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WRF Known Problems V4.0.1

Kelly Werner edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 6 revisions

Bug in RRTMG with o3input=2 option


When RRTMG is turned on with CAM ozone as input (o3input=2), the variable ozmixm has 13 elements in time dimension, and monthly ozone data is stored in the 2nd to 13th elements, corresponding to 1-12 month. In the subroutine "ozn_time_int", however, the time dimension for "ozmixm" is not specified accordingly. This causes the interpolation to be off by 1 month, giving an incorrect zero-value.


The above problem is corrected in the phys/module_radiation_driver.F file. See this PR#776 for additional details and specific code modifications. You can also download the corrected file here:Modified module_radiation_driver.F
You will need to place the modified file in your phys/ directory and then recompile the code. There is no need to issue a 'clean -a' or to reconfigure prior to recompiling.