Time Device Name Type PID Tag Message 09-16 01:25:12.267 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27075 GoogleInputMethodService GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4078 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 09-16 01:25:12.267 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27075 GoogleInputMethodService GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1957 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.launcher fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=null}, false) 09-16 01:25:12.267 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27075 GoogleInputMethodService GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2166 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 09-16 01:25:12.266 OnePlus LE2121 Info 15528 [0]DCS-StrategyManager isNeedUpload: true, type: 2006, appID: 30060, logTag: anr_crash_stats, eventID: eap_anr_crash 09-16 01:25:12.266 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27075 GoogleInputMethodService GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3274 09-16 01:25:12.265 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.tinder 09-16 01:25:12.265 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask 09-16 01:25:12.265 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:12.265 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask 09-16 01:25:12.264 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 InputMethodManagerService isSecurity= false ( enable=false needShow=false inBlackList=false isExist=true ) 09-16 01:25:12.264 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 InputMethodManagerService isSecurity: attribute.packageName=com.android.launcher mCurMethodId=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME 09-16 01:25:12.260 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.260 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 DispPerfService VRR [OTI] Fool-Proof Reset ! 09-16 01:25:12.259 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 FocusResolver updateFocusedWindow, 3be3fba com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher on display 0, reason: Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE, result: FocusedWindows: displayId=0, name='3be3fba com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher' 09-16 01:25:12.254 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 WindowStateExtImpl onSurfaceShowChange show = true mPackageName = com.android.launcher parentPkgName = com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:12.253 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4054 OplusWallpaperServiceHelper getDarkModeWallpaperWindowAlpha. nightMode = false 09-16 01:25:12.252 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 BroadcastQueue Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-16 01:25:12.252 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 BroadcastQueue Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 09-16 01:25:12.252 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 OplusWallpaperServiceHelper isNightMode is true 09-16 01:25:12.251 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.250 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService onAnimationFinished: r = ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} handleAppVisible , r = ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} handleAppVisible , r = ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} 09-16 01:25:12.250 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService updateBackgroundSurface openingApp: ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} 09-16 01:25:12.250 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27665 GsaVoiceInteractionSrv Cannot start hotword, hotword has been explicitly disabled. 09-16 01:25:12.249 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27665 GsaVoiceInteractionSrv (REDACTED) disregardVoiceMatch: %b 09-16 01:25:12.249 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27665 GsaVoiceInteractionSrv Handling ACTION_START_HOTWORD 09-16 01:25:12.247 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 OplusSelfProtectManager pkg[com.oplus.crashbox] not in policy list 09-16 01:25:12.243 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 OplusSelfProtectManager pkg[com.oplus.crashbox] not in policy list 09-16 01:25:12.243 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.242 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73473, name=Surface(name=f9b6ac4 NavigationBar0)/@0x6f7b59a - animation-leash of insets_animation#1 0xb400006f0c943780 09-16 01:25:12.242 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73472, name=Surface(name=b1dac05 StatusBar)/@0xfdb7aad - animation-leash of insets_animation#1 0xb400006f0c9f3fc0 09-16 01:25:12.242 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 9041 CrashBox_FileUtils failed to get Info: exists=false, canRead=false 09-16 01:25:12.240 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusDisplayPolicy com.android.launcher, change system app cutoutMode: oplus always 09-16 01:25:12.240 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 ANDR-PERF-JNI UXEngine Trigger - Returning null 09-16 01:25:12.239 OnePlus LE2121 Info 726 hwservicemanager getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 09-16 01:25:12.239 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 OplusSelfProtectManager pkg[com.oplus.crashbox] not in policy list 09-16 01:25:12.238 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 OplusSelfProtectManager pkg[com.oplus.crashbox] not in policy list 09-16 01:25:12.237 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 BroadcastQueue Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-16 01:25:12.237 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 BroadcastQueue Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 09-16 01:25:12.236 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14384 OpenGLRenderer Davey! duration=377185ms; Flags=1, FrameTimelineVsyncId=19814003, IntendedVsync=373316230428948, Vsync=373316230428948, InputEventId=1838883480, HandleInputStart=373316231003058, AnimationStart=373316231007120, PerformTraversalsStart=373316231008370, DrawStart=373316239192693, FrameDeadline=373316246095614, FrameInterval=373316230969099, FrameStartTime=8333333, SyncQueued=373316239534464, SyncStart=373316239664777, IssueDrawCommandsStart=373316241308370, SwapBuffers=373316250597329, FrameCompleted=373693416225726, DequeueBufferDuration=8336042, QueueBufferDuration=681771, GpuCompleted=373693416225726, SwapBuffersCompleted=373316251802537, DisplayPresentTime=0, 09-16 01:25:12.235 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.234 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73468, name=Splash Screen com.magnetto.CharityHero#0 0xb400006f0c8e1840 09-16 01:25:12.231 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 WindowManager Failed looking up window session=Session{489c4e9 2045:1000} callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked:5841 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2129 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:226 09-16 01:25:12.229 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TaskChangeNotificationControllerExtImpl Skip pass Snapshot to listener:android.app.ITaskStackListener$Stub$Proxy@4b09b79 09-16 01:25:12.229 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 BLASTBufferQueue BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect() 09-16 01:25:12.228 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 WindowManager Cannot find window which accessibility connection is added to 09-16 01:25:12.228 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 Theia.NoFocusWindow FocusWindowErrorScene cancelCheckFreezeScreen 09-16 01:25:12.227 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 OplusSelfProtectManager pkg[com.oplus.crashbox] not in policy list 09-16 01:25:12.226 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.225 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 ActivityTaskManager onWindowFocusChanged Task{2cb58a4 #5 type=undefined I=com.android.launcher/.Launcher U=0 rootTaskId=1 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1} would transfer to compact 09-16 01:25:12.225 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService notifyCompactWindowState task: Task{2cb58a4 #5 type=undefined I=com.android.launcher/.Launcher U=0 rootTaskId=1 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1}; hasFocus: true 09-16 01:25:12.225 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73475, name=Task=16550#1 0xb400006f42b965c0 09-16 01:25:12.225 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73466, name=ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity#0 0xb400006f0c95a7c0 09-16 01:25:12.225 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 WindowManager Changing focus from null to Window{3be3fba u0 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher},diplayid=0 09-16 01:25:12.222 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowDecorViewHelper removeZoomView 09-16 01:25:12.220 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 ActivityTaskManager Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=16550 attached=false 09-16 01:25:12.220 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 ActivityTaskManager Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=16550 attached=false 09-16 01:25:12.218 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4072 ColorModeChangeItem preExecute mColorMode=0,token=android.os.BinderProxy@eedf7ad 09-16 01:25:12.217 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.217 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 ColorDisplayServiceExtImpl getWCGModeForAPP,packageName=com.android.launcher,sSupportWCGManager=true,nRet=0 09-16 01:25:12.217 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusFeatureColorMode ColorMode getColorMode =6 09-16 01:25:12.217 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TaskExtImpl addColorModeOnResume resume=true pkg = com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:12.217 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73467, name=13349c8 Splash Screen com.magnetto.CharityHero#0 0xb400006f0c96f000 09-16 01:25:12.216 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusResourcePreloadManager resume pkg: com.android.launcher, uid:10405, prev pkg: com.magnetto.CharityHero, prev uid: 10643 09-16 01:25:12.216 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 Osense-DecisionMaker getCurrentSysStats, memMb: 1538 09-16 01:25:12.215 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 Osense-DecisionMaker notifySceneToPolicy...SCENE_LAUNCHER 09-16 01:25:12.215 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager notifyAppGoBackground, uid=10643 09-16 01:25:12.215 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager notifyAppGoForeground, uid=10405 09-16 01:25:12.214 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager front pkg: com.android.launcher, uid: 10405, prev pkg: com.magnetto.CharityHero, prev uid: 10643 09-16 01:25:12.214 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity and packageName&activity is not Empty 09-16 01:25:12.214 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity and componentName != null 09-16 01:25:12.214 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity and intent != null 09-16 01:25:12.214 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity 09-16 01:25:12.213 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TaskExtImpl remove ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t-1 f}} to mActivityRecordSum = Counter{ } 09-16 01:25:12.213 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService notifyCompactWindowState task: Task{7507a4b #1 type=undefined ?? U=0 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1}; hasFocus: true 09-16 01:25:12.213 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusScreenSecurityMask onStackRemoved task = Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=standard A=10643:com.magnetto.CharityHero U=0 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=0} record = null displayId = 0 09-16 01:25:12.213 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusMirageWindowManagerService onTaskRemoved displayid:0 taskId:16550 callers:com.android.server.wm.TaskDisplayArea.removeChildTask:430 com.android.server.wm.TaskDisplayArea.removeChild:419 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.removeImmediately:687 com.android.server.wm.Task.removeImmediately:3478 com.android.server.wm.Task.removeIfPossible:1064 09-16 01:25:12.209 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.209 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSplitScreenManagerService notifyRemoveStartingWindow mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return! 09-16 01:25:12.209 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusStartingWindowManager interceptRemoveStartingWindow activity.packageName=com.magnetto.CharityHero isSnapshot=false mStartingSurfaceRunnable=null 09-16 01:25:12.209 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusStartingWindowManager window attributes color: 0 icon null duration 0 brandImage null 09-16 01:25:12.208 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusStartingWindowManager window attributes color: 0 icon null duration 0 brandImage null 09-16 01:25:12.206 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 InputManager-JNI Input channel object '13349c8 Splash Screen com.magnetto.CharityHero (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 09-16 01:25:12.205 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 WindowStateExtImpl onSurfaceShowChange show = false mPackageName = com.magnetto.CharityHero parentPkgName = com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:12.205 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService onAnimationFinished: r = ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550 f}} 09-16 01:25:12.195 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73474, name=Screenshot Parent 0xb400006f0c9ac540 09-16 01:25:12.186 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager onUidGone(), 10643 com.magnetto.CharityHero exit SM 09-16 01:25:12.184 OnePlus LE2121 Info 15528 [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData sendAppBgEvent: has no pkgName=com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:12.184 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 7548 DeepThinker ProcessManager: onProcessDied pid:14018, uid:10643 09-16 01:25:12.183 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2150 theia_socket nowEvent is not KeyEvent 09-16 01:25:12.183 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2150 theia_socket recv 4298113028:ApplicationFGCrash:1663280712182 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1175 com.android.server.am.OplusExtraActivityManagerService.setKeyLockModeNormal:51 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerServiceExtImpl.setKeyLockModeNormal:841 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.appDiedLocked:3389 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:1531 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaSocketClient send message success 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 ActivityManager Process com.magnetto.CharityHero (pid 14018) has died: fg TOP 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaCrashMonitor com.magnetto.CharityHerocrash 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaSocketClient TheiaSend receive content : 4298113028:ApplicationFGCrash:1663280712182 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager KEY:packageNameVALUE:com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager KEY:packageVersionVALUE:2.0.0 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager KEY:appNameVALUE:Charity Hero 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager KEY:deadMomentVALUE:1663280712180 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager KEY:logTypeVALUE:ApplicationFGCrash 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager No stackTrace found in args 09-16 01:25:12.182 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 TheiaManager [tagL]: calling catchLog()..., focusedPid:4072 pids:[4072] 09-16 01:25:12.181 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} callDeclaredMethod : com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord.getPid param[] null args[]null 09-16 01:25:12.181 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager Display 0 info=DisplayInfo{"Встроенный экран", displayId 0", displayGroupId 0, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, FLAG_TRUSTED, real 1440 x 3216, largest app 3088 x 3088, smallest app 1440 x 1344, appVsyncOff 2000000, presDeadline 8333333, mode 8, defaultMode 5, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2412, fps=120.00001, alternativeRefreshRates=[60.000004, 60.000004, 72.00001, 90.0, 90.0]}, {id=2, width=1080, height=2412, fps=60.000004, alternativeRefreshRates=[72.00001, 90.0, 90.0, 120.00001, 120.00001]}, {id=3, width=1080, height=2412, fps=72.00001, alternativeRefreshRates=[60.000004, 60.000004, 90.0, 90.0, 120.00001, 120.00001]}, {id=4, width=1080, height=2412, fps=90.0, alternativeRefreshRates=[60.000004, 60.000004, 72.00001, 120.00001, 120.00001]}, {id=5, width=1440, height=3216, fps=60.000004, alternativeRefreshRates=[72.00001, 90.0, 90.0, 120.00001, 120.00001]}, {id=6, width=1440, height=3216, fps=72.00001, alternativeRefreshRates=[60.000004, 60.000004, 60.000004, 90.0, 90.0, 120.00001, 120.00001]}, {id=7, width=1440, height=3216, fps=90.0, alternativeRefreshRates=[60.000004, 60.000004, 60.000004, 72.00001, 120.00001, 120.00001]}, {id=8, width=1440, height=3216, fps=120.00001, alternativeRefreshRates=[60.000004, 60.000004, 60.000004, 72.00001, 90.0, 90.0]}], hdrCapabilities HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[2, 3, 4], mMaxLuminance=540.0, mMaxAverageLuminance=270.1, mMinLuminance=0.2}, userDisabledHdrTypes [], minimalPostProcessingSupported false, rotation 0, state ON, type INTERNAL, uniqueId "local:4630946292801050754", app 1440 x 3088, density 640 (501.041 x 510.539) dpi, layerStack 0, colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0, 7, 9], address {port=130, model=0x40446d1e145198}, deviceProductInfo DeviceProductInfo{name=, manufacturerPnpId=QCM, productId=1, modelYear=null, manufactureDate=ManufactureDate{week=27, year=2006}, connectionToSinkType=0}, removeMode 0, refreshRateOverride 0.0, brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 3758.0} rootTasks=[WindowedMagnification:0:31@228101179, HideDisplayCutout:32:55@166803646, Leaf:56:57@218592121, HideDisplayCutout:58:99@56144614, Leaf:100:100@115694913] getDeclaredField : com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.mFocusedApp 09-16 01:25:12.181 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 libprocessgroup Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10643 pid 14018 in 0ms 09-16 01:25:12.180 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer@e18b3f callDeclaredMethod : com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.getTopFocusedDisplayContent param[] null args[]null 09-16 01:25:12.180 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TheiaManager com.android.server.wm.OplusWindowManagerService@b64433e getDeclaredField : com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.mRoot 09-16 01:25:12.180 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 Process Unable to open /proc/14018/status 09-16 01:25:12.179 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 BroadcastQueue Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 09-16 01:25:12.179 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 OplusSelfProtectManager pkg[com.oplus.crashbox] not in policy list 09-16 01:25:12.179 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 BroadcastQueue Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 09-16 01:25:12.178 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 DropBoxManagerService file :: /data/system/dropbox/SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO@1663280712177.dat.gz 09-16 01:25:12.178 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAnrCrashMonitor bind to service from AnrCrashParams{ Tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE, id=e954c46} 09-16 01:25:12.173 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusKeepAliveManager TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{40c847f 4072:com.android.launcher/u0a405} uid is 10405 09-16 01:25:12.172 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1065 Zygote Process 14018 exited due to signal 6 (Aborted) 09-16 01:25:12.171 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 GLWallpaperService.GLEngineOos Stop render, position: 2 true 09-16 01:25:12.171 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 OplusThermalStats Error getting package info: com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:12.171 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4387 iopgp Iopgp::abort tracing. 09-16 01:25:12.171 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4387 iopgp Iopgp: TRANSACTION_IOPGP_ON_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_CANCELLED sequence_id = 144 title = 09-16 01:25:12.169 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 DropBoxManagerService add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4 09-16 01:25:12.167 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.166 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu_boost/input_boost_freq - 0:0 4:0 7:0. 09-16 01:25:12.166 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 DropBoxManagerService file :: /data/system/dropbox/SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE@1663280712165.txt.gz 09-16 01:25:12.166 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /dev/stune/foreground/schedtune.prefer_idle failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_trigger_count - 0. 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_length - 0. 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/hist_memory - 0. 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_trigger_count - 0. 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_length - 0. 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hist_memory - 0. 09-16 01:25:12.165 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/module/cpufreq_bouncing/parameters/config - 1,1,11,30,2,50,1,50. 09-16 01:25:12.164 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:12.164 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:12.163 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 DropBoxManagerService file :: /data/system/dropbox/data_app_native_crash@1663280712160.txt 09-16 01:25:12.162 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 ActivityTrigger ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 09-16 01:25:12.162 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:12.162 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService prepareZoomTransition: curStack=Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=standard A=10643:com.magnetto.CharityHero U=0 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1} nextStackTask{7507a4b #1 type=undefined ?? U=0 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1} 09-16 01:25:12.162 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:12.161 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 InputDispatcher setFocusedApplication displayId=0 ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} 09-16 01:25:12.156 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 DropBoxManagerService add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x6 Force finishing activity com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity 09-16 01:25:12.155 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 BootReceiver Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_30 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 09-16 01:25:12.155 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 DropBoxManagerService add tag=data_app_native_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 09-16 01:25:12.154 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAmsUtilsFeatrue detectExceptionsForOIDT type:0 09-16 01:25:12.151 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14384 A (REDACTED) onApplyWindowInsets: systemWindowInsets=%s 09-16 01:25:12.151 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14384 A (REDACTED) onApplyWindowInsets: systemWindowInsets=%s 09-16 01:25:12.150 OnePlus LE2121 Error 827 tombstoned Tombstone written to: tombstone_30 09-16 01:25:12.147 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14384 BLASTBufferQueue BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect() 09-16 01:25:12.143 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG backtrace: #00 pc 00000000000799c8 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168) (BuildId: bbbdeb7c87c74f1491f92c6e605095b0) #01 pc 000000000028e850 /data/app/~~mQWl4d5FP3OqFcpeSKX7bg==/com.magnetto.CharityHero-VYCgqLrI6iL0FtJPOcX_Ag==/lib/arm64/libmonosgen-2.0.so (monoeg_assert_abort+24) 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG ' x0 0000000000000000 x1 00000000000036c2 x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000007fe77ee9f0 x4 64692e7164636b68 x5 64692e7164636b68 x6 64692e7164636b68 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f x8 00000000000000f0 x9 61ce52b2e8497e1a x10 0000000000000000 x11 ffffff80fffffbdf x12 0000000000000001 x13 00000000000000a3 x14 0000007fe77ed890 x15 0000000034155555 x16 00000079473f1bc0 x17 00000079473cc680 x18 0000000000000008 x19 00000000000036c2 x20 00000000000036c2 x21 00000000ffffffff x22 00000078210a87cc x23 0000007821177a28 x24 b4000078a8f13a00 x25 00000078299b0000 x26 00000078210a87a4 x27 0000000000000000 x28 000000795c691000 x29 0000007fe77eea70 lr 000000794737c99c sp 0000007fe77ee9d0 pc 000000794737c9c8 pst 0000000000001000 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Abort message: '* Assertion at /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/archive-mono/2020-02/android/release/mono/mini/tramp-arm64.c:52, condition `((ins >> 24) & 0x1f) == 0x10' not met 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr -------- 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG uid: 10643 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG pid: 14018, tid: 14018, name: tto.CharityHero >>> com.magnetto.CharityHero <<< 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Cmdline: com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Process uptime: 0s 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Timestamp: 2022-09-16 01:25:11.900898207+0300 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG ABI: 'arm64' 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Revision: '0' 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus9Pro_IND/OnePlus9Pro:12/RKQ1.211119.001/R.202208121853:user/release-keys' 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG keyProcess: 0 09-16 01:25:12.140 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG Process name is com.magnetto.CharityHero, not key_process 09-16 01:25:12.139 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 Live.Animation setToScreenState# 2 09-16 01:25:12.139 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 GLWallpaperService.GLEngineOos visibilityAndDisplayChanged# END animation state 2 09-16 01:25:12.139 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 GLWallpaperService.GLEngineOos visibilityAndDisplayChanged# wallpaper is under app 09-16 01:25:12.139 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 GLWallpaperService.GLEngineOos visibilityAndDisplayChanged# animation state 2 false false true 09-16 01:25:12.139 OnePlus LE2121 Error 4072 BLASTBufferQueue BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect() 09-16 01:25:12.138 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4054 GLWallpaperService.GLEngineOos onVisibilityChanged# visible: false interactive: true keyguardLocked: false false 09-16 01:25:12.136 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 WindowStateExtImpl onSurfaceShowChange show = false mPackageName = com.android.launcher parentPkgName = com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:12.133 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.133 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService onAnimationFinished: r = ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} handleAppVisible , r = ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} 09-16 01:25:12.132 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService onAnimationFinished: r = ActivityRecord{86ee60d u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5} 09-16 01:25:12.125 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.116 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.108 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.100 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.091 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.083 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.075 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.066 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.058 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.049 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.041 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.033 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.024 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.016 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:12.008 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.999 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.991 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.982 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.974 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.966 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.957 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.949 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.941 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.932 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.924 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.916 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.907 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.901 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14040 DEBUG failed to read /proc/uptime: Permission denied 09-16 01:25:11.899 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.894 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14040 crash_dump64 performing dump of process 14018 (target tid = 14018) 09-16 01:25:11.894 OnePlus LE2121 Info 827 tombstoned received crash request for pid 14018 09-16 01:25:11.893 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14040 crash_dump64 obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstoneProto 09-16 01:25:11.890 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.882 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.873 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.865 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.857 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.849 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.846 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14018 libc Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 14018 (tto.CharityHero), pid 14018 (tto.CharityHero) 09-16 01:25:11.846 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14018 tto.CharityHer * Assertion at /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/archive-mono/2020-02/android/release/mono/mini/tramp-arm64.c:52, condition `((ins >> 24) & 0x1f) == 0x10' not met 09-16 01:25:11.840 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.832 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.823 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.815 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.810 OnePlus LE2121 Info 27665 GsaVoiceInteractionSrv Handling ACTION_STOP_HOTWORD 09-16 01:25:11.807 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.804 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.tinder 09-16 01:25:11.804 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask 09-16 01:25:11.804 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.804 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppListInterceptManager shouldFilterTask 09-16 01:25:11.798 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.791 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 09-16 01:25:11.790 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 09-16 01:25:11.790 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 14018 GraphicsEnvironment App is not on the allowlist for updatable production driver. 09-16 01:25:11.790 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.790 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 14018 GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE Developer option for 'com.magnetto.CharityHero' set to: 'default' 09-16 01:25:11.788 OnePlus LE2121 Error 5095 oiface client not found, skipped 09-16 01:25:11.783 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 LoadedApk mApplicationInfo overrideDisplayId:null 09-16 01:25:11.782 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14018 OplusFeatureCache Milliseconds spent on init(): 2 09-16 01:25:11.782 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.778 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusGameRotationService lockRotationInGame: change state to 0 09-16 01:25:11.778 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 24091 ZoomAppController ignore onAppEnter: mCurrentZoomInfo is null 09-16 01:25:11.777 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusRefreshRatePolicy] findDisplayModeIdByPolicy policy: POLICY_SYSTEM, baseModeId 7, policyModeId 7, newModeId 7 09-16 01:25:11.777 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusRefreshRatePolicy] policy: POLICY_SYSTEM 09-16 01:25:11.777 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusRefreshRateService] findDisplayModeIdByPolicy policy: POLICY_SYSTEM displayId: 0 baseModeId: 7 09-16 01:25:11.776 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 AthenaService MemoryGuardAction: handleAppChange 09-16 01:25:11.776 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 CompactWindowAppManager initCompactApplicationInfo 09-16 01:25:11.776 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 4169 Battery ThermalControllHandler: MSG_THERMAL_CONTROL_CATEGORY_CHANGED 09-16 01:25:11.775 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 4169 Battery ThermalControllHandler: tempGear=1,configItemName=common_config 09-16 01:25:11.775 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14018 oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl getOplusAutoResolutionFeature 09-16 01:25:11.775 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14018 oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl get feature:IOplusAutoResolutionFeature 09-16 01:25:11.775 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10643; state: ENABLED 09-16 01:25:11.773 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.772 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 4169 Battery ThermalControllerCenter: mSafetyState=10000 09-16 01:25:11.772 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 4169 Battery ThermalControllHandler: tempLevel=1,userMode=2,gameUserMode=-1,appType=-1,envTempType=0,appStates=[] 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusGameStatusManager] setGameStop: CurPkgNamecom.magnetto.CharityHero GameController: null 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusGameStatusManager] setFrontPackageName pkgName: com.magnetto.CharityHero CurPkgName: null 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusExternalRefreshRateManager] setFrontPackageName pkgName: com.magnetto.CharityHero CurPkgName: null 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusRefreshRateService] handleFrontAppChange pkgName: com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager] packageName: com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager] OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppEnter , info.targetName = com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 DCSEX-AppSwitchManager OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppEnter, launchedFrom = com.android.launcher, target = com.magnetto.CharityHero, is firstStart = true, is multiApp = false, extensionInfo = Bundle[{taskId=16550, pid=14018, uid=10643}] 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusEapManager mTargetEnterName :com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.771 OnePlus LE2121 Info 15528 [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData sendAppBgEvent: has no pkgName=com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.770 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 4169 Battery ThermalControlUtils: mForegroundPkg=com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.768 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlas.OplusMessageHandler handleMessage: Msg { when=0 what=2 obj=com.oplus.atlas.OplusAtlasEvent@e317932 target=com.oplus.atlas.OplusMessageHandler$MyHandler } 09-16 01:25:11.768 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlas.OplusAudioScene callback success event:atlas_event_on_foreground_activities_changed eventInfo:pid:14018,uid:10643,hasForegroundActivities:1 09-16 01:25:11.767 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 7548 DeepThinker ProcessManager: onForegroundActivitiesChanged pid:14018, uid:10643, foregroundActivities:true 09-16 01:25:11.767 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlas.OplusAtlasEventDispatch setEvent:atlas_event_on_foreground_activities_changed info:pid:14018,uid:10643,hasForegroundActivities:1 09-16 01:25:11.766 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 DisplayManagerService Delivering display event: displayId=0, event=2 09-16 01:25:11.765 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.762 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusGameStatusManager] setGameStop: CurPkgNamenull GameController: null 09-16 01:25:11.762 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusGameStatusManager] setFrontPackageName pkgName: null CurPkgName: com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:11.762 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusExternalRefreshRateManager] setFrontPackageName pkgName: null CurPkgName: com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:11.762 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusRefreshRateService] handleFrontAppChange pkgName: null 09-16 01:25:11.762 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusKeepAliveManager TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{95318b2 14018:com.magnetto.CharityHero/u0a643} uid is 10643 09-16 01:25:11.760 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 ColorModeChangeItem preExecute mColorMode=0,token=android.os.BinderProxy@fef4d1 09-16 01:25:11.760 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4072 IconConfigParser parseConfig::icon config =: IconConfig = [ isForeign : true,theme : 3,iconSize : 4725,iconShape : 0,foregroundSize : 5600,artPlusOn : 1,iconRadius :75,darkModeIcon:1,localSpecial:false ] 09-16 01:25:11.759 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 DCSEX-AppLaunchEventRecorder onAppSwitch from = com.android.launcher to = com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.759 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4072 IconConfigParser parseConfig::icon config =: IconConfig = [ isForeign : true,theme : 3,iconSize : 4725,iconShape : 0,foregroundSize : 5600,artPlusOn : 1,iconRadius :75,darkModeIcon:1,localSpecial:false ] 09-16 01:25:11.759 OnePlus LE2121 Error 4072 SimulationInteractor tryGetAnimationPainterInstance error:com.oplus.painteranimationpanel.api.AnimPainterInstance 09-16 01:25:11.759 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.758 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 OplusThermalStats Error getting package info: com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.758 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager] packageName: null 09-16 01:25:11.758 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.757 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.757 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager] OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppExit , info.targetName = com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:11.757 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 DCSEX-AppSwitchManager OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppExit, resuming = com.magnetto.CharityHero, target = com.android.launcher, is ResumingFirstStart = true, is ResumingMultiApp = false, extensionInfo = Bundle[{taskId=16550, uid=10643}] 09-16 01:25:11.757 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusEapManager mTargetExitName :com.android.launcher 09-16 01:25:11.757 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 InputDispatcher setFocusedApplication displayId=0 ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} 09-16 01:25:11.757 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAppSwitchManagerService appswitch hasProcess ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} 09-16 01:25:11.756 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73460, name=Surface(name=f9b6ac4 NavigationBar0)/@0x6f7b59a - animation-leash of insets_animation#0 0xb400006f1173a240 09-16 01:25:11.756 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusJoystickManager handleApplicationSwitch deprecated! 09-16 01:25:11.756 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAppSwitchManagerService appswitch hasProcess ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} 09-16 01:25:11.756 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer ~Layer() sequence=73459, name=Surface(name=b1dac05 StatusBar)/@0xfdb7aad - animation-leash of insets_animation#0 0xb400006f0dd20280 09-16 01:25:11.755 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 ColorDisplayServiceExtImpl getWCGModeForAPP,packageName=com.magnetto.CharityHero,sSupportWCGManager=true,nRet=0 09-16 01:25:11.755 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusFeatureColorMode ColorMode getColorMode =6 09-16 01:25:11.755 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusDexOptimizeManager Do not in AppLaunchOptList! 09-16 01:25:11.752 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 WindowStateExtImpl onSurfaceShowChange show = true mPackageName = com.magnetto.CharityHero parentPkgName = com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.748 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.748 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SurfaceComposerClient VRR [FRTC] client handle [bufferId:18446744073709551615 framenumber:0] [ffffffff, ffffffff] 09-16 01:25:11.747 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1408 OplusLayer VRR [FRTC] update from -1 to 0 09-16 01:25:11.747 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusLayer setBuffer sequence=73468, name=Splash Screen com.magnetto.CharityHero#0 09-16 01:25:11.747 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 cutils-dev properties changed in otrace_seq_number_changed! 09-16 01:25:11.745 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSplitScreenManagerService isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return! 09-16 01:25:11.745 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSplitScreenManagerService isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return! 09-16 01:25:11.745 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSplitScreenManagerService isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return! 09-16 01:25:11.745 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSplitScreenManagerService isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return! 09-16 01:25:11.745 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService updateBackgroundSurface openingApp: ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} 09-16 01:25:11.743 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 158002302; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 09-16 01:25:11.740 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1267 ANDR-PERF-LM MetaMeter: handleAsync() 166: AdaptLaunch Invalid Async 09-16 01:25:11.738 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 cutils-dev otrace_set_tracing_enabled? true 09-16 01:25:11.738 OnePlus LE2121 Info 14018 OneTrace Mark active for pid=14018? true 09-16 01:25:11.736 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 14018 ProcessState Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument 09-16 01:25:11.735 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14018 tto.CharityHer Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 09-16 01:25:11.732 OnePlus LE2121 Error 14018 tto.CharityHer Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000 09-16 01:25:11.723 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 FocusResolver updateFocusedWindow, on display 0, reason: NO_WINDOW, result: FocusedWindows: 09-16 01:25:11.723 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.722 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowDecorViewHelper setLastReportedMergedConfiguration mZoomDisplayHeight: 3216 getDecorView.184323002 09-16 01:25:11.721 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 Theia.NoFocusWindow FocusWindowErrorScene CheckFreezeScreen 09-16 01:25:11.721 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService notifyCompactWindowState task: Task{2cb58a4 #5 type=undefined I=com.android.launcher/.Launcher U=0 rootTaskId=1 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1}; hasFocus: false 09-16 01:25:11.721 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 WindowManager Changing focus from Window{3be3fba u0 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher} to null,diplayid=0 09-16 01:25:11.718 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusDisplayPolicy com.magnetto.CharityHero, no change cutoutMode: 0 09-16 01:25:11.718 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusAppStartupManager Now Begin Monitor App StartInfo's Time == 922262309 09-16 01:25:11.717 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1267 ANDR-PERF-LM MetaMeter: handleAsync() 166: AdaptLaunch Invalid Async 09-16 01:25:11.717 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 ActivityManager Start proc 14018:com.magnetto.CharityHero/u0a643 for pre-top-activity {com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity} 09-16 01:25:11.717 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1065 Zygote Forked child process 14018 09-16 01:25:11.717 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager notifyAppGoBackground, uid=10405 09-16 01:25:11.716 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager enter FastFreezer, frontApp: 10643, frozen uids: [10272, 10298, 10267, 10270, 10255], important uids: [10310] 09-16 01:25:11.716 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager freeze uid: 10272 com.linkedin.android pids: [10785] scene: LcdOn|FastFreezer from: enterFF 09-16 01:25:11.715 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager freeze uid: 10267 com.facebook.katana pids: [6396, 6517] scene: LcdOn|FastFreezer from: enterFF 09-16 01:25:11.715 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.713 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager freeze uid: 10298 com.viber.voip pids: [11751] scene: LcdOn|FastFreezer from: enterFF 09-16 01:25:11.712 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusDisplayPolicy com.magnetto.CharityHero, no change cutoutMode: 0 09-16 01:25:11.712 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 WindowManager Add to mViews: DecorView@afc8bba[CharityHero],pkg= com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.709 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager freeze uid: 10255 com.appstar.callrecorder pids: [8616, 15683] scene: LcdOn|FastFreezer from: enterFF 09-16 01:25:11.708 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 ActivityManager Unable to start service Intent { act=oplus.intent.action.SECURE_PAY_SCAN_RISK pkg=com.coloros.securepay (has extras) } U=0: not found 09-16 01:25:11.706 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager freeze uid: 10270 com.instagram.android pids: [30703, 31929] scene: LcdOn|FastFreezer from: enterFF 09-16 01:25:11.705 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4387 iopgp Iopgp: TRANSACTION_IOPGP_ON_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED sequence_id = 144 title = 09-16 01:25:11.705 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10643; state: ENABLED 09-16 01:25:11.705 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10643; state: ENABLED 09-16 01:25:11.704 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.704 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.704 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.703 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusResourcePreloadManager resume pkg: com.magnetto.CharityHero, uid:10643, prev pkg: com.android.launcher, prev uid: 10405 09-16 01:25:11.703 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSecurePayManager startSecurePayIntent,pkgName:com.magnetto.CharityHero UserHandle.CURRENT=UserHandle{-2}, mCurrentUserId=0 09-16 01:25:11.703 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 Osense-DecisionMaker scene: SCENE_APP_SWITCH, excutingPolicy: freezer 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SensorServiceImpl SensorServiceExtImpl sensorServiceCommonInterface funcName= setScreenShotDisable , flag =0, status =0 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SensorService SensorService sensorServiceCommonInterface = setScreenShotDisable 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 SensorManager call sensorServiceCommonInterface name: setScreenShotDisable 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 Osense-DecisionMaker getCurrentSysStats, memMb: 1509 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 Osense-DecisionMaker notifySceneToPolicy...SCENE_APP_SWITCH 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SensorServiceImpl SensorServiceExtImpl sensorServiceCommonInterface funcName= setScreenShotDisable , flag =0, status =0 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SensorService SensorService sensorServiceCommonInterface = setScreenShotDisable 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 SensorManager call sensorServiceCommonInterface name: setScreenShotDisable 09-16 01:25:11.702 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager notifyAppGoForeground, uid=10643 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusHansManager front pkg: com.magnetto.CharityHero, uid: 10643, prev pkg: com.android.launcher, prev uid: 10405 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusSecurePayManager resume secure pay app : com.magnetto.CharityHero 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SensorServiceImpl SensorServiceExtImpl sensorServiceCommonInterface funcName= setScreenShotDisable , flag =0, status =0 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 SensorService SensorService sensorServiceCommonInterface = setScreenShotDisable 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 SensorManager call sensorServiceCommonInterface name: setScreenShotDisable 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity and packageName&activity is not Empty at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:635) at com.oplus.heimdall.ITraceListener$Stub$Proxy.onNotify(ITraceListener.java:99) at com.android.server.oplus.heimdall.service.TraceService.notifyListener(TraceService.java:151) at com.android.server.oplus.heimdall.service.TraceService.notify(TraceService.java:130) at com.android.server.oplus.heimdall.trace.TraceFileObserver.onEvent(TraceFileObserver.java:29) at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(FileObserver.java:166) at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method) at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.run(FileObserver.java:116) 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity and componentName != null 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity and intent != null 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusAccessController enter isIgnoreAppSwitchActivity 09-16 01:25:11.701 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusStartingWindowManager window attributes color: 0 icon null duration 0 brandImage null at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 09-16 01:25:11.699 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusStartingWindowManager window attributes color: 0 icon null duration 0 brandImage null 09-16 01:25:11.699 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 System.err android.os.DeadObjectException 09-16 01:25:11.698 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.696 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu_boost/input_boost_freq - 0:1305600 4:0 7:0. 09-16 01:25:11.696 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /dev/stune/foreground/schedtune.prefer_idle failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.696 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_trigger_count - 3. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_length - 0. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-llcc-ddr-bw/bw_hwmon/hist_memory - 20. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_trigger_count - 3. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_length - 0. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hist_memory - 20. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /sys/module/cpufreq_bouncing/parameters/config - 1,1,12,30,2,50,1,50. 09-16 01:25:11.695 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.694 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.693 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 ActivityTrigger ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 09-16 01:25:11.693 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1709 perfetto ftrace_procfs.cc:206 enabled ftrace in /sys/kernel/tracing/ 09-16 01:25:11.693 OnePlus LE2121 Verbose 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService windowMode: 0 ,stack: Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=standard A=10643:com.magnetto.CharityHero U=0 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1} 09-16 01:25:11.693 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusStartingWindowManager window attributes color: 0 icon null duration 0 brandImage null 09-16 01:25:11.692 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 ActivityTaskManager getStartingWindowType: newTask=true, taskSwitch=true, processRunning=false, allowTaskSnapshot=true, activityCreated=false, snapshot=null, record:ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} 09-16 01:25:11.692 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.691 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 TaskExtImpl add ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550} to mActivityRecordSum = Counter{ com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity(1) } 09-16 01:25:11.691 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService onOriginListAdded child: ActivityRecord{d07f768 u0 com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity t16550}; parent: Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=standard A=10643:com.magnetto.CharityHero U=0 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1} 09-16 01:25:11.690 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 OplusMovieIdle updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort 09-16 01:25:11.689 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.689 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.689 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 185004937; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.689 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 184838306; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.689 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 10643; state: DISABLED 09-16 01:25:11.688 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusScreenSecurityMask onStackAdded task = Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=standard A=10643:com.magnetto.CharityHero U=0 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=0} record = null displayId = 0 09-16 01:25:11.688 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 OplusScreenSecurityMask onStackAdded task = Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=undefined ?? U=0 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=0} record = null displayId = 0 09-16 01:25:11.687 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService notifyCompactWindowState task: Task{7507a4b #1 type=undefined ?? U=0 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1}; hasFocus: true 09-16 01:25:11.685 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService onConfigurationChanged rotation not changed - prevRotation: 0 09-16 01:25:11.685 OnePlus LE2121 Warning 2045 ActivityTaskManager Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=16550 attached=false 09-16 01:25:11.685 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 CompactWindowManagerService handleTaskCreated task: Task{7e6a005 #16550 type=undefined ?? U=0 visible=false mode=undefined translucent=true sz=0} 09-16 01:25:11.684 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1267 ANDR-PERF-LM MetaMeter: handleAsync() 166: AdaptLaunch Invalid Async 09-16 01:25:11.684 OnePlus LE2121 Info 726 hwservicemanager getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 09-16 01:25:11.684 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1267 ANDR-PERF-LM MetaMeter: handleAsync() 166: AdaptLaunch Invalid Async 09-16 01:25:11.680 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1709 perfetto probes_producer.cc:243 Ftrace setup (target_buf=74) 09-16 01:25:11.680 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1711 perfetto ing_service_impl.cc:912 Configured tracing session 74, #sources:1, duration:5000 ms, #buffers:1, total buffer size:5120 KB, total sessions:1, uid:1000 session name: "" 09-16 01:25:11.679 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.679 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 MultiApp.CMAService changeIntentIfNeed --- from launcher 09-16 01:25:11.679 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.679 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 ActivityTaskManager START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.magnetto.CharityHero/crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity bnds=[62,626][330,1026] mCallingUid=10405} from uid 10405 09-16 01:25:11.679 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4387 iopgp Create Perfetto handle 74 09-16 01:25:11.679 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4387 iopgp Iopgp::starttracing 09-16 01:25:11.678 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4387 iopgp Iopgp: TRANSACTION_IOPGP_ON_INTENT_STARTED sequence_id = 144 pkg_name = com.magnetto.CharityHero class_name = crc6421180eec973e1d54.MainActivity 09-16 01:25:11.672 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 3798 NoBackGesture End gesture: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=161.0, y[0]=729.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=373692857, downTime=373692756, deviceId=4, source=0x1002, displayId=0, eventId=607309733 } 09-16 01:25:11.593 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4387 iopgp Iopgp: Decide the action on keydown event done in 0ms. 09-16 01:25:11.593 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 4387 iopgp cannot find a compiledtrace, need to start tracing on intentstart. 09-16 01:25:11.592 OnePlus LE2121 Info 4387 iopgp Iopgp: TRANSACTION_IOPGP_ON_KEY_DOWN sequence_id = 144 pkg_name = com.magnetto.CharityHero ret = 0 09-16 01:25:11.582 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 3798 NoBackGesture Not in side gesture area 09-16 01:25:11.582 OnePlus LE2121 Error 2045 OplusZoomWindowManagerService null stack in getZoomScaleRect 09-16 01:25:11.582 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 3798 NoBackGesture Start gesture: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=161.0, y[0]=729.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=373692756, downTime=373692756, deviceId=4, source=0x1002, displayId=0, eventId=1054265447 } 09-16 01:25:11.581 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1322 ORMS_HAL OrmsHalService write file /proc/sys/kernel/input_boost_enabled - 1. 09-16 01:25:11.580 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 2045 OGG_Detector D:done mCurrStatus: 0 09-16 01:25:11.580 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 VRR [OplusVSyncPredictor] setRefreshRate (0), Period (8333333) 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1408 VRR [CVT] setFrameRate with [0, oti-adfr] 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 VRR [OTI-ADFR] cvtTargetRate change from 60 to 0 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 VRR [OTI-HW] keep rate. 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 VRR [OTI-HW] rate range: min {id=7, hwcId=7, fps=60.00, width=1440, height=3216 group=1} cur {id=13, hwcId=13, fps=120.00, width=1440, height=3216 group=1} max {id=13, hwcId=13, fps=120.00, width=1440, height=3216 group=1} 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1322 ORMS_HAL open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory) 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 VRR [OTI-HW] isStateReady 0 09-16 01:25:11.579 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1408 VRR [OTI] handleIdle from 1 to 0 09-16 01:25:11.265 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1250 sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:179, rgb sample: cur_cct:4422, calc_ir:0, lux:176, again:549, atime:0, ts=922261848802361 09-16 01:25:11.265 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1250 sensors-hal handle_sns_std_sensor_event:177, rgb sample: cct_avg:4430, red_raw:307, green_raw:185, blue_raw:83, clear_raw:541, wide_raw:0 09-16 01:25:11.222 OnePlus LE2121 Error 1215 minksocket MinkIPC_QRTR_Service: client with node 0 port 1306 went down 09-16 01:25:11.222 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0xf8b conn_h=0xb400007a47e2c040 09-16 01:25:11.221 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage 09-16 01:25:11.221 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 525197262000) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 09-16 01:25:11.220 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0xf8b msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0, wr_count 3965 09-16 01:25:11.220 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0xf8b msg_id=3: Bytes written = 2621440, wr_count 3965 09-16 01:25:11.168 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 525197262000) 09-16 01:25:11.168 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage wakelock acquired: 0, error no: 11 09-16 01:25:11.167 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0xf8b msg_id=3: R/W request received (wr_count 3965) 09-16 01:25:11.167 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1431 vendor.rmt_storage rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0xf8b conn_h=0xb400007a47e2c040 09-16 01:25:10.864 OnePlus LE2121 Info 2045 AICCTModule SensorFilter: Exit low light, ave = 175.30144 09-16 01:25:10.594 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlasService getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android 09-16 01:25:10.592 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 31929 AudioManagerExtImpl getStreamVolume packageName=com.instagram.android, index=0, streamType=3 09-16 01:25:10.588 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlasService getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android 09-16 01:25:10.586 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 31929 AudioManagerExtImpl getStreamVolume packageName=com.instagram.android, index=0, streamType=3 09-16 01:25:10.584 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 1263 IRIS_LOG_COLR Use kPbGamut HwConfigPayload 09-16 01:25:10.583 OnePlus LE2121 Info 1263 SDM DisplayBuiltIn::SyncColorTransform: transform_csc[0]: 1.000000 09-16 01:25:10.569 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlasService getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android 09-16 01:25:10.568 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 31929 AudioManagerExtImpl getStreamVolume packageName=com.instagram.android, index=0, streamType=3 09-16 01:25:10.553 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlasService getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android 09-16 01:25:10.552 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 31929 AudioManagerExtImpl getStreamVolume packageName=com.instagram.android, index=0, streamType=3 09-16 01:25:10.536 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlasService getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android 09-16 01:25:10.535 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 31929 AudioManagerExtImpl getStreamVolume packageName=com.instagram.android, index=0, streamType=3 09-16 01:25:10.519 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 5053 OplusAtlasService getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android 09-16 01:25:10.518 OnePlus LE2121 Debug 31929 AudioManagerExtImpl getStreamVolume packageName=com.instagram.android, index=0, streamType=3