This is a special place, where we provide a first look into the WoW Emulation community. While the project will not see much activity, it is the first thing shown to you on the wowemulation-dev GitHub profile to guide you into our community.
If you want to see the profile for the wowemulation-dev
community, you can
read it in profile/
. Should you see anything we
could improve on our public profile, feel free to submit a pull request or
submit an issue.
For further documentation on what this can be used for, check out the GitHub community documentation.
Copyright © 2023
Daniel S. Reichenbach <>
This repository and its contents are provided under the terms of the MIT license.
You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this repository, which can be found under
If the license file is missing you can find a copy and further details about your rights and duties on Wikipedia.