- Asterisk 17.9.3
- Added custom scripts support - Map /assets/custom-scripts/ and ame your files 01-xxx.sh 02-xxx.sh to have them executed in order. Make sure they are set executible
- Fix for FOP2 not starting up
- Add debug statements to watson-transcription script
- Repair issues with watson transcription
5.0.5 2020-08-14 hobbit378@github
- Changed routines to limit socat to start if SMTP_HOST=localhost
- Asterisk 17.6.0
- Added capability of Voicemail transcription via IBM Watson (see /usr/sbin/watson-transcription)
- Set +x bit on 15-socat container initialization and runtime scripts
- Disable app_vooicemail_odbc and app_voicemail_imap causing problems with Voicemail working
5.0.1 2020-06-20 rusxakep@github
- Patch for version 5.0.0
5.0.0 2020-06-19 rusxakep@github
- Asterisk 17.x support added
- New Asterisk modules added to base image
- G72x codec CPU-versioning support added
- FreePBX support added
- USB dongle (huawei) module support added
- MongoDB versioning support added
- Sync build with latest base image features (00-container)
- FreePBX keys added to avoid spam from gnupg in logs
- FreePBX modules added (backup, filestore, fw_langpacks)
- Fix MariaDB starting
- Change external MariaDB ODBC drivers to internal (debian repository)
- Some environment variables moved to \defaults to avoid rebuild image
- socat as SMTP proxy added for new FreePBX modules
- Support for custom RTP ports added
- Cleaned up Documentation
- Fix for incorrect privileges in doctrine FreePBX cache system
- Extend featurecodes column in embedded database too
- Fix '--x' execute bit in all asterisk modules
- Fix MongoDB starting
- Fix bash scripts (fix 'sed'-scripts, fix 'chown'-scripts with symlinks and so on ...)
- Fix start/stop container scripts to avoid database corruption
- Create additional agi-bin, backup, fax and outgoing directories
- Fix XMPP service start/stop
- Change FOP2 Module to FALSE by default due to flash deprecation
- RTP_START and RTP_FINISH values in embedded database
- Fix issues with cron running as root
- Support changes to tiredofit/debian base image
- Patchup for 4.0.5
- Update Console command to advise how to access admin panel upon container has finished initializing
4.0.3 2020-03-29 jwhostet@github
- Fix Apache for duplicate Listen statement if using `ENABLE_SSL=TRUE`
- Added sngrep, sipsak, tcpflow, tcpdump to image for troubleshooting SIP issues on request
- Fixup for internal mailing via msmtp
- Option to Install Additional Modules on First Container Start
- Switch to Debian Buster
- Asterisk 17.2.0
- Freepbx Framework
- Reworked package install in Dockerfile
- Reduced errors being shown re MongoDB/XMPP Module
- Changed verbosity when installing modules
- Other code optimizations
- MariaDB ODBC Connector 2.0.19
- Fixed issues with SMTP configuration
- Created temporary log directory for Flash Operator Panel installation
- Move more defaults into functions files
- Fix error with Cron starting before it Freepbx installs causing errors with persistent storage
- Spelling mistake fix for Log display
- Fixed wrong function being called for checking is DB was available for External DB Container installs
- Reworked CDR Hack for Single DB (external DB Container) installation (Thanks barhom@github)
- Freepbx Framework
- Fix to allow UCP to build properly
- Fix spelling mistake in container startup script
- Update to support new tiredofit/debian base images
- Asterisk 16.7.0
- FreePBX Framework
- Asterisk 16.6.2
- FreePBX
- Changed source location to continue building g72x codecs
- Asterisk 16.61
- FreePBX
3.8.1 2019-10-28 ferow2k@github
- Add php56-intl
3.8 2019-09-13 + ivanfillipov@github
- Pinned LibXML2 to older version due to an upstream change and Asterisk can no longer detect
- Updated Asterisk to 16.5.1
- Updated Freepbx to
- Changed Download Location of SpanDSP
- Downgrade Node to 10
- Repair broken upgrade command
- Freepbx
- Asterisk 16.4.0
- Freepbx
- Hack to solve issue #83 re /data/home/asterisk not being created
- Reintroduce Fax Capabilities and SpanDSP
- New way of importing GPG Keys
- Force Specific FreePBX Version to be installed (Presently
- Rework hack for seperate DB Host upon install
- Add /var/spool/cron to the persistent data (Issue #56)
- NodeJS 12
- Asterisk 16.3.0
- Remove unneccessary ADD command
- Fix for UCP failing
- Added more Languages
- Change Module Load Order
- Downgrade MariaDB Connector to fix CDR Issues
- Embarassing fix for breaking first install
- Asterisk 16.2.0
- Fixup for restarting the container after first install
- Minor DB Fixes
- Removal of SpanDSP temporarily and app_fax due to problems with source site (soft-switch.org)
- Added MongoDB to support
environment variable/installing XMPP module from inside FreePBX. - A few more sanity checks to ensure installation completes
- Added Fax Support
This is a breaking release due to major version changes. If attempting to run from a previous release and system detects Asterisk 14 and FreePBX instructions will be given on how to let container operate. New installations only in the 3.x series.
- Asterisk 16
- Freepbx 15
- NodeJS 11
- Multilanguage Support
- Many bugfixes
- Better Debug verbosity when
- Add Asterisk Version in startup step to prepare for upcoming image shift to Asterisk 16 and FreePBX 15
- Sort Defaults in Startup Script (cosmetic)
- Add cache dir upon first startup
- Fix internal ports exposure
- Change GPG Keyserver
- Change PHP Packages Source Location
- Update MariaDB Connector
- Fix Database Sanity Tests
- Reorder Module Download
- Add Warning for Self Signed Certificate
- Stop using edge versions on initial bootup, problems have been resolved which caused this on upstream
- Refinements to environment variables being TRUE/true or FALSE/false
- Fixup PHP Memory Limit issue due to poor regex
- Refix for internal database being deleted on 2nd startup
- Remove /etc/cron.* folders to avoid calling anacron even if isnt installed
- Repair Logrotate for Apache Log files
- Fix for changed Asterisk Download link
- Update for changed MSMTP in Base Image
- Fix logrotate for Apache
- MSMTP Cleanup courtesy of @joeyberkovitz
Still fixing 2.4 release
- Update for HTTP_PORT/HTTPS_PORT Variable
- Custom Files Modification to support adding custom files outside of webroot - Follow general linux filesystem
- Final Fop2 Fix to change fop2.cfg to look to instead of localhost
- Add logrotate and output FOP log to /var/log/fop/
- Fix for FOP Installation
- Added
Variable - Added
- Flash Operator Panel 2 integrated (no need to re-install, will detect if you are upgrading)
- Customizable admin URL
- Customizable FOP URL
- Fail2ban Logrotate Fixup
- Additional Tweaks for CDR and CEL to be recorded without issues.
- Add UCP_FIRST env var to display the UCP first instead of the FreePBX Admin screen
- Tweak to ODBC Driver to allow for CDR to be recorded.
- Compile Jansson
- Compile BCG729
- Compile G729 Codecs instead of relying on prebuilt binary
- Add custom file support - Drop your files in /assets/custom following the /var/www/html directory structure and they will get overwritten (Use with care, modules may not work after this after upgrading)
- Tweak for Asterisk Logging
- Update PHP to support SMTP sending
- Add php5.6-ldap for LDAP Lookups
- Add libsrtp for TLS RTP
- Apache Cleanup
- Apache2 Fixup for Extended Status
- Add Zabbix Monitoring for Asterisk and Apache
- Shuffle Log Locations around a bit (just map /var/log as a directory now for seperated service folders)
- Tweak Fail2ban Scripts to properly block PJSIP
- Add Fail2ban script to block FreePBX authentication failures (Admin and UCP)
- Add ability to disable Fail2ban on Startup
- Set X-Real-IP in Apache2 logs, fix log location
- Sanity test for Apache logdir if following example/docker-compose.yml
- SSL Support for Apache Included - Map /certs volume somewhere, drop your keys in and set ENV Var
- Add logrotate for fail2ban and apache
- Added some error checking to exit when bad stuff happens
- Fix /etc/amportal.conf permissions after initial install courtesy of github.com/flaviut
- Be more verbose when Webroot environment variable is being changed
- Disable Indexing if custom webroot enabled
- Updated Asterisk Compilation options courtesy of github.com/flaviut
- Cleanup some of the Embedded DB Routines
- Expose more ports
- Fix RTP Port Range Modification in Database
- Update docker-compose.yml example
- Added WEBROOT variable for adding subfolder based install
- Production Ready
- Fixes Previous Download and installation steps as reported by Github users
- Installs all latest applications from --edge to avoid any signature failures
- Compiles and installs app_confbridge
0.82 2018-01-09 mattcvinvent@github.com
- Added DB_PORT verification to SQL strings
- Tweak for DB_EMBEDDED acting strange
- Support both embedded and external MariaDB servers via DB_EMBEDDED environment variable
- Debian Stretch
- Asterisk 14
- NodeJS 8.x
- Apache2 (Potentially will revert to Nginx again later)
- Seperate MariaDB database support as per original 0.2 build
- FreePBX 14
- UCP installed as part of freepbx initial install
- Test Single Container Mode proving that UCP works with Apache (Didn't work with Nginx)
- Next release will decide which way forward (Split DB or Not)
- Fix Fail2ban to properly load Asterisk Jails
- Fix Logrotate
- Remove BUILDNATIVE compiler flag for compatibility
- Composer - UCP Currently Broken
- Added NodeJS for UCP
- Added SpanDSP and Libtiff for Fax
- Fixed some install routines
- Ability to utilize same FreePBX Configuration Database for CDR Records
- Ability to dynamically set the RTP Ports upon startup
- Overall cleanup and size optimizations
- Initial Relase
- Asterisk 14
- FreePBX 14
- Nginx
- Fail2ban
- PHP-FPM 5.6
- Debian Stretch
- Requires External DB Server