This class taught students comparative languages (Scheme, Ocaml, Smalltalk, and Prolog) that aren't commonly used anymore. In this directory, I have completed the class programming assignments respectively in /asg#/code.
Students would use a terminal such as macOS Terminal or Putty (Windows) to do projects, get files, and submit projects to be graded from: This website may require a login which is known mainly only to students and instructors.
I have provided the assignments and their completed code in their respective directory /asg#/code. They all require their programming language which students indicate with a hashbang or indicate it in their .bash_profile/ .bashrc.
In the mzscheme program
#!/afs/ -qr
In our .bash_profile/ .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/afs/
export PATH=$PATH:/afs/
export PATH=$PATH:/afs/
Our professor provided usually provides us a mk.tests file or a testrun file which we run to test. You can find this in /.score OR /code