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Dai ZJ
SortingLab README


An alternative implementation of sorting algorithms and APIs. The ultimate aim is to contribute back to Julia base or SortingAlgorithms.jl. However, there is commitment to keep this package's API stable and supported, so other developers can rely on the implementation and API here.

Faster Sort and Sortperm

The main function exported by SortingLab is fsort and fsortperm which generally implements faster algorithms than sort and sortperm for CategoricalArrays.CategoricalVector, Vector{T}, Vector{Union{String, Missing}} where T is

Update Sep'2024: SortingLab.jl used to be faster than base on integer sorting which is no longer the case! Well done base!

Note: The reason why we restrict the type to Vector is that SortingLab.jl assumes something about memory layout and hence Vector provides that guarantee in the types supported.


using SortingLab;
using Test
N = 1_000_000;
K = 100;

svec = rand("id".*string.(1:N÷K, pad=10), N);

svec_sorted = fsort(svec);
@test issorted(svec_sorted)
@test issorted(svec) == false
Test Passed
# faster string sortperm
sorted_idx = fsortperm(svec)
issorted(svec[sorted_idx]) #true

# in place string sort
issorted(svec) # true
# CategoricalArray sort
using CategoricalArrays
pools = "id".*string.(1:100,3);
byvec = CategoricalArray{String, 1}(rand(UInt32(1):UInt32(length(pools)), N), CategoricalPool(pools, false));
byvec = compress(byvec);

byvec_sorted = fsort(byvec);
@test issorted(byvec_sorted)
Test Passed

Sorting Vector{Union{T, Missing}}

For vectors that contain missing, the sort and sortperm performance is often sub-optimal in Base and is not supported in SortingAlgorithms.jl's radixsort implementation. This is solved by SortingLab.jl fsort, see Benchmarks Section

using Test
using Missings: allowmissing
x = allowmissing(rand(1:10_000, 1_000_000))
x[rand(1:length(x), 100_000)] .= missing

using SortingLab
@test isequal(fsort(x), sort(x))
Test Passed


Base.sort vs SortingLab.radixsort

#Base.sort vs SortingLab.radixsort

Integer Base.sort vs SortingLab.fsort

Integer Base.sort vs SortingLab.fsort

Benchmarking code

using SortingLab;
using BenchmarkTools;
import Random: randstring
using Test
using Missings: allowmissing
using Plots, StatsPlots

N = 1_000_000;
K = 100;

# String Sort
svec = rand("id".*string.(1:N÷K, pad=10), N);
sort_id_1m = @belapsed sort($svec);
radixsort_id_1m = @belapsed radixsort($svec);

sortperm_id_1m = @belapsed sortperm($svec);
fsortperm_id_1m = @belapsed fsortperm($svec);

rsvec = rand([randstring(rand(1:32)) for i = 1:N÷K], N);
sort_r_1m = @belapsed sort($rsvec);
radixsort_r_1m = @belapsed radixsort($rsvec);

sortperm_r_1m = @belapsed sortperm($rsvec);
fsortperm_r_1m = @belapsed fsortperm($rsvec);

    repeat(["IDs", "Random len 32"], inner=2),
    [sort_id_1m, radixsort_id_1m, sort_r_1m, radixsort_r_1m],
    group = repeat(["Base.sort","SortingLab.radixsort"], outer = 2),
    title = "Strings sort (1m rows): Base vs SortingLab")

    repeat(["IDs", "Random len 32"], inner=2),
    [sortperm_id_1m, fsortperm_id_1m, sortperm_r_1m, fsortperm_r_1m],
    group = repeat(["Base.sortperm","SortingLab.fsortperm"], outer = 2),
    title = "Strings sortperm (1m rows): Base vs SortingLab")

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