This is part of oh-my-emacs.
Package | Windows | Ubuntu/Debian/Mint | ArchLinux | Fedora | Mac OS X | Mandatory? |
texlive | texlive-full latex-beamer | texlive-most texlive-cjk | texlive-all | MacTeX | Yes | |
pygments | [pip] | [pip] | [pip] | [pip] | No |
- texlive, the full texlive distribution is really huge, so install necessary parts as you need.
- MacTeX is a redistribution of texlive, which includes Mac-specific utilities and front-ends. It is also pre-configured to work out-of-the-box with Mac OS X as it provides sensible defaults for configuration options that, in TeX Live, are left up to the user to allow for its cross-platform compatibility.
Package | Status | Description |
AUCTeX | Required | You need it, believe me. |
CDLaTeX | Optional | Speedy \LaTeX{} typing. |
AUCTeX is the predominant \TeX{}/\LaTeX{} writing environment for Emacs/XEmacs.
\TeX{} is a long history legend in computer typesetting. To configure a working \TeX{} environment is far beyond the scope of this project. However, I can give you some hint to install a \TeX{} system on Linux. If you are
- a Ubuntu/Debian/Mint user, install texlive by
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
- a Arch Linux user, install texlive by
sudo pacman -S texlive-most texlive-langcjk
- a Fedora user, install texlive by
sudo yum -S texlive-all
- a SuSE user, install texlive by
sudo zypper in texlive-xetex
For Mac OS X users, MacTeX is the best choice. You can install it directly from
its website or via homebrew-cask. By default, MacTeX install all binary
executables to /usr/texbin/
, which is different from Linux.
If you are not lucky enough, you should follow the official texlive instructions to install it.
There’re other annoying problems if you’re a CJK user, such as fonts and package configuration in \TeX{} documents, but this is further beyond the scope of this project. So refer to necessary TUGs, or BBS for help. For Chinese user, CTEX is a good place to start your journey. LaTeX编辑部 also provides lots of useful resources written in Chinese.
For all \TeX{} users, the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) is your lifelong friend, which act as the central place for all kinds of material around \TeX{}. The famous Stack Exchange Network also provides a which focus on \TeX{} related questions.
Enough, enjoy your journey to \TeX{} world! Now it’s time to come back to
AUCTeX. Besides a working \TeX{} installation, you also need autoconf
package for el-get-install auctex
, and a recent Ghostscript for
in both DVI and PDF mode.
Finally, if you’re tired or afraid to setup a working \TeX{} environment, writelatex provides a really instance starting point with no pain, just try it before you fall in love with \TeX{} world.
AUCTeX is really flexible and customizable, it also provides a rich set of menubar entries. Here’s a list of most commonly used keybindings in AUCTeX:
- Editing
C-c C-s
C-c C-e
C-c C-m
C-c ]
- Marking and Commenting
C-c *
C-c .
C-c ;
C-c %
- Folding:
C-c C-o C-b
C-c C-o b
- Command Controlling
C-c C-c
C-c C-r
C-c C-b
C-c C-k
C-c C-l
C-c ^
lacheck and chktex is the lint tool for \TeX{}, you can install them in Ubuntu
by sudo apt-get install lacheck chktex
. AUCTeX has direct support for
and chktex
. You can start lacheck
with C-c C-c Check <RET>
with C-c C-c ChkTeX <RET>
Each of the two utilities will find some errors the other doesn’t, but chktex
is more configurable, allowing you to create your own errors
C-c =
will show a table of contents of the document.C-c (
to insert a label at point.C-c [
to insert a citations from BibTeX database.
Oh-my-emacs adopts some other awesome packages such as smartparens
, which has some conflicts with AUCTeX. so there need some hack, which,
is always the main topic with Emacs.
provide some goodies for \TeX{} editing. But we need to
ensure smartparens
is available before we require 'smartparens-latex
still has some weird problems for inserting “$” in \TeX{}, which
is a weird problem. In fact, both AUCTeX and smartparens
provides some pair
management functions, which may be overlapping. AUCTeX provide a
, while smartparens
was born for pair management. Worse,
the following cdlatex.el
also provides some pair management functions. Ah, we
need some coordination between them. So any ideas or patches will be
Another oh-my-emacs package, evil
, shadowed some keybindings for AUCTeX’s
. However, I only enable evil-mode
in text-mode-hook
, and reftex-toc-mode
is derived from fundamental-mode
, I
have no idea why evil-local-mode
is enabled by default when entering
, so I have to turn-off-evil-mode
- Use
as the defaultTeX-engine
for better support for \TeX{} font selection and PDF export. - Enable
. - Enable
. - Favors Okular and Evince as the default viewer in Linux, and fallbacks to
if both Okular and Evince is unavailable. Since I don’t have a Windows or Mac OS X environment, patches are always welcome.
(defun ome-auctex-setup ()
(when (require 'smartparens nil 'noerror)
(require 'smartparens-latex))
(setq TeX-auto-save t) ; Automatically save style information
; when saving the buffer
(setq TeX-parse-self t) ; Parse file after loading it if no
; style hook is found for it.
(setq LaTeX-syntactic-comment t)
(setq TeX-auto-untabify t) ; remove all tabs before saving
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
(setq-default TeX-engine 'xetex) ; use xelatex by default
;; Mac OS X fallback to the "open" program as the default viewer for all
;; types of files.
;; settings for Linux
((eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
((executable-find "okular")
(setq TeX-view-program-selection
'((output-pdf "Okular")
(output-dvi "Okular"))))
((executable-find "evince")
(setq TeX-view-program-selection
'((output-pdf "Evince")
(output-dvi "Evince"))))
(setq TeX-view-program-selection
'((output-pdf "xdg-open")
(output-dvi "xdg-open")))))))
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(outline-minor-mode t)
(flyspell-mode t)
(TeX-interactive-mode t)
(TeX-PDF-mode t)
(TeX-fold-mode t)))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(LaTeX-math-mode t)
(reftex-mode t)))
(add-hook 'reftex-toc-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(when (featurep 'evil)
(when (executable-find
(if (eq system-type 'darwin)
;; MacTeX install all its executables to /usr/texbin directory
(ome-install 'auctex))
Here’s some tips and tricks about AUCTeX.
\LaTeX{} supports an lesser known “shell-escape” feature. In a word, this mode can be used to incorporate dynamic content, or run external process during the compilation phase. Check this post for details.
Unfortunately, there no easy explicit way to customize command line options for various AUCTeX backend. So we need some tricks to get around this. Thanks stackoverflow again, here’s the code snippet for AUCTeX \LaTeX{} backend.
(defvar ome-LaTeX-shell-escape-mode nil
"Whether or not LaTeX shell escape mode is enabled.")
(defun ome-LaTeX-toggle-shell-escape ()
(if ome-LaTeX-shell-escape-mode
(setcdr (assoc "LaTeX" TeX-command-list)
'("%`%l%(mode)%' %t"
TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode doctex-mode) :help "Run LaTeX"))
(setq ome-LaTeX-shell-escape-mode nil)
(message "LaTeX shell escape mode turned off."))
(setcdr (assoc "LaTeX" TeX-command-list)
'("%`%l%(mode) -shell-escape%' %t"
TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode doctex-mode) :help "Run LaTeX")))
(setq ome-LaTeX-shell-escape-mode t)
(message "LaTeX shell escape mode turned on.")))
;; (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x x") 'ome-LaTeX-toggle-shell-escape)
CDLaTeX - more LaTeX functionality for Emacs and XEmacs
CDLaTeX is a minor mode which re-implements many features also found in the AUCTeX LaTeX mode. The reason for this is mainly historical - much of it was written before I knew about AUCTeX. So check this out if you would like to try a different implementation. Here are some of the differences: Environment insertion is template based, and not hook based. Keyword commands (which are executed by typing a short (2-4 letters) keyword into the buffer, followed by TAB) give very rapid access to the main environment templates and mathematical constructs. CDLaTeX knows the difference between text mode and math mode in LaTeX and adapts automatically to that. You can download CDLaTeX here.
The comments in cdlatex.el
said that “CDLaTeX requires texmathp.el which is
distributed with AUCTeX. Starting with Emacs 21.3, texmathp.el will be part of
Emacs.”, however, I didn’t find any texmathp.el
with current emacs
distribution. So CDLaTeX requires AUCTeX as a dependency, which means it didn’t
work with Emacs builtin tex-mode
(defun ome-cdlatex-mode-setup ()
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-cdlatex)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-cdlatex))
(when (el-get-package-is-installed 'auctex)
(ome-install 'cdlatex-mode))
- Add auto-complete support for auctex. see
- Investigate on “What is TeX master file?”
- What is SyncTeX? How to use it?
- What is