The UIa app and server for the FreeIPA Password Portal.
Install all the dependencies
./gradlew ui:setup
Run the app
./gradlew ui:run
./gradlew ui:build
The distributable will be bundled into ui/dist/
Configurations are exposed using node-convict and log4js. To add your own override configurations:
cp config/dev-override.example.json dev-override.json
cp config/log4js.example.json log4js.json
A command like the following can be used to run the docker container:
docker run --name portal-ui -d \
-h \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v $PWD/ui/config:/home/node/freeipa-pwd-portal/config \
xetusoss/freeipa-pwd-portal-ui \
--config-file ./config/dev.json \
--config-file ./config/dev.override.json \
--config-file ./config/container-override.json
The convict and log4js configuration files should be mounted into the container, and should be referenced with their appropriate container paths via the --config-file command line argument. Alternatively, you can specify all the configuration options via command line arguments or environment variables.