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Two methods are provided to install this software. Use PyPi (see package details) or GitHub (see package details).

Via PyPI

    $ sudo pip install cloudflare

Yes - that simple! (the sudo may not be needed in some cases).

Via github

    $ git clone
    $ cd python-cloudflare
    $ ./ build
    $ sudo ./ install

Or whatever variance of that you want to use. There is a Makefile included.

Cloudflare name change - dropping the capital F

In Sepember/October 2016 the company modified its company name and dropped the capital F. However, for now (and for backward compatibility reasons) the class name stays the same.

Cloudflare API version 4

The Cloudflare API can be found here. Each API call is provided via a similarly named function within the CloudFlare class. A full list is provided below.

Example code

All example code is available on GitHub (see package in the examples folder.

Getting Started

A very simple listing of zones within your account; including the IPv6 status of the zone.

import CloudFlare

def main():
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()
    zones = cf.zones.get()
    for zone in zones:
        zone_id = zone['id']
        zone_name = zone['name']
        print zone_id, zone_name

if __name__ == '__main__':

This example works when there are less than 50 zones (50 is the default number of values returned from a query like this).

Now lets expand on that and add code to show the IPv6 and SSL status of the zones. Lets also query 100 zones.

import CloudFlare

def main():
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()
    zones = cf.zones.get(params = {'per_page':100})
    for zone in zones:
        zone_id = zone['id']
        zone_name = zone['name']

        settings_ssl = cf.zones.settings.ssl.get(zone_id)
        ssl_status = settings_ssl['value']

        settings_ipv6 = cf.zones.settings.ipv6.get(zone_id)
        ipv6_status = settings_ipv6['value']

        print zone_id, zone_name, ssl_status, ipv6_status

if __name__ == '__main__':

In order to query more than a single page of zones, we would have to use the raw mode (decribed more below). We can loop over many get calls and pass the page paramater to facilitate the paging.

Raw mode is only needed when a get request has the possibility of returning many items.

import CloudFlare

def main():
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(raw=True)
    page_number = 0
    while True:
        raw_results = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':5,'page':page_number})
        zones = raw_results['result']

        for zone in zones:
            zone_id = zone['id']
            zone_name = zone['name']
            print zone_id, zone_name

        total_pages = raw_results['result_info']['total_pages']
        page_number += 1
        if page_number == total_pages:

if __name__ == '__main__':

A more complex example follows.

import CloudFlare
import CloudFlare.exceptions

def main():
    zone_name = ''

    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()

    # query for the zone name and expect only one value back
        zones = cf.zones.get(params = {'name':zone_name,'per_page':1})
    except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
        exit('/zones.get %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e))
    except Exception as e:
        exit('/zones.get - %s - api call failed' % (e))

    if len(zones) == 0:
        exit('No zones found')

    # extract the zone_id which is needed to process that zone
    zone = zones[0]
    zone_id = zone['id']

    # request the DNS records from that zone
        dns_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id)
    except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
        exit('/zones/dns_records.get %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e))

    # print the results - first the zone name
    print zone_id, zone_name

    # then all the DNS records for that zone
    for dns_record in dns_records:
        r_name = dns_record['name']
        r_type = dns_record['type']
        r_value = dns_record['content']
        r_id = dns_record['id']
        print '\t', r_id, r_name, r_type, r_value


if __name__ == '__main__':

Providing Cloudflare Username and API Key

When you create a CloudFlare class you can pass up to four paramaters.

  • Account email
  • Account API key
  • Optional Origin-CA Certificate Token
  • Optional Debug flag (True/False)
import CloudFlare

    # A minimal call - reading values from environment variables or configuration file
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()

    # A minimal call with debug enabled
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(debug=True))

    # A full blown call with passed basic account information
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(email='', token='00000000000000000000000000000000')

    # A full blown call with passed basic account information and CA-Origin info
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(email='', token='00000000000000000000000000000000', certtoken='v1.0-...')

If the account email and API key are not passed when you create the class, then they are retreived from either the users exported shell environment variables or the .cloudflare.cfg or ~/.cloudflare.cfg or ~/.cloudflare/cloudflare.cfg files, in that order.

There is one call that presently doesn't need any email or token certification (the /ips call); hence you can test without any values saved away.

Using shell environment variables

$ export CF_API_EMAIL=''
$ export CF_API_KEY='00000000000000000000000000000000'
$ export CF_API_CERTKEY='v1.0-...'

These are optional environment variables; however, they do override the values set within a configuration file.

Using configuration file to store email and keys

$ cat ~/.cloudflare/cloudflare.cfg
email =
token = 00000000000000000000000000000000
certtoken = v1.0-...
extras =

The CF_API_CERTKEY or certtoken values are used for the Origin-CA /certificates API calls. You can leave certtoken in the configuration with a blank value (or omit the option variable fully).

The extras values are used when adding API calls outside of the core codebase. Technically, this is only useful for internal testing within Cloudflare. You can leave extras in the configuration with a blank value (or omit the option variable fully).

Exceptions and return values

Response data

The response is build from the JSON in the API call. It contains the results values; but does not contain the paging values.

You can return all the paging values by calling the class with raw=True. Here's an example without paging.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import CloudFlare

def main():
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()
    zones = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':5})
    print len(zones)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The results are as follows.


When you add the raw option; the APIs full structure is returned. This means the paging values can be seen.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import CloudFlare

def main():
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(raw=True)
    zones = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page':5})
    print zones.length()
    print json.dumps(zones, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This produces.

    "result": [
    "result_info": {
        "count": 5,
        "page": 1,
        "per_page": 5,
        "total_count": 31,
        "total_pages": 7

A full example of paging is provided below.


The library will raise CloudFlareAPIError when the API call fails. The exception returns both an integer and textual message in one value.

import CloudFlare
import CloudFlare.exceptions

        r = ...
    except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
        exit('api error: %d %s' % (e, e))

The other raised response is CloudFlareInternalError which can happen when calling an invalid method.

In some cases more than one error is returned. In this case the return value e is also an array. You can itterate over that array to see the additional error.

import sys
import CloudFlare
import CloudFlare.exceptions

        r = ...
    except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e:
        if len(e) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write('api error - more than one error value returned!\n')
            for x in e:
                sys.stderr.write('api error: %d %s\n' % (x, x))
        exit('api error: %d %s' % (e, e))

Exception examples

Here's examples using the CLI command cli4 of the responses passed back in exceptions.

First a simple get with a clean (non-error) response.

$ cli4 /zones/ | jq -c '.[]|{"name","type":.type,"content":.content}'

Next a simple/single error response. This is simulated by providing incorrect authentication information.

$ CF_API_EMAIL='' cli4 /zones/
cli4: /zones - 9103 Unknown X-Auth-Key or X-Auth-Email

Finally, a command that provides more than one error response. This is simulated by passing an invalid IPv4 address to a DNS record creation.

$ cli4 --post name='foo' type=A content="1" /zones/
cli4: /zones/ - 9005 Content for A record is invalid. Must be a valid IPv4 address
cli4: /zones/ - 1004 DNS Validation Error

Included example code

The examples folder contains many examples in both simple and verbose formats.

A DNS zone code example

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import CloudFlare

def main():
    zone_name = sys.argv[1]
    cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare()
    zone_info ={'jump_start':False, 'name': zone_name})
    zone_id = zone_info['id']

    dns_records = [
        {'name':'foo', 'type':'AAAA', 'content':'2001:d8b::1'},
        {'name':'foo', 'type':'A', 'content':''},
        {'name':'duh', 'type':'A', 'content':'', 'ttl':120},
        {'name':'bar', 'type':'CNAME', 'content':'foo'},
        {'name':'shakespeare', 'type':'TXT', 'content':"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name ..."}

    for dns_record in dns_records:
        r =, data=dns_record)

if __name__ == '__main__':


All API calls can be called from the command line. The command will convert domain names on-the-fly into zone_identifier's.

$ cli4 [-V|--version] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] [-j|--json] [-y|--yaml] [-r|--raw] [-d|--dump] [--get|--patch|--post|--put|--delete] [item=value ...] /command...

CLI paramaters for POST/PUT/PATCH

For API calls that need to pass data or parameters there is various formats to use.

The simplest form is item=value. This passes the value as a string within the APIs JSON data.

If you need a numeric value passed then == can be used to force the value to be treated as a numeric value within the APIs JSON data. For example: item==value.

if you need to pass a list of items; then [] can be used. For example:

cli4 --post global_pools="[ ${pool_id1}, ${pool_id2}, ${pool_id3} ]" region_pools="[ ]" /user/load_balancers/maps

Data or parameters can be either named or unnamed. It can not be both. Named is the majority format; as described above. Unnamed parameters simply don't have anything before the = sign, as in =value. This format is presently only used by the Cloudflare Load Balancer API calls. For example:

cli4 --put ="00000000000000000000000000000000" /user/load_balancers/maps/:00000000000000000000000000000000/region/:WNAM

CLI output

The output from the CLI command is in JSON or YAML format (and human readable). This is controled by the --yaml or --json flags (JSON is the default).

Simple CLI examples

  • cli4 /user/billing/profile

  • cli4 /user/invites

  • cli4 /zones/

  • cli4 /zones/

  • cli4 /zones/

  • cli4 --put /zones/

  • cli4 /zones/

  • cli4 /zones/

More complex CLI examples

Here is the creation of a DNS entry, followed by a listing of that entry and then the deletion of that entry.

$ $ cli4 --post name="test" type="A" content="" /zones/
    "id": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
    "name": "",
    "type": "A",
    "content": "",

$ cli4 /zones/ | jq '{"id","name","type":.type,"content":.content}'
  "id": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
  "name": "",
  "type": "A",
  "content": ""

$ cli4 --delete /zones/ | jq -c .

There's the ability to handle dns entries with multiple values. This produces more than one API call within the command.

$ cli4 /zones/ | jq -c '.[]|{"id","name","type":.type,"content":.content}'

Here are the cache purging commands.

$ cli4 --delete purge_everything=true /zones/ | jq -c .

$ cli4 --delete files='[]' /zones/ | jq -c .

$ cli4 --delete files='[,]' /zones/ | jq -c .

$ cli4 --delete tags='[tag1,tag2,tag3]' /zones/ | jq -c .
cli4: /zones/ - 1107 Only enterprise zones can purge by tag.

A somewhat useful listing of available plans for a specific zone.

$ cli4 /zones/ | jq -c '.[]|{"id","name"}'
{"id":"00000000000000000000000000000000","name":"Pro Website"}
{"id":"00000000000000000000000000000000","name":"Business Website"}
{"id":"00000000000000000000000000000000","name":"Enterprise Website"}
{"id":"0feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee","name":"Free Website"}

Paging CLI examples

The --raw command provides access to the paging returned values. See the API documentation for all the info. Here's an example of how to page thru a list of zones (it's included in the examples folder as

trap "rm ${tmp}; exit 0" 0 1 2 15
while true
	cli4 --raw per_page=5 page=${PAGE} /zones > ${tmp}
	domains=`jq -c '.|.result|.[]|.name' < ${tmp} | tr -d '"'`
	result_info=`jq -c '.|.result_info' < ${tmp}`
	COUNT=`      echo "${result_info}" | jq .count`
	PAGE=`       echo "${result_info}" | jq .page`
	PER_PAGE=`   echo "${result_info}" | jq .per_page`
	TOTAL_COUNT=`echo "${result_info}" | jq .total_count`
	TOTAL_PAGES=`echo "${result_info}" | jq .total_pages`
	if [ "${PAGE}" == "${TOTAL_PAGES}" ]
		## last section
	# grab the next page
	PAGE=`expr ${PAGE} + 1`

It produces the following results.

COUNT=5 PAGE=1 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- accumsan.example auctor.example consectetur.example dapibus.example elementum.example
COUNT=5 PAGE=2 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- felis.example iaculis.example ipsum.example justo.example lacus.example
COUNT=5 PAGE=3 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- lectus.example lobortis.example maximus.example morbi.example pharetra.example
COUNT=5 PAGE=4 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- porttitor.example potenti.example pretium.example purus.example quisque.example
COUNT=5 PAGE=5 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- sagittis.example semper.example sollicitudin.example suspendisse.example tortor.example
COUNT=1 PAGE=7 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- varius.example vehicula.example velit.example velit.example vitae.example
COUNT=5 PAGE=6 PER_PAGE=5 TOTAL_COUNT=31 TOTAL_PAGES=7 -- vivamus.example

DNSSEC CLI examples

$ cli4 /zones/ | jq -c '{"status":.status}'

$ cli4 --patch status=active /zones/ | jq -c '{"status":.status}'

$ cli4 /zones/
    "algorithm": "13",
    "digest": "41600621c65065b09230ebc9556ced937eb7fd86e31635d0025326ccf09a7194",
    "digest_algorithm": "SHA256",
    "digest_type": "2",
    "ds": " 3600 IN DS 2371 13 2 41600621c65065b09230ebc9556ced937eb7fd86e31635d0025326ccf09a7194",
    "flags": 257,
    "key_tag": 2371,
    "key_type": "ECDSAP256SHA256",
    "modified_on": "2016-05-01T22:42:15.591158Z",
    "public_key": "mdsswUyr3DPW132mOi8V9xESWE8jTo0dxCjjnopKl+GqJxpVXckHAeF+KkxLbxILfDLUT0rAK9iUzy1L53eKGQ==",
    "status": "pending"

Implemented API calls

The --dump argument to cli4 will produce a list of all the call implemented within the library.

$ cli4 --dump

Table of commands

GET POST DELETE /certificates
GET /ips
GET PATCH /organizations
GET POST PATCH DELETE /organizations/:identifier/firewall/access_rules/rules
PATCH /organizations/:identifier/invite
GET POST DELETE /organizations/:identifier/invites
GET PATCH DELETE /organizations/:identifier/members
GET POST PATCH DELETE /organizations/:identifier/railguns
GET /organizations/:identifier/railguns/:identifier/zones
GET /organizations/:identifier/roles
GET POST PATCH DELETE /organizations/:identifier/virtual_dns
GET /railguns/:identifier/zones
GET /user/billing/history
GET /user/billing/profile
GET /user/billing/subscriptions/apps
GET /user/billing/subscriptions/zones
GET POST PATCH DELETE /user/firewall/access_rules/rules
GET PATCH /user/invites
GET DELETE /user/organizations
GET POST PATCH DELETE /user/virtual_dns
PUT /zones/:identifier/activation_check
GET /zones/:identifier/analytics/colos
GET /zones/:identifier/analytics/dashboard
GET /zones/:identifier/available_plans
PUT /zones/:identifier/custom_certificates/prioritize
GET POST PATCH DELETE /zones/:identifier/custom_certificates
GET PUT /zones/:identifier/custom_pages
GET PUT POST DELETE /zones/:identifier/dns_records
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/firewall/waf/packages/:identifier/groups
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/firewall/waf/packages/:identifier/rules
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/firewall/waf/packages
GET POST PATCH DELETE /zones/:identifier/firewall/access_rules/rules
GET POST PATCH DELETE /zones/:identifier/keyless_certificates
GET PUT POST PATCH DELETE /zones/:identifier/pagerules
DELETE /zones/:identifier/purge_cache
GET /zones/:identifier/railguns/:identifier/diagnose
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/railguns
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings
GET /zones/:identifier/settings/advanced_ddos
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/always_online
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/browser_cache_ttl
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/browser_check
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/cache_level
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/challenge_ttl
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/development_mode
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/email_obfuscation
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/hotlink_protection
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/ip_geolocation
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/ipv6
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/minify
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/mirage
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/mobile_redirect
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/origin_error_page_pass_thru
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/polish
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/prefetch_preload
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/response_buffering
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/rocket_loader
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/security_header
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/security_level
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/server_side_exclude
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/sort_query_string_for_cache
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/ssl
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/tls_1_2_only
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/tls_client_auth
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/true_client_ip_header
GET PATCH /zones/:identifier/settings/waf

Adding extra API calls manually

Extra API calls can be added via the configuration file

$ cat ~/.cloudflare/cloudflare.cfg
extras =

While it's easy to call anything within Cloudflare's API, it's not very useful to add items in here as they will simply return API URL errors. Technically, this is only useful for internal testing within Cloudflare.


The following error can be caused by an out of date SSL/TLS library and/or out of date Python.

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ SNIMissingWarning: An HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Subject Name Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see

The solution can be found here and/or here.

Python 2.x vs 3.x support

As of May/June 2016 the code is now tested againt pylint. This was required in order to move the codebase into Python 3.x. The motivation for this came from Danielle Madeley (danni).

While the codebase has been edited to run on Python 3.x, there's not been enough Python 3.x testing performed. If you can help in this regard; please contact the maintainers.


This is based on work by Felix Wong (gnowxilef) found here. It has been seriously expanded upon.


Portions copyright Felix Wong (gnowxilef) 2015 and Cloudflare 2016.