This script allows detecting domains which have names that are very close to well-known domains. This is a common strategy used by attackers to trick users and make them click in phishing emails, or to hide in plain sight the traffic of malware to C&C servers, etc.
This code requires 2.7 or Python 3.4+ and the libraries pyxDamerauLevenshtein and NumPy -t <domains> -i <input file> -o <output file>
python -t domains -i target_domains.csv -o results.txt
As input the script expects a 1 column list of the target domains to be evaluated.
Sample input:
Sample output:
{"": {"": 0.09090909361839294, "": 0.1818181872367859}}
{"": {"": 0.07692307978868484}}
This script allows detecting outliers in Bro DNS logs using the Isolation Forest algorithm as implemented in the Python library scikit-learn. This method does not detect "evil" by default but it can help to identify rare events within a large number of DNS requests. Some of these rare events may be malicious in nature and could be spotted visually by analysts having a good knowledge of the environment they're defending.
This code requires Python 2.7 and the libraries below.
- bat (
- pandas (
- sklearn (
- numpy (
The Bro DNS log records must have json format ( -i <Bro DNS file> -c <contamination>
The script saves the results in two different files: outliers.json and kmeans-clusters.json. The first file contains all the outlier events detected and the second the same events but clustered using the algorithm KMeans.
The user can set the value for the contamination parameter which can have a direct impact on how many outliers the algorightm will return. In general with higher values of contamination more outliers will be returned. The default value is 0.1.