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Did you include the header file for the STL pair type caster? pybind11 has it by default, in nanobind you need an extra include directive. |
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@wjakob thanks for your help. Adding Any sense on how I may solve the |
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@wjakob I have made a minimal example which is here and also zipped and attached at the end. The minimal case is as follows: Assume the following header is an external library and cannot be changed: #include <memory>
class Node;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Node> Node_SP;
class Node {
static Node_SP allocate(double w, double h);
double get_width();
void set_width(double w);
double get_height();
void set_height(double h);
Node(double w, double h) : m_w(w), m_h(h) {}
double m_w = 100.0;
double m_h = 60.0;
Node_SP Node::allocate(double w, double h) {
return Node_SP(new Node(w, h));
double Node::get_width() {
return m_w;
void Node::set_width(double w) {
m_w = w;
double Node::get_height() {
return m_h;
void Node::set_height(double h) {
m_h = h;
} The #include "node.h"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace py::literals;
PYBIND11_MODULE(node_pybind11, m) {
m.doc() = "pybind11 node example";
py::class_<Node, Node_SP>(m, "Node")
.def_static("allocate", &Node::allocate, "allocate width, height", "w"_a, "h"_a)
.def_property("w", &Node::get_width, &Node::set_width)
.def_property("h", &Node::get_height, &Node::set_height)
} In nanobind, I have wrapped it as follows and in the real-world case I get a bunch of memory leaks. What's the nanobind way to do this such that I avoid memory leaks? #include "node.h"
#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>
#include <nanobind/stl/shared_ptr.h>
namespace nb = nanobind;
using namespace nb::literals;
NB_MODULE(node_nano, m) {
m.doc() = "nanobind node example";
nb::class_<Node>(m, "Node")
.def_static("allocate", &Node::allocate, "allocate width, height", "w"_a, "h"_a)
.def_prop_rw("w", &Node::get_width, &Node::set_width)
.def_prop_rw("h", &Node::get_height, &Node::set_height)
nb::class_<Node_SP>(m, "Node_SP")
} |
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@wjakob Sorry for the delay in responding. Even after removing the lines as suggested I'm still getting the leaks after running pytest off of the the main repo with the nanobind code (see below for test results) Incidentally, the pybind11 code continues to works work without issues in this case. Because the above repo contains static libs (build off of macOS) from another repo, it may be a pain to build and test if you are running windows / linux ============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.11.4, pytest-7.4.0, pluggy-1.2.0
rootdir: /Users/sa/Downloads/projects/pyhola
plugins: cov-4.1.0
collected 10 items
tests/ ..... [ 50%]
tests/ ....F [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
__________________________________ test_edge ___________________________________
@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYHOLA_NANO, reason="requires pyhola_nano")
def test_edge():
g = Graph()
n1 = Node.allocate(3.2, 2.1)
n2 = Node.allocate(2.1, 1.1)
n3 = Node.allocate(4.1, 3.1)
n4 = Node.allocate(3.2, 5.1)
nodes = [n1,n2,n3,n4]
for n in nodes:
g.add_edge(n1, n2)
e1 = Edge.allocate(n3, n4)
> g.add_edge(e1)
E RuntimeError: bad_weak_ptr
tests/ RuntimeError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/ - RuntimeError: bad_weak_ptr
========================= 1 failed, 9 passed in 0.99s ==========================
nanobind: leaked 5 instances!
nanobind: leaked 5 keep_alive records!
nanobind: leaked 2 types!
- leaked type "pyhola_nano.Node"
- leaked type "pyhola_nano.Edge"
nanobind: leaked 39 functions!
- leaked function "copy_other_ghost_properties"
- leaked function "lies_opposite_segment"
- leaked function "make_libavoid_polygon"
- leaked function "get_dimensions"
- leaked function "build_route_from_bends"
- leaked function "set_is_root"
- leaked function "copy_geometry"
- leaked function "translate"
- leaked function "allocate"
- leaked function "set_dims"
- leaked function "get_centre"
- ... skipped remainder
nanobind: this is likely caused by a reference counting issue in the binding code. The leaky nanobind binding code is reproduced here: #include <string.h>
#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>
#include <nanobind/stl/string.h>
#include <nanobind/stl/pair.h>
#include <nanobind/stl/shared_ptr.h>
#include <libdialect/graphs.h>
#include <libdialect/hola.h>
#include <libdialect/io.h>
#include <libavoid/geomtypes.h>
namespace nb = nanobind;
using namespace nb::literals;
using namespace dialect;
NB_MODULE(pyhola_nano, m)
m.doc() = "pyhola_nano module: an adaptagrams library wrapper using nanobind.";
m.attr("__version__") = "0.0.1";
// libdialect/io.h
m.def("graph_from_tglf_file", &buildGraphFromTglfFile, "build graph from .tglf file");
// libdialect/hola.h
m.def("do_hola", [](Graph &g, const HolaOpts &h) { doHOLA(g, h); }, "layout a graph with options");
m.def("do_hola", static_cast<void (*)(Graph &g, const HolaOpts &h, Logger *l)>(&doHOLA), "layout a graph with options");
m.def("do_hola", static_cast<void (*)(Graph &g)>(&doHOLA), "layout a graph");
// libdialect/graphs.h
nb::class_<Graph>(m, "Graph", "The Graph class represents graphs consisting of nodes and edges.")
.def_rw("debug_output_path", &Graph::m_debugOutputPath)
.def_rw("projection_debug_level", &Graph::m_projectionDebugLevel)
.def("add_node", nb::overload_cast<Node_SP, bool>(&Graph::addNode), "node"_a, "take_ownership"_a = true, "add node")
.def("add_node", nb::overload_cast<double, double>(&Graph::addNode), "add node (w, h)")
.def("add_node", nb::overload_cast<double, double, double, double>(&Graph::addNode), "add node (x, y, w, h)")
.def("add_edge", nb::overload_cast<Edge_SP, bool>(&Graph::addEdge), "edge"_a, "take_ownership"_a = true, "add edge from edge instance")
.def("add_edge", nb::overload_cast<Node_SP, Node_SP>(&Graph::addEdge), "add edge from (src node, dst node)")
.def("get_node", &Graph::getNode, "get node from id")
.def("get_nodemap", &Graph::getNodeLookup, "get map of nodes by id")
.def("to_tglf", &Graph::writeTglf, "returns tglf string", "use_external_ids"_a = false)
.def("to_svg", &Graph::writeSvg, "returns svg string", "use_external_ids"_a = false)
// .def("assign", &Graph::operator=, "Copy-assignment operator.", nb::return_value_policy::automatic, nb::arg("other"))
.def("assign", &Graph::operator=, "Copy-assignment operator.", nb::arg("other"))
.def("get_max_degree", &Graph::getMaxDegree, "Reports the maximum degree of any Node in this Graph.")
.def("has_node", &Graph::hasNode, "Returns true if this Graph has a Node of the given ID.", nb::arg("id"))
.def("has_edge", &Graph::hasEdge, "Returns true if this Graph has an Edge of the given ID.", nb::arg("id"))
.def("sever_edge", &Graph::severEdge, "Sever an Edge in this Graph.", nb::arg("edge"))
.def("sever_node", &Graph::severNode, "Sever all the Edges incident to a Node in this Graph.", nb::arg("node"))
.def("remove_node", &Graph::removeNode, "Remove a Node from this Graph.", nb::arg("node"))
.def("get_num_nodes", &Graph::getNumNodes, "Say how many Nodes there are in this Graph.")
.def("get_num_edges", &Graph::getNumEdges, "Say how many Edges there are in this Graph.")
.def("is_empty", &Graph::isEmpty, "Say whether the Graph is empty, meaning that it has no Nodes.")
.def("is_tree", &Graph::isTree, "Say whether the Graph is a tree.")
nb::class_<Node>(m, "Node")
.def_static("allocate", nb::overload_cast<double, double>(&Node::allocate), "allocate width, height", "w"_a, "h"_a)
.def_static("allocate", nb::overload_cast<double, double, double, double>(&Node::allocate), "allocate width, height", "x"_a, "y"_a, "w"_a, "h"_a)
.def_prop_ro("id", &Node::id, "Access the unique ID of a given instance.")
.def("get_dimensions", &Node::getDimensions, "return width and height")
.def("get_degree", &Node::getDegree, "Check the degree (number of incident Edges) of the Node.")
.def("set_centre", &Node::setCentre, "set centre pos", "cx"_a, "cy"_a = 10)
.def("translate", &Node::translate, "Update the position of the node, by adding to its centre coordinates.", "dx"_a, "dy"_a)
.def("set_graph", &Node::setGraph, "Tell the Node which Graph it belongs to.", nb::arg("graph"))
.def("get_graph", &Node::getGraph, "Access the Graph to which the Node belongs.")
// .def("get_graph", &Node::getGraph, "Access the Graph to which the Node belongs.", nb::return_value_policy::automatic)
.def("remove_edge", &Node::removeEdge, "Remove an incident Edge.", nb::arg("edge"))
.def("copy_geometry", &Node::copyGeometry, "Give this Node the same coordinates and dimensions as another.", nb::arg("other"))
.def("copy_other_ghost_properties", &Node::copyOtherGhostProperties, "Copy other properties of Ghost nodes besides geometry.", nb::arg("other"))
// .def("copy_other_ghost_properties", &Node::copyOtherGhostProperties, "Copy other properties of Ghost nodes besides geometry.", nb::arg("other"))
.def("get_bounding_box", &Node::getBoundingBox, "Get the bounding box for this Node.\n\nC++: Node::getBoundingBox() const --> struct BoundingBox")
.def("get_boundary_compass_pt", &Node::getBoundaryCompassPt, "Get the point on the boundary of this Node in a given direction from its centre.", nb::arg("dir"))
.def("set_centre", &Node::setCentre, "Set the position of the node, by setting its centre coordinates.", nb::arg("cx"), nb::arg("cy"))
.def("get_centre", &Node::getCentre, "Get the centre coordinates of the node.")
.def("set_external_id", &Node::setExternalId, "Set an externally-determined ID -- useful for TGLF and others.", nb::arg("id"))
.def("get_external_id", &Node::getExternalId, "Get the external ID.")
.def("set_dims", &Node::setDims, "Set the dimensions of the node.", nb::arg("w"), nb::arg("h"))
.def("set_bounding_box", &Node::setBoundingBox, "Set the bounding box of the node which sets both the dimensions and the centre point.", nb::arg("x"), nb::arg("X"), nb::arg("y"), nb::arg("Y"))
.def("add_padding", &Node::addPadding, "Add padding to the node's dimensions.", nb::arg("dw"), nb::arg("dh"))
.def("update_posn_from_rect", &Node::updatePosnFromRect, "Update the position of this Node to equal that of the given Rectangle.", nb::arg("r"))
.def("update_x_coord_from_rect", &Node::updateXCoordFromRect, "Update the x-coordinate of this Node to equal that of the given Rectangle.", nb::arg("r"))
.def("update_y_coord_from_rect", &Node::updateYCoordFromRect, "Update the y-coordinate of this Node to equal that of the given Rectangle.", nb::arg("r"))
.def("make_libavoid_polygon", &Node::makeLibavoidPolygon, "Build and return a Polygon to represent this Node in libavoid.")
.def("is_root", &Node::isRoot, "Check whether this Node has been marked as being a root -- useful when working with trees, and can be safely ignored when working with other sorts of graphs.")
.def("set_is_root", &Node::setIsRoot, "Say whether this Node is a root.", nb::arg("isRoot"))
.def("lies_opposite_segment", [](Node &o, const struct LineSegment &a0) -> bool { return o.liesOppositeSegment(a0); }, "", nb::arg("seg"))
.def("lies_opposite_segment", (bool (Node::*)(const struct LineSegment &, bool)) &Node::liesOppositeSegment, "Check whether this Node lies opposite a LineSegment.", nb::arg("seg"), nb::arg("openInterval"))
nb::class_<Edge>(m, "Edge")
// .def( "__init__", [](Edge const &o){ return new Edge(o); } )
// .def( nb::init( [](Edge const &o){ return new Edge(o); } ) )
.def("allocate", &Edge::allocate, "allocate edge from src node to dst node")
.def("id", &Edge::id, "Access the unique ID of this instance.")
.def("set_graph", &Edge::setGraph, "Tell the Edge which Graph it belongs to.", nb::arg("graph"))
.def("sever", &Edge::sever, "Sever this Edge, i.e. remove it from the Nodes to which it is attached.")
.def("get_bounding_box", &Edge::getBoundingBox, "Get the bounding box for the edge, including its end points and route points.")
.def("add_route_point", &Edge::addRoutePoint, "Add a point to the route.", nb::arg("x"), nb::arg("y"))
.def("has_bend_nodes", &Edge::hasBendNodes, "Check whether this Edge has any bend nodes.")
.def("rotate_90cw", &Edge::rotate90cw, "Rotate the connector route 90 degrees clockwise.")
.def("rotate_90acw", &Edge::rotate90acw, "Rotate the connector route 90 degrees anticlockwise.")
.def("rotate_180", &Edge::rotate180, "Rotate the connector route 180 degrees")
.def("translate", &Edge::translate, "Translate the connector route by a given amount in each dimension.", nb::arg("dx"), nb::arg("dy"))
.def("clear_route_and_bends", &Edge::clearRouteAndBends, "Clear the connector route and drop all bend nodes.")
.def("build_route_from_bends", &Edge::buildRouteFromBends, "Build a connector route based on the bend nodes.")
nb::class_<BoundingBox>(m, "BoundingBox", "A bounding box, given by the extreme coordinates.")
.def( nb::init<double, double, double, double>(), nb::arg("x"), nb::arg("X"), nb::arg("y"), nb::arg("Y") )
.def_rw("x", &BoundingBox::x)
.def_rw("X", &BoundingBox::X)
.def_rw("y", &BoundingBox::y)
.def_rw("Y", &BoundingBox::Y)
.def("repr", (std::string (BoundingBox::*)() const) &BoundingBox::repr, "Write a simple representation of the bounding box.")
.def("w", (double (BoundingBox::*)() const) &BoundingBox::w, "Get the width of the box.")
.def("h", (double (BoundingBox::*)() const) &BoundingBox::h, "Get the height of the box.")
.def("get_interval", (struct std::pair<double, double> (BoundingBox::*)(enum vpsc::Dim)) &BoundingBox::getInterval, "Get the interval in a given dimension. The desired interval's variable dimension; thus, X if you want the box's horizontal interval, Y if you want its vertical interval.", nb::arg("dim"))
.def("centre", (class Avoid::Point (BoundingBox::*)() const) &BoundingBox::centre, "Get the centre of the box.")
.def("perimeter", (double (BoundingBox::*)() const) &BoundingBox::perimeter, "Compute the perimeter of the box.")
nb::class_<HolaOpts>(m, "HolaOpts", "options for hola")
.def_rw("defaultTreeGrowthDir", &HolaOpts::defaultTreeGrowthDir)
.def_rw("treeLayoutScalar_nodeSep", &HolaOpts::treeLayoutScalar_nodeSep)
.def_rw("treeLayoutScalar_rankSep", &HolaOpts::treeLayoutScalar_rankSep)
.def_rw("preferConvexTrees", &HolaOpts::preferConvexTrees)
.def_rw("peeledTreeRouting", &HolaOpts::peeledTreeRouting)
.def_rw("wholeTreeRouting", &HolaOpts::wholeTreeRouting)
.def_rw("orthoHubAvoidFlatTriangles", &HolaOpts::orthoHubAvoidFlatTriangles)
.def_rw("useACAforLinks", &HolaOpts::useACAforLinks)
.def_rw("routingScalar_crossingPenalty", &HolaOpts::routingScalar_crossingPenalty)
.def_rw("routingScalar_segmentPenalty", &HolaOpts::routingScalar_segmentPenalty)
.def_rw("treePlacement_favourCardinal", &HolaOpts::treePlacement_favourCardinal)
.def_rw("treePlacement_favourExternal", &HolaOpts::treePlacement_favourExternal)
.def_rw("treePlacement_favourIsolation", &HolaOpts::treePlacement_favourIsolation)
.def_rw("expansion_doCostlierDimensionFirst", &HolaOpts::expansion_doCostlierDimensionFirst)
.def_rw("expansion_estimateMethod", &HolaOpts::expansion_estimateMethod)
.def_rw("do_near_align", &HolaOpts::do_near_align)
.def_rw("align_reps", &HolaOpts::align_reps)
.def_rw("nearAlignScalar_kinkWidth", &HolaOpts::nearAlignScalar_kinkWidth)
.def_rw("nearAlignScalar_scope", &HolaOpts::nearAlignScalar_scope)
.def_rw("nodePaddingScalar", &HolaOpts::nodePaddingScalar)
.def_rw("preferredAspectRatio", &HolaOpts::preferredAspectRatio)
.def_rw("preferredTreeGrowthDir", &HolaOpts::preferredTreeGrowthDir)
.def_rw("putUlcAtOrigin", &HolaOpts::putUlcAtOrigin)
// libavoid/geomtypes.h
nb::class_<Avoid::Point>(m, "Point")
.def( nb::init<const double, const double>(), nb::arg("x"), nb::arg("y") )
.def_ro("x", &Avoid::Point::x)
.def_ro("y", &Avoid::Point::y)
} |
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I have arrived at the conclusion that the data leaks are due to the the wrong return policy. I had a similar issue in a different project and it was fixed by a change of return policy. I suggest to close this as complete. |
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First, thanks for pybind11 and nanobind, which are pretty awesome projects.
I have an open-source project, pyhola, which uses pybind11 to successfully wrap a subset of another open-source graph-drawing library called adaptagrams.
While the pybind11 wrapper was manually written, I have extended it somewhat by using binder. The result is a pybind11-based extension which is used for automatic orthogonal layout of graphs and is pretty solid functional code.
Recently, I have tried to convert the pybind11 wrapper to a minimal nanobind wrapper. This recent wrapper is also available on the pyhola repo.
While I was able to generate and compile the wrapper without errors as a first step, I am struggling to implement the
wrappers which were pretty straightforward in the pybind11 code, and in my first test run I got the following results:The two issues highlighted in testing are:
instance.This was done automatically in pybind11. Any guidance for nanobind?
I believe this is a
issue. In the pybind11 code, these are wrapped as follows:where
are already defined the third party library as:In
, the guidance in the porting guide to remove holders led me to the following code in order to compile without errors:but this is clearly insufficient as the third-party library indicates the
methods forNode
(and forEdge
), return their shared_ptr (*_SP
) counterpart:My question is what is the guidance on how do the
methods to return a shared_ptr (or*_SP
counterpart) of the class? Should I use a lambda-based wrapper?Thanks in advance for any help!
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