Shows weather in the status line, data provided by
- curl
- sed
Add the plugin in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'xamut/tmux-weather'
Press prefix + I
to fetch the plugin and source it. Done.
Clone the repo somewhere. Add run-shell
in the end of .tmux.conf
run-shell PATH_TO_REPO/tmux-weather.tmux
NOTE: this line should be placed after set-option -g status-right ...
Press prefix + :
and type source-file ~/.tmux.conf
. Done.
Add #{weather}
somewhere in the right status line:
set-option -g status-right "#{weather}"
then you will see the current weather in the status line: ⛅️ -1°C
The plugin could be customized with:
set-option -g @tmux-weather-interval 15
- Set up the update interval in minutes, by default it is 15 minutes.set-option -g @tmux-weather-location "Tomsk"
- Set up your location, by default you will get the weather for your current location based on your IP address.set-option -g @tmux-weather-format "%c+%t+%w"
- Set up a representation, by default it is 1, for more options go to -g @tmux-weather-units" "m"
- Set up weather units (u - for USCS, m - for metric system), by default used metric units.
tmux-weather plugin is released under the MIT License.