- Does the current git version compile? Do the checks on GitHub work?
- Enter the new version number into CMakeLists.txt
- Update the version numbers in the 'docker-wxmaxima' repository (
- Update in order to announce the new version on
- Update data/io.github.wxmaxima_developers.wxMaxima.appdata.xml with the information about the new release. Most html tags are forbidden by flatpack or appImage builders.
- Validate the appdata file with: appstream-util validate data/io.github.wxmaxima_developers.wxMaxima.appdata.xml
- Update snap/snapcraft.yaml
- Run "make test"
- Does test/testbench_simple.wxmx work?
- Update the included HTML manuals.
- Create an (annotated: using "git tag -a") git tag for the release
- Push the tag to GitHub, using: git push origin --tags
- When building binaries (RPM, DEB, binary tar.gz, ...) do a RELEASE build:
configure wxMaxima with
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
This will not append the Suffix "_DevelopmentSnapshot" to the file names of the generated packages. (This is done, when building (default) "Debug" builds, so that Development versions can be clearly recognized. - Go to the releases page GitHub and convert the tag into a release. If possible add an Windows installer too. Be sure, to remove the 'draft' status. Log out from GitHub and check, if you see the release as an anonymous user too.
- Update the release info in the files download.html and in version.txt in the gh_pages branch.
- Download the tarball (.tar.gz and .zip version) and run the following command on them: gpg --armor --detach-sign
- On the release page on github modify the release to contain the two .asc files the command produced.
- In Maxima's source tree in crosscompile-windows/wxmaxima/CMakeLists.txt: Change the version number and the MD5 sum of the release tarball to the newest value.
- Create a Windows installer using the 'Crosscompiled-Windows-installer' repository and add it to the release.