diff --git a/addons/blogapi/blogapi.addon.php b/addons/blogapi/blogapi.addon.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e804af836d..0000000000
--- a/addons/blogapi/blogapi.addon.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
- */
- exit();
- * @file blogapicounter.addon.php
- * @author NAVER (developers@xpressengine.com)
- * @brief Add blogAPI
- *
- * It enables to write a post by using an external tool such as ms live writer, firefox performancing, zoundry and so on.
- * It should be called before executing the module(before_module_proc). If not, it is forced to shut down.
- * */
-// Insert a rsd tag when called_position is after_module_proc
-if($called_position == 'after_module_proc')
- // Create rsd address of the current module
- $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
- $rsd_url = getFullSiteUrl($site_module_info->domain, '', 'mid', $this->module_info->mid, 'act', 'api');
- // Insert rsd tag into the header
- Context::addHtmlHeader(" " . '');
-// If act isnot api, just return
-if($_REQUEST['act'] != 'api')
- return;
-// Read func file
-require_once(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/blogapi/blogapi.func.php');
-// If HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is NULL, Print error message
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'Invalid Method Call');
- printContent($content);
-// xmlprc parsing
-// Parse the requested xmlrpc
- header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
- exit;
-if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.11', '<=')) libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
-$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml, LIBXML_NONET | LIBXML_NOENT);
-$method_name = (string)$xml->methodName;
-$params = $xml->params->param;
-// Compatible with some of methodname
-if(in_array($method_name, array('metaWeblog.deletePost', 'metaWeblog.getUsersBlogs', 'metaWeblog.getUserInfo')))
- $method_name = str_replace('metaWeblog.', 'blogger.', $method_name);
-// Get user_id, password and attempt log-in
-$user_id = trim((string)$params[1]->value->string);
-$password = trim((string)$params[2]->value->string);
-// Before executing the module, authentication is processed.
-if($called_position == 'before_module_init')
- // Attempt log-in by using member controller
- if($user_id && $password)
- {
- $oMemberController = getController('member');
- $output = $oMemberController->doLogin($user_id, $password);
- // If login fails, an error message appears
- if(!$output->toBool())
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, $output->getMessage());
- printContent($content);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'not logged');
- printContent($content);
- }
-// Before module processing, handle requests from blogapi tool and then terminate.
-if($called_position == 'before_module_proc')
- // Check writing permission
- if(!$this->grant->write_document)
- {
- printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission'));
- }
- // Get information of the categories
- $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
- $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($this->module_srl);
- // Specifies a temporary file storage
- $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
- $mediaPath = sprintf('files/cache/blogapi/%s/%s/', $this->mid, $logged_info->member_srl);
- $mediaAbsPath = _XE_PATH_ . $mediaPath;
- $mediaUrlPath = Context::getRequestUri() . $mediaPath;
- switch($method_name)
- {
- // Blog information
- case 'blogger.getUsersBlogs' :
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $obj->url = getFullSiteUrl('');
- $obj->blogid = $this->mid;
- $obj->blogName = $this->module_info->browser_title;
- $blog_list = array($obj);
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse($blog_list);
- printContent($content);
- break;
- // Return a list of categories
- case 'metaWeblog.getCategories' :
- $category_obj_list = array();
- if($category_list)
- {
- foreach($category_list as $category_srl => $category_info)
- {
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $obj->description = $category_info->title;
- //$obj->htmlUrl = Context::getRequestUri().$this->mid.'/1';
- //$obj->rssUrl= Context::getRequestUri().'rss/'.$this->mid.'/1';
- $obj->title = $category_info->title;
- $obj->categoryid = $category_srl;
- $category_obj_list[] = $obj;
- }
- }
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse($category_obj_list);
- printContent($content);
- break;
- // Upload file
- case 'metaWeblog.newMediaObject' :
- // Check a file upload permission
- $oFileModel = getModel('file');
- $file_module_config = $oFileModel->getFileModuleConfig($this->module_srl);
- if(is_array($file_module_config->download_grant) && count($file_module_config->download_grant) > 0)
- {
- $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
- if($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y')
- {
- $is_permitted = false;
- for($i = 0; $i < count($file_module_config->download_grant); $i++)
- {
- $group_srl = $file_module_config->download_grant[$i];
- if($logged_info->group_list[$group_srl])
- {
- $is_permitted = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!$is_permitted){
- printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission'));
- }
- }
- }
- $fileinfo = $params[3]->value->struct->member;
- foreach($fileinfo as $key => $val)
- {
- $nodename = (string)$val->name;
- if($nodename === 'bits')
- {
- $filedata = base64_decode((string)$val->value->base64);
- }
- else if($nodename === 'name')
- {
- $filename = pathinfo((string)$val->value->string, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
- }
- }
- if($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y')
- {
- // check file type
- if(isset($file_module_config->allowed_filetypes) && $file_module_config->allowed_filetypes !== '*.*')
- {
- $filetypes = explode(';', $file_module_config->allowed_filetypes);
- $ext = array();
- foreach($filetypes as $item)
- {
- $item = explode('.', $item);
- $ext[] = strtolower(array_pop($item));
- }
- $uploaded_ext = explode('.', $filename);
- $uploaded_ext = strtolower(array_pop($uploaded_ext));
- if(!in_array($uploaded_ext, $ext))
- {
- printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'Not allowed file type'));
- break;
- }
- }
- $allowed_filesize = $file_module_config->allowed_filesize * 1024 * 1024;
- if($allowed_filesize < strlen($filedata))
- {
- printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'This file exceeds the attachment limit'));
- break;
- }
- }
- $temp_filename = Password::createSecureSalt(12, 'alnum');
- $target_filename = sprintf('%s%s', $mediaAbsPath, $temp_filename);
- FileHandler::makeDir($mediaAbsPath);
- FileHandler::writeFile($target_filename, $filedata);
- FileHandler::writeFile($target_filename . '_source_filename', $filename);
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $obj->url = Context::getRequestUri() . $mediaPath . $temp_filename;
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse($obj);
- printContent($content);
- break;
- // Get posts
- case 'metaWeblog.getPost' :
- $document_srl = (string)$params[0]->value->string;
- if(!$document_srl)
- {
- printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission'));
- }
- else
- {
- $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
- $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
- if(!$oDocument->isExists() || !$oDocument->isGranted())
- {
- printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission'));
- }
- else
- {
- // Get a list of categories and set Context
- $category = "";
- if($oDocument->get('category_srl'))
- {
- $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
- $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($oDocument->get('module_srl'));
- if($category_list[$oDocument->get('category_srl')])
- {
- $category = $category_list[$oDocument->get('category_srl')]->title;
- }
- }
- $content = sprintf(
- '' .
- '' .
- '' .
- '' .
- '' .
- '' .
- 'categories' .
- 'dateCreated%s' .
- 'description' .
- 'link%s' .
- 'postid%s' .
- 'title' .
- 'publish1' .
- '' .
- '' .
- '' .
- '' .
- '',
- $category,
- date("Ymd", $oDocument->getRegdateTime()) . 'T' . date("H:i:s", $oDocument->getRegdateTime()),
- $oDocument->getContent(false, false, true, false),
- getFullUrl('', 'document_srl', $oDocument->document_srl),
- $oDocument->document_srl,
- $oDocument->getTitleText()
- );
- printContent($content);
- }
- }
- break;
- // Write a new post
- case 'metaWeblog.newPost' :
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $info = $params[3];
- // Get information of post, title, and category
- foreach($info->value->struct->member as $val)
- {
- switch((string)$val->name)
- {
- case 'title' :
- $obj->title = (string)$val->value->string;
- break;
- case 'description' :
- $obj->content = (string)$val->value->string;
- break;
- case 'categories' :
- $categories = $val->value->array->data->value;
- $category = (string)$categories[0]->string;
- if($category && $category_list)
- {
- foreach($category_list as $category_srl => $category_info)
- {
- if($category_info->title == $category)
- $obj->category_srl = $category_srl;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'tagwords' :
- $tags = $val->value->array->data->value;
- foreach($tags as $tag)
- {
- $tag_list[] = (string)$tag->string;
- }
- if(count($tag_list))
- $obj->tags = implode(',', $tag_list);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Set document srl
- $document_srl = getNextSequence();
- $obj->document_srl = $document_srl;
- $obj->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
- // Attachment
- if(is_dir($mediaAbsPath))
- {
- $file_list = FileHandler::readDir($mediaAbsPath, '/(_source_filename)$/is');
- $file_count = count($file_list);
- if($file_count)
- {
- $oFileController = getController('file');
- $oFileModel = getModel('file');
- foreach($file_list as $file)
- {
- $filename = FileHandler::readFile($mediaAbsPath . $file);
- $temp_filename = str_replace('_source_filename', '', $file);
- $file_info = array();
- $file_info['tmp_name'] = sprintf('%s%s', $mediaAbsPath, $temp_filename);
- $file_info['name'] = $filename;
- $fileOutput = $oFileController->insertFile($file_info, $this->module_srl, $document_srl, 0, true);
- if($fileOutput->get('direct_download') === 'N')
- {
- $replace_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $oFileModel->getDownloadUrl($fileOutput->file_srl, $fileOutput->sid, $this->module_srl);
- }
- else
- {
- $replace_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $fileOutput->get('uploaded_filename');
- }
- $obj->content = str_replace($mediaUrlPath . $temp_filename, $replace_url, $obj->content);
- }
- $obj->uploaded_count = $file_count;
- }
- }
- $oDocumentController = getController('document');
- $obj->commentStatus = 'ALLOW';
- $obj->allow_trackback = 'Y';
- $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
- $obj->member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
- $obj->user_id = $logged_info->user_id;
- $obj->user_name = $logged_info->user_name;
- $obj->nick_name = $logged_info->nick_name;
- $obj->email_address = $logged_info->email_address;
- $obj->homepage = $logged_info->homepage;
- $output = $oDocumentController->insertDocument($obj, TRUE);
- if(!$output->toBool())
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, $output->getMessage());
- }
- else
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse(strval($document_srl));
- }
- FileHandler::removeDir($mediaAbsPath);
- printContent($content);
- break;
- // Edit post
- case 'metaWeblog.editPost' :
- $tmp_val = (string)$params[0]->value->string;
- if(!$tmp_val)
- $tmp_val = (string)$params[0]->value->i4;
- if(!$tmp_val)
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission');
- break;
- }
- $tmp_arr = explode('/', $tmp_val);
- $document_srl = array_pop($tmp_arr);
- if(!$document_srl)
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission');
- break;
- }
- $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
- $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
- // Check if a permission to modify a document is granted
- if(!$oDocument->isGranted())
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission');
- break;
- }
- $obj = $oDocument->getObjectVars();
- $info = $params[3];
- // Get information of post, title, and category
- foreach($info->value->struct->member as $val)
- {
- switch((string)$val->name)
- {
- case 'title' :
- $obj->title = (string)$val->value->string;
- break;
- case 'description' :
- $obj->content = (string)$val->value->string;
- break;
- case 'categories' :
- $categories = $val->value->array->data->value;
- $category = (string)$categories[0]->string;
- if($category && $category_list)
- {
- foreach($category_list as $category_srl => $category_info)
- {
- if($category_info->title == $category)
- $obj->category_srl = $category_srl;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'tagwords' :
- $tags = $val->value->array->data->value;
- foreach($tags as $tag)
- {
- $tag_list[] = (string)$tag->string;
- }
- if(count($tag_list))
- $obj->tags = implode(',', $tag_list);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Document srl
- $obj->document_srl = $document_srl;
- $obj->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
- // Attachment
- if(is_dir($mediaAbsPath))
- {
- $file_list = FileHandler::readDir($mediaAbsPath, '/(_source_filename)$/is');
- $file_count = count($file_list);
- if($file_count)
- {
- $oFileController = getController('file');
- $oFileModel = getModel('file');
- foreach($file_list as $file)
- {
- $filename = FileHandler::readFile($mediaAbsPath . $file);
- $temp_filename = str_replace('_source_filename', '', $file);
- $file_info = array();
- $file_info['tmp_name'] = sprintf('%s%s', $mediaAbsPath, $temp_filename);
- $file_info['name'] = $filename;
- $fileOutput = $oFileController->insertFile($file_info, $this->module_srl, $document_srl, 0, true);
- if($fileOutput->get('direct_download') === 'N')
- {
- $replace_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $oFileModel->getDownloadUrl($fileOutput->file_srl, $fileOutput->sid, $this->module_srl);
- }
- else
- {
- $replace_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $fileOutput->get('uploaded_filename');
- }
- $obj->content = str_replace($mediaUrlPath . $temp_filename, $replace_url, $obj->content);
- }
- $obj->uploaded_count += $file_count;
- }
- }
- $oDocumentController = getController('document');
- $output = $oDocumentController->updateDocument($oDocument, $obj, TRUE);
- if(!$output->toBool())
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, $output->getMessage());
- }
- else
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse(true);
- FileHandler::removeDir($mediaAbsPath);
- }
- printContent($content);
- break;
- // Delete the post
- case 'blogger.deletePost' :
- $tmp_val = (string)$params[1]->value->string;
- $tmp_arr = explode('/', $tmp_val);
- $document_srl = array_pop($tmp_arr);
- // Get a document
- $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
- $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
- // If the document exists
- if(!$oDocument->isExists())
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'not exists');
- // Check if a permission to delete a document is granted
- }
- elseif(!$oDocument->isGranted())
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission');
- break;
- // Delete
- }
- else
- {
- $oDocumentController = getController('document');
- $output = $oDocumentController->deleteDocument($document_srl);
- if(!$output->toBool())
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, $output->getMessage());
- else
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse(true);
- }
- printContent($content);
- break;
- // Get recent posts
- case 'metaWeblog.getRecentPosts' :
- // Options to get a list
- $args = new stdClass();
- $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl; // /< module_srl of the current module
- $args->page = 1;
- $args->list_count = 20;
- $args->sort_index = 'list_order'; // /< Sorting values
- $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
- $args->search_target = 'member_srl';
- $args->search_keyword = $logged_info->member_srl;
- $output = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentList($args);
- if(!$output->toBool() || !$output->data)
- {
- $content = getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'post not founded');
- }
- else
- {
- $oEditorController = getController('editor');
- $posts = array();
- foreach($output->data as $key => $oDocument)
- {
- $post = new stdClass();
- $post->categories = array();
- $post->dateCreated = date("Ymd", $oDocument->getRegdateTime()) . 'T' . date("H:i:s", $oDocument->getRegdateTime());
- $post->description = sprintf('',$oEditorController->transComponent($oDocument->getContent(false, false, true, false)));
- $post->link = $post->permaLink = getFullUrl('', 'document_srl', $oDocument->document_srl);
- $post->postid = $oDocument->document_srl;
- $post->title = htmlspecialchars($oDocument->get('title'), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
- $post->publish = 1;
- $post->userid = $oDocument->get('user_id');
- $post->mt_allow_pings = 0;
- $post->mt_allow_comments = $oDocument->allowComment() ? 1 : 0;
- $posts[] = $post;
- }
- $content = getXmlRpcResponse($posts);
- printContent($content);
- }
- break;
- // Display RSD if there is no request
- default :
- $homepagelink = getUrl('', 'mid', $this->mid);
- $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
- $api_url = getFullSiteUrl($site_module_info->domain, '', 'mid', $site_module_info->mid, 'act', 'api');
- $content = <<
- XpressEngine
- http://www.xpressengine.com/
- {$homepagelink}
- printContent($content);
- break;
- }
-/* End of file blogapi.addon.php */
-/* Location: ./addons/blogapi/blogapi.addon.php */
diff --git a/addons/blogapi/blogapi.func.php b/addons/blogapi/blogapi.func.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 06cc06c849..0000000000
--- a/addons/blogapi/blogapi.func.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- */
- exit();
- * @file ./addons/blogapi/blogapi.func.php
- * @author NAVER (developers@xpressengine.com)
- * @brief Function collections for the implementation of blogapi
- * */
-// Error messages
-function getXmlRpcFailure($error, $message)
- return
- sprintf(
- "\n\n\nfaultCode\n%d\n\n\nfaultString\n%s\n\n\n\n", $error, htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false)
- );
-// Display results
-function getXmlRpcResponse($params)
- $buff = '' . "\n";
- $buff .= _getEncodedVal($params);
- $buff .= "\n\n";
- return $buff;
-// Encoding
-function _getEncodedVal($val, $is_sub_set = false)
- if(preg_match('/^\<\!\[CDATA\[/',$val))
- {
- $buff = sprintf("%s", $val);
- }
- elseif(is_int($val))
- {
- $buff = sprintf("%d", $val);
- }
- elseif(is_string($val) && preg_match('/^([0-9]+)T([0-9\:]+)$/', $val))
- {
- $buff = sprintf("%s\n", $val);
- }
- elseif(is_double($val))
- {
- $buff = sprintf("%f", $val);
- }
- elseif(is_bool($val))
- {
- $buff = sprintf("%d", $val ? 1 : 0);
- }
- elseif(is_object($val))
- {
- $values = get_object_vars($val);
- $val_count = count($values);
- $buff = "";
- foreach($values as $k => $v)
- {
- $buff .= sprintf("\n%s\n%s\n", htmlspecialchars($k, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false), _getEncodedVal($v, true));
- }
- $buff .= "\n";
- }
- elseif(is_array($val))
- {
- $val_count = count($val);
- $buff = "\n";
- for($i = 0; $i < $val_count; $i++)
- {
- $buff .= _getEncodedVal($val[$i], true);
- }
- $buff .= "\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $buff = sprintf("%s\n", $val);
- }
- if(!$is_sub_set)
- {
- return sprintf("\n%s", $buff);
- }
- return $buff;
-// Display the result
-function printContent($content)
- header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
- header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
- header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
- header("Pragma: no-cache");
- print $content;
- Context::close();
- exit();
-/* End of file blogapi.func.php */
-/* Location: ./addons/blogapi/blogapi.func.php */
diff --git a/addons/blogapi/conf/info.xml b/addons/blogapi/conf/info.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 408cf8ffa5..0000000000
--- a/addons/blogapi/conf/info.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- BlogAPI 애드온
- BlogAPIアドオン
- BlogAPI
- Addon for BlogAPI
- BlogAPI Addon
- Addon für BlogAPI
- Addon para BlogAPI
- Аддон для BlogAPI
- 部落格 API
- metaWeblog를 지원하는 blogApi애드온입니다.
- 사용으로 설정하면 각 모듈마다 RSD 태그를 노출합니다.
- api의 주소는 http://설치주소/모듈명/api 입니다.
- 사용으로 해야 RSD태그 및 api가 동작을 합니다.
- MetaWeblogをサポートするBlog APIアドオンです。
- 「使用する」にチェックすると各モジュールごとにRSDのアドレスを表示します。
- APIのアドレスは「http://インストールURL/モジュール名/api」です。
- 「使用する」に設定してから、RSDタグ、およびAPIが作動します。
- 支持metaWeblog的 blogApi插件。
- 设置为"启用"时,会使每个模块都会显示RSD标签。
- api地址为http://安装地址/模块名/api。
- 把状态设置为"使用"时,才会激活RSD标签及api。
- This blogAPI addon supports metaWeblog.
- By using this option, it lets the RSD tag to be exposed to each module.
- URL to the API is http://setup_path/module_name/api.
- RSD tag and the api will work only if you use this addon.
- Addon BlogAPI này hỗ trợ metaWeblog..
- Bằng việc sử dụng tùy chọn này, Tag RSD sẽ được hiển thị đến mỗi Module.
- URL cho API có dạng http://setup_path/module_name/api.
- RSD Tag và API chỉ làm việc khi Addon này được kích hoạt.
- Diese blogApi addon metaWeblog unterstützt.
- Durch die Verwendung dieser Option, die es ermöglicht RSD Tag ausgesetzt werden jedes Modul.
- URL der api ist http://setup_path/module_name/api.
- RSD-Tag und dem API arbeiten und nur dann, wenn Sie über dieses Addon.
- Este blogApi addon soporta el metaWeblog.
- Si seleccionas la optión usar, cada módulo entregará la etiqueta RSD.
- La dirección de api es http://dirección de la instalación/nombre de módulo/api.
- Sólo si seleccionas la opción usar, funcionará la etiqueta RSD y api.
- Этот blogApi аддон поддерживает metaWeblog.
- Используя этот аддон, RSD тег становится доступным для каждого модуля.
- URL для api - http://setup_path/module_name/api.
- тег RSD и api работают только при включенном аддоне.
- 支援 MetaWeblog 的部落格 API 附加元件。
- 設置成"啟用"時,會使每個模組都顯示 RSD 圖示。
- API網址是 http://安裝位置/模組名稱/api。
- 將狀態設置成"啟用"時,才可使用 RSD 和 API
- 1.7
- 2013-11-27
diff --git a/addons/mobile/classes/hdml.class.php b/addons/mobile/classes/hdml.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 868df7faac..0000000000
--- a/addons/mobile/classes/hdml.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
- header("Pragma: no-cache");
- print '';
- print "\n";
- print $this->hasChilds()?'':'';
- print "\n";
- if($this->upperUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->upperUrl;
- printf('%s', $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Output title
- **/
- function printTitle()
- {
- if($this->totalPage > $this->mobilePage) $titlePageStr = sprintf("(%d/%d)",$this->mobilePage, $this->totalPage);
- printf('<%s%s>%s', $this->title,$titlePageStr,"\n");
- }
- /**
- * @brief Output information
- * hasChilds() if there is a list of content types, otherwise output
- **/
- function printContent()
- {
- if($this->hasChilds())
- {
- foreach($this->getChilds() as $key => $val)
- {
- if(!$val['link']) continue;
- printf('%s%s',Context::getLang('cmd_select'), $val['href'], $val['text'], "\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printf('%s
%s', $this->getContent(),"\n");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Button to output
- **/
- function printBtn()
- {
- // Menu Types
- if($this->hasChilds())
- {
- if($this->nextUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->nextUrl;
- printf('%s%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- if($this->prevUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->prevUrl;
- printf('%s%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- if($this->homeUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->homeUrl;
- printf('%s%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- // Content Types
- }
- else
- {
- if($this->nextUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->nextUrl;
- printf('%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text);
- }
- if($this->prevUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->prevUrl;
- printf('%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text);
- }
- if($this->homeUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->homeUrl;
- printf('%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Footer information output
- **/
- function printFooter()
- {
- print $this->hasChilds()?'':'';
- print "\n";
- print("");
- }
-/* End of file hdml.class.php */
-/* Location: ./addons/mobile/classes/hdml.class.php */
diff --git a/addons/mobile/classes/mhtml.class.php b/addons/mobile/classes/mhtml.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e472a350..0000000000
--- a/addons/mobile/classes/mhtml.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- if($this->totalPage > $this->mobilePage) $titlePageStr = sprintf("(%d/%d)",$this->mobilePage, $this->totalPage);
- printf("%s%s\n", htmlspecialchars($this->title, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false),htmlspecialchars($titlePageStr, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false));
- }
- // Output title
- function printTitle()
- {
- if($this->totalPage > $this->mobilePage) $titlePageStr = sprintf("(%d/%d)",$this->mobilePage, $this->totalPage);
- printf('<%s%s>
%s', htmlspecialchars($this->title, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false),htmlspecialchars($titlePageStr, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false),"\n");
- }
- /**
- * @brief Output information
- * hasChilds() if there is a list of content types, otherwise output
- **/
- function printContent()
- {
- if($this->hasChilds())
- {
- foreach($this->getChilds() as $key => $val)
- {
- if(!$val['link']) continue;
- printf('%s
%s', $val['href'], $this->getNo(), $val['text'], "\n");
- if($val['extra']) printf("
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print(str_replace('
- }
- print "
- }
- /**
- * @brief Button to output
- **/
- function printBtn()
- {
- if($this->nextUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->nextUrl;
- printf('%s
%s', $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- if($this->prevUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->prevUrl;
- printf('%s
%s', $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- // Select Language
- if(!parent::isLangChange())
- {
- $url = getUrl('','lcm','1','sel_lang',Context::getLangType(),'return_uri',Context::get('current_url'));
- printf('%s
%s', $url, 'Language : '.Context::getLang('select_lang'), "\n");
- }
- else
- {
- printf('%s
%s', Context::get('return_uri'), Context::getLang('lang_return'), "\n");
- }
- if($this->upperUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->upperUrl;
- printf('%s', $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- if($this->homeUrl)
- {
- $url = $this->homeUrl;
- printf('%s
%s', $url->text, $url->url, $url->text, "\n");
- }
- }
- // Footer information output
- function printFooter()
- {
- print("