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Automated Jenkins Testing

Dave Gill edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 48 revisions


The WRF repository is linked to a Jenkins server that runs on AWS. Whenever a pull request (PR) is made or when a commit to an existing PR is made, a suite of tests are conducted. Those tests take less than an hour to complete. The purpose of this page is to fully describe the tests that are conducted and to assist the user in interpreting the test results.

The Jenkins server was developed and is maintained by ScalaComputing.

Description of Tests

What is NOT Tested

The automated tests are referred to as regression tests. A successful completion of the testing indicates that the source code modification has no side effects that break other WRF options. The testing does not specifically verify the proposed modification. The developer is responsible for demonstrating that the new code performs as expected.

What is Tested

The following table lists the broad test areas (currently 10), and the associated 24 parallel build types across those 10 broad test areas.

Test Number Mnemonic Description Type
1 em_real ARW real data S O M
2 nmm_real NMM real data S - M
3 em_chem Chemistry real S - M
4 em_quarter_ss Ideal Supercell S O M
5 em_b_wave Ideal Baroclinic Wave S O M
6 em_real8 ARW real 8-byte float S O M
7 em_quarter_ss8 Supercell 8-byte float S O M
8 em_move Moving Nest - - M
9 em_fire Ideal Ground Fire S O M
10 em_hill2d_x Ideal 2d Hill S - -

Type refers to the requested parallel option:

  • S = Serial
  • O = OpenMP
  • M = MPI

Therefore "S O M" refers to a test that is built for Serial, OpenMP, and MPI. The "S - -" entry refers to a test that is only built for Serial processing.

The regression tests are short. For each of the 24 builds (for example em_real using MPI), one or more simulations are performed. The simulations are approximately 10 time steps in length.

How is the WRF Model Test Implemented

The WRF model requires both the netCDF directory structure (lib, include, and bin), and an MPI implementation (OpenMPI is selected). The compiler is GNU, using both gfortran and gcc. To keep a uniform environment for the testing, the WRF source code, test data, and built libraries are placed inside a Docker container (one container for each of the 24 builds).

Specifics of Each Test

The simulation choices for each of the 24 builds are controlled by a script that assigns namelists.

Test Name Namelists Tested
em_real 03FD 10 11 20NE
nmm_nest 01 03 04a 06
em_chem 1 2 5
em_quarter_ss 02NE 03 03NE 04
em_b_wave 1NE 2 2NE 3
em_real8 14 17AD
em_quarter_ss8 06 08 09
em_move 01 02
em_fire 01
em_hill2d_x 01

The complete set of namelists options are available via wget or curl: tar file of WRF namelists used in the regression tests.

GitHub Visual Cues to Testing Status

Once a PR is proposed and for each subsequent commit to that PR, automated testing is performed via the Jenkins server (for security purposes, this server is not generally accessible).

When the automated tests are all complete, and if the tests were successful, then multiple green checkmarks appear: Jenkins green checkmark Jenkins green checkmark


A number of indicators are reviewed to determine SUCCESS vs FAIL, depending on the stage of the automated testing.

  1. Build SUCCESS

    • Both wrf.exe and the associated pre-processor exist and have executable privilege
  2. Individual Simulation Run SUCCESS

    1. Pre-processor print output has SUCCESS message
    2. Pre-processor netCDF output exists
    3. WRF model print output has SUCCESS message
    4. WRF model netCDF output exists for each domain
    5. Two time periods exist in each WRF model netCDF output file
    6. No occurrence of "NaN" in any WRF model netCDF output file
  3. Parallel Comparison SUCCESS (assuming same namelist configuration)

    1. If Serial and OpenMP types exist, compare bit-wise identical results
    2. If Serial and MPI types exist, compare bit-wise identical results

Interpretation of Test Results

Notification of Test Results

After approximately an hour from the time of the PR or commit, an email arrives. The email is sent from user jenkins, and due to the contents, many email servers identify the message as SPAM.

Jenkins email notification

The content of the email message lists sufficient information to determine to which PR and commit the test refers, and the email also provides the github ID of the person proposing the change (usually the email recipent).

Jenkins email information

The email contains an attachment:

Information in Attachment

  1. Download the file
  2. Inflate (decompress) this zip'ed file
  1. A new directory is created, get into that directory
cd output_testcase
  1. There are 10 files. Each file is associated with the 10 broad area tests that are conducted. For example, test 1 refers to em_real, test 2 refers to nmm_real, etc.
ls -ls
total 3896
472 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  239033 Dec 12 18:57 output_1
408 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  206813 Dec 12 18:47 output_10
624 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  316727 Dec 12 18:48 output_2
184 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   91521 Dec 12 19:09 output_3
624 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  319111 Dec 12 18:54 output_4
480 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  244403 Dec 12 18:53 output_5
264 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  134162 Dec 12 18:54 output_6
464 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  235128 Dec 12 18:53 output_7
128 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   62690 Dec 12 18:49 output_8
248 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  126681 Dec 12 18:55 output_9

Within each file are a number of sections. They can be searched and aggregated information can be displayed. The -a option to grep indicates that the file should be treated as an ASCII text file, regardless of the presence of binary characters being detected.

  1. There should be 24 total builds that are attempted:
grep -a " START" * | grep -av "CLEAN START" | wc -l
  1. There are 43 bit-for-bit comparisons:
grep -a "status = " * | wc -l

All should have status = 0 (success), so NONE should have any other status:

grep -a "status = " * | grep -av "status = 0" | wc -l
  1. There are 71 total simulations:
grep -a " = STATUS" * | wc -l

All have status = 0, so NONE have a nonzero status:

grep -a " = STATUS" * | grep -av "0 = STATUS" | wc -l


Structure of Each Output File

  1. The top part of each output file contains the print out related to creating the Docker container. This starts with:
Sending build context to Docker daemon  289.3kB
Step 1/6 : FROM davegill/wrf-coop:fifthtry
fifthtry: Pulling from davegill/wrf-coop

and ends with:

Step 6/6 : CMD ["/bin/tcsh"]
 ---> Running in e911e10a911a
Removing intermediate container e911e10a911a
 ---> b1233e0731e8
Successfully built b1233e0731e8
  1. The second part of each file is the output of the real / ideal program and the WRF model, for each of the namelist choices, for each of the parallel build types. The parallel build sections begin with:
                         SERIAL START


                         OPENMP START


                         MPI START

Within each of these larger sections, the namelists are looped over (32 is the serial build for GNU):

grep "32" output_1 | grep "NML = "
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = 03FD
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = 10
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = 11
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = 20NE
  1. The third and final section is provided only for tests that support multiple parallel build types (for example, serial and mpi). The third section details the comparisons between the different parallel build, and those comparisons should always be bit-wise identical.
tail output_1
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_03FD vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_03FD status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_03FD vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_03FD status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_10 vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_10 status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_10 vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_10 status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_11 vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_11 status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_11 vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_11 status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_20NE vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_20NE status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_20NE vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_20NE status = 0
Fri Dec 13 01:57:35 UTC 2019

Manually running a Docker Test on the MMM Classroom (for MMM Staff Only).

Here are the steps to construct a docker container that has the directory structure, data, libraries, and the executable ready for conducting a test run (typically re-running a test case that has failed).

  1. Log into the classroom as "150".

  2. Get to the right location

cd /classroom/dave/wrf-coop
  1. We use the SHARED directory as an anchor for the shared volume between Docker and Linux.
set SHARED = `pwd`
  1. Building the Docker image takes about 3 minutes, regardless of the type of WRF run. The file Dockerfile needs to point to the requested fork and branch.
docker build -t wrf_regtest .
  1. Making an instance (a Docker container) of the image takes less than 30 s. Notice that you are now IN the container (for example, your prompt has changed). This command depends on which build of the WRF model is to be tested, as the name of the container is explicitly used in most of the following commands. This name is available from the specific test to be re-run.
docker run -it --name test_001m -v $SHARED/OUTPUT:/wrf/wrfoutput wrf_regtest /bin/tcsh

The next steps build and run the WRF executable by putting data in the right places. Once the pump is primed, you'll be able to do 1-line MPI commands with WRF. Building the WRF code (step 6) takes about 3 minutes (Chemistry is about 15 minutes). Running the WRF code is quite variable, from 30 s (most cases) to 15 minutes (for Chemistry). As with the name of the test, the arguments for the build and run are available from the files test_0[01][0-9][som].csh. This example is from test_001m.csh.

6. Build the WRF executables

./script.csh BUILD CLEAN 34 1 em_real -d J=-j@8
  1. Select the specific test to re-run. This information could be from the email notification of a failure. The complete list is in the chosen test_0[01][0-9][som].csh file.
set t = 03FD
  1. Run the pre-processor and the WRF model with the script to get the correct data in the right place.
./script.csh RUN em_real 34 em_real $t NP=8
  1. Start the manual testing by going to the WRF run-time directory.
cd WRF/test/em_real
  1. Now you can test with WRF repeatedly. Note also, that is is where you can modify a namelist manually to conduct a specific test for a new feature.
mpirun -np 8 -oversubscribe wrf.exe
  1. If the job is Serial:
  1. If the job is OpenMP
  1. If you exit the container, you can always get back "in" and keep working.
docker start -ai test_001m
cd WRF/test/em_real
mpirun -np 8 -oversubscribe wrf.exe
  1. If you need to transfer a file to-from the container, use /wrf/wrfoutput inside the container and use /classroom/dave/wrf-coop/OUTPUT outside of the container.

  2. You can always remove the (docker rm) containers and (docker rmi) images. There are no side effects. First exit the container, then from the Linux OS, get the container name and remove it.

docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS               NAMES
428227e682bd        wrf_regtest         "/bin/tcsh"         17 minutes ago      Exited (0) 5 seconds ago                       test_001m
docker rm test_001m
  1. Get the names of the images, and remove them.
docker images
REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
wrf_regtest                   latest              c182ba751eb0        23 minutes ago      4.72 GB   fifthtry            efc665da99ef        7 months ago        4.28 GB
docker rmi c182ba751eb0 efc665da99ef