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We often created a map with $ID \to Object$ to seek data, but this limits us to seek the data with only ID. to seek data with any field without SQL in database, IndexMap is the data structure you can reach this.


To get the IndexMap package:

go get -u ""

Import the package:

import ""

Get Started

First, to create a IndexMap with primary index:

type Person struct {
	ID   int64
	Name string
	Age  int
	City string
	Like []string

persons := indexmap.NewIndexMap(indexmap.NewPrimaryIndex(func(value *Person) int64 {
    return value.ID

Now it's just like the common map type, but then you can add index to seek person with the other field:

persons.AddIndex("name", indexmap.NewSecondaryIndex(func(value *Person) []any {
    return []any{value.Name}

You have to provide the way to extract keys for the inserted object, all keys must be comparable.

The insertion updates indexes automatically:

ashe := &Person{
    ID:   1,
    Name: "Ashe",
    Age:  39,
    City: "San Francisco",
    Like: []string{"Bob", "Cassidy"},
bob := &Person{
    ID:   2,
    Name: "Bob",
    Age:  18,
    City: "San Francisco",
cassidy := &Person{
    ID:   3,
    Name: "Cassidy",
    Age:  40,
    City: "Shanghai",
    Like: []string{"Ashe", "Bob"},


Adding index after inserting data also works:

persons.AddIndex("city", indexmap.NewSecondaryIndex(func(value *Person) []any {
    return []any{value.City}

// Like is a "contain" index
persons.AddIndex("like", indexmap.NewSecondaryIndex(func(value *Person) []any {
    like := make([]any, 0, len(value.Like))
    for i := range value.Like {
        like = append(like, value.Like[i])
    return like

And seek data with primary index or the added index:

fmt.Println("Search with ID or Name:")
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", persons.Get(ashe.ID))
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", persons.GetBy("name", ashe.Name))

fmt.Println("\nSearch persons come from San Francisco:")
for _, person := range persons.GetAllBy("city", "San Francisco") {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", person)

fmt.Println("\nSearch persons like Bob")
for _, person := range persons.GetAllBy("like", "Bob") {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", person)

which outputs:

Search with ID or Name:
&{ID:1 Name:Ashe Age:39 City:San Francisco Like:[Bob Cassidy]}
&{ID:1 Name:Ashe Age:39 City:San Francisco Like:[Bob Cassidy]}

Search persons come from San Francisco:
&{ID:1 Name:Ashe Age:39 City:San Francisco Like:[Bob Cassidy]}
&{ID:2 Name:Bob Age:18 City:San Francisco Like:[]}

Search persons like Bob
&{ID:3 Name:Cassidy Age:40 City:Shanghai Like:[Ashe Bob]}
&{ID:1 Name:Ashe Age:39 City:San Francisco Like:[Bob Cassidy]}


API Reference

Update Value

Inserting the different values with the same key works like the normal map type, the last one overwrites the others, but for a inserted value, modifing it outside may confuse the index, modify an internal value with Update()/UpdateBy():

// DO NOT:
person := persons.GetBy("name", "Ashe")
person.City = "Shanghai"

// Modify the internal value with Update()/UpdateBy()
persons.UpdateBy("name", "Ashe", func(value *Person) (*Person, bool) {
    if value.City == "Shanghai" {
        return value, false
    value.City = "Shanghai"
    return value, true

Serialize & Deserialize

You can serialize an IndexMap to JSON, the result is the same as serializing a normal map type, doesn't contain the index information, so you can't recover the indexes from that:

// Serialize
imapData, err := json.Marshal(imap)

// Deserialize
// You have to create an IndexMap with primary index,
// it's acceptable to add secondary index after deserializing
imap := NewIndexMap(NewPrimaryIndex(func(value *Person) int64 {
    return value.ID
err := json.Unmarshal(imapData, &imap)


Like sync.Map, you can iterate the IndexMap with Range() method:

imap.Range(func(key int64, value *Person) bool {
    fmt.Printf("key=%v, value=%+v\n", key, value)
    return true

An useful method to get all keys and values:

keys, values := imap.Collect()


Let $n$ be the number of elements inserted, $m$ be the number of indexes:

Operation Complexity
Get $O(1)$
GetBy $O(1)$
Insert $O(m)$
Update $O(m)$
Remove $O(m)$
AddIndex $O(n)$

The more indexes, the slower the write operations.


A map type you can add more indexes







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