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index eed5651..1ebb340 100644
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-# anubis_palaeoproteomics
\ No newline at end of file
+# Anubis: a multi-level authentication scale for ancient proteins using random forest classification
+## Quick start
+- Go to anubis_v1 folder and choose to open .ipynb files in Colab
+- A Github account will be needed for authorisation. Go to [Github](https://github.com/) and get one if you haven't >_<
+## Documentation
+- under construction but please see Notebooks' annotations
+## FAQs
+1. Could I use the BLG model for other proteins?
well it is not recommended cos physical-chemical features (atom coordinates) were based on a BLG structure file.
+2. Do I need a Google Colab subscription?
Anubis is lightweight and a normal CPU runtime is sufficient (with no subscriptions).
+3. Do I need a Google account?
May make life easier. Colab can also access files in your Google drive (with permission).
+4. Help! Still unsure how to use Anubis.
Open an issue or get in touch with me (preprint link)