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freeipa-pwd-portal server


While Free IPA exposes a beautiful UI for both account administration and account self-service, this web portal is intended to handle scenarios where a password self-service web portal external to the Free IPA instance is required.

Pre-Requisites - FreeIPA Instance

The following steps should be taken on the FreeIPA instance with which the freeipa-pwd-portal instance will authenticate. Make sure to change references to below to your domain as applicable. The following steps are also required for deployments using the Docker image:

  1. Open the FreeIPA web UI and authenticate using an account with admin privileges

  2. Add the host using the FreeIPA web UI. Give it the "User Administrator" role and make sure to configure it's IP in FreeIPA's DNS registry if necessary

  3. Add the service HTTP/

  4. Get a keytab for the host and service by running the following commands from FreeIPA host command line, changing the parameters as applicable. Make sure you have a valid Kerberos session by running 'kinit' first:

    ipa-getkeytab -s -p host/ -k /tmp/
    ipa-getkeytab -s -p HTTP/ -k /tmp/

    Then copy the keytab from /tmp/ on the FreeIPA host to config/ from the root of the password portal jar's parent directory on the freeipa-pwd-portal host (you can move this later if needed).

  5. All FreeIPA versions since 2.2 restrict non-admin users from changing admin passwords. To allow the freeipa-pwd-portal to reset admin passwords against accounts in FreeIPA versions greater than this:

    1. Create a host group in the FreeIPA instance with the name pw-reset-portal and add the host you created in step 2 above as a member

    2. Apply the following ldif to the LDAP directory, modifying all instances of dc=example,dc=com to match your basedn:

      # Add the ability to change passwords for all accounts (including) admins
      # using this host account
      dn: dc=example,dc=com
      changetype: modify
      add: aci
      aci: (targetattr = "userPassword || krbPrincipalKey || sambaLMPassword || sambaNTPassword || passwordHistory || ipaNTHash")(version 3.0; acl "PWD Portal can write passwords"; allow (add,delete,write) groupdn="ldap:///cn=pw-reset-portal,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com";)
    3. After creating a file called freeipa-pwd-portal.ldif from the above ldif in your current working directory, an example of the command to run from the FreeIPA server might be:

      ldapmodify -h -x -W \
                 -p 389 \
                 -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
                 -f freeipa-pwd-portal.ldif

Deployment Configuration

The following steps should be taken on the host system that will run the freeipa-pwd-portal instance.

  1. Create a config/application.yml file from the root of the password portal jar's parent directory. You can use the example dev configuration file as an example.

See for details on resolution of configuration files

  1. Create a config/krb5.conf file from the root of the password portal jar's parent directory. You can use the following krb5 config template as an example (see iris for details):

     default = FILE:var/logs/krb5.log
     default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
     dns_lookup_realm = true
     dns_lookup_kdc = true
     ticket_lifetime = 24h
     forwardable = true
     EXAMPLE.COM = {
      kdc =
      admin_server =
    [domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.COM
  2. Import the SSL certificate to the java keystore the freeipa-pwd-portal instance will be using. See Tomcat's documentation for details.

  3. Start the server:

    java -jar freeipa-pwd-portal-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war


In order to communicate with the Free IPA instance, the freeipa-pwd-portal uses Free IPA's JSON RPC API. However, two authentication mechanisms are used to interact with the Free IPA instance's JSON RPC API:

  1. Credentialed Authentication (Password Change)

    In the case of a password change, the portal authenticates as the the password change is executed as the user. On successful change of the password, the user's email address is retrieved from the FreeIPA instance and an email is sent to that address indicating that the password was changed.

  2. Kerberos Authentication (Password Reset)

    Because the user is unable to authenticate (due to an expired or forgotten password), the freeipa-pwd-portal:

    1. uses its Kerberos principal (with User Administration privileges) to retrieve the email corresponding to the supplied username

    2. emails a secure password-reset link to the email (the password- reset link is valid for a configurable 15 minute window)

    3. waits until it receives a request with the valid password-reset ID and a new password to: change the user's password to a secure, randomly generated value; authenticate as the user using the random value; and changes the user's password (as the now-authenticated user) to the supplied new password.

Both authentication mechanisms require a valid Kerberos configuration on the host system. Because authentication is really handled by the iris library, please visit that project for more details on configuring JAAS and Kerberos on the host system. Iris configurations are configured using the freeipaConfig configuration object.


The FreeIPA PWD Portal server docker container comes with a couple of benefits:

  1. Externalized configuration through the /freeipa-pwd-portal/config container path.

  2. Auto-installation of certificates, including:

    • the Free IPA instance's certificate;
    • the keystore containing the password portal's certificate; or
    • generation of a self-signed certificate and keystore if none is provided
Quick Start

If run from the root project directory, the below command will:

  • use server/config as a mount point;
  • use server/config/application.yml as the configuration file; and
  • enable JVM-level debug logging for Kerberos and SPNEGO.

Make sure to replace "YOUR_HOST_IP" with any IP assigned to your host system accessible by the Docker container and at which your local FreeIPA instance is accessible:

docker run --name portal-server -d \
           -h \
           -p 6443:443 \
           -v $PWD/config/:/freeipa-pwd-portal/config \
           --add-host "freeipa:YOUR_HOST_IP" \
           xetusoss/freeipa-pwd-portal-server --debug

Note: the --add-host line is only used here to resolve the development FreeIPA instance configured in the project's root docker-compose.yml file.

The debug flag enables JVM-level Kerberos and SPNEGO debugging.

Both can be omitted for non-development use.

To see the configurable options, run:

docker run --rm xetusoss/freeipa-pwd-portal-server --help

You can buid the docker conatiner by running:

./gradlew server:buildDocker