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A nifty plugin to get the latest news articles in a second powered by Telescope.

(Sorry, the gif plays slow. It's much faster than this)



  • Load the latest headlines from multiple sources.
  • View a snippet in Telescope's previewer.
  • Load the articles in your native browser.



Install this package with whatever package manager you want. Be sure to include plenary and telescope as news.nvim is dependent on both.

use {
  requires = {


Configuration is done by calling setup and passing a list of sources:

require'news'.setup {
   -- Sources and configuration go here

Below is an examle configuration that configures all avaliable news sources:

require'news'.setup {
  require'news.sources.new_york_times'.new {
    api_key = { value = 'nyt_api_key' },
    section = 'home',
  require'news.sources.news_api'.new {
    api_key = { value = 'news_api_key' },
    country = 'us'


No commands or bindings are setup by default for this. This library exposes two functions on the result of the setup function:

Function Description
open_headlines_in_telescope() This is the primary function that will be used. This fetches all news articles and puts them in telescope.
fetch_headlines This does nothing when run, and is intended to be used by other plugins. It can be used to fetch a list of headlines.

Both of these functions live in the result of setup, so you can call them like:

require'news'.setup { --[[ your config here ]]-- }.open_headlines_in_telescope()

Optionally, you can create a command with:

:command News lua require'news'.setup {}.open_headlines_in_telescope()

News Sources

news.nvim is designed so that users can select their own news sources to fetch articles from. As of now, there are only 2, but more are always welcome!

Built in news sources

These news sources can be used easily out-of-the-box.


Most configuration requires an AppId defined here:

  value = "my key", -- A string literal for the api key.
  var_name = "SOME_ENV_VAR", -- An alternative to `value` which lets you store your key in an environment variable.

This prioritizes the key stored in var_name (if there is one).

Field Notes
api_key AppId Required. The api key from the Ny Times website.
section (string) Defaults to "home" if none is provided. Look at the Top Stories endpoint documentation for possible values
Field Notes
api_key `AppId Required. The api key from the News Api website.
country (string) Required. The country code to fetch articles for. See the Top Headlines api reference for possible values.

Adding custom news sources

Additionally, you can add your own news sources with a bit of lua. The setup command expects an array of tables with a fetch_headlines function which returns an array of Articles. Checkout lua/news/init.lua for more information.

Contributing a source

Like many projects, contributions are always appreciated. If you want to add a news source, simply create a new file: lua/news/sources/my_new_source.lua. It should provide a new function which takes parameters for this source and returns a table with a fetch_headlines function. Read more details in lua/news/init.lua.


  • Dynamically search through news sources
  • Stabilize API

Disclaimer: I do not endorse any of these news sources.


A NeoVim plugin to get news at your fingertips!



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