.sim.debug`
-`detox test --configration ios.sim.debug`
+`detox build --configuration ios.sim.debug`
+`detox test --configuration ios.sim.debug`