The following tables gives you an overview of the tasks in MTEB.
Name | Languages | Type | Category | Domains | # Samples | Avg. Length (Char.) |
AFQMC | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
AILACasedocs | ['eng'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Legal] | ||
AILAStatutes | ['eng'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Legal] | ||
AJGT (Alomari et al., 2017) | ['ara'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'train': 1800} | {'train': 46.81} |
ATEC | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
AfriSentiLangClassification | ['amh', 'arq', 'ary', 'hau', 'ibo', 'kin', 'pcm', 'por', 'swa', 'tso', 'twi', 'yor'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 5754} | {'test': 77.84} |
AllegroReviews | ['pol'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 1006} | {'test': 477.2} | |
AlloProfClusteringP2P | ['fra'] | Clustering | p2p | |||
AlloProfClusteringS2S | ['fra'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
AlloprofReranking | ['fra'] | Reranking | s2s | |||
AlloprofRetrieval | ['fra'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
AmazonCounterfactualClassification | ['deu', 'eng', 'jpn'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 335, 'test': 670} | {'validation': 109.2, 'test': 106.1} | |
AmazonPolarityClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 400000} | {'test': 431.4} | |
AmazonReviewsClassification | ['cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'jpn', 'spa'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 30000, 'test': 30000} | {'validation': 159.2, 'test': 160.4} | |
AngryTweetsClassification (Pauli et al., 2021) | ['dan'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 1050} | {'test': 156.1} |
ArguAna | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
ArguAna-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
ArmenianParaphrasePC (Arthur Malajyan, 2020) | ['hye'] | PairClassification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 4023, 'test': 1470} | {'train': 243.81, 'test': 241.37} |
ArxivClassification (He et al., 2019) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Academic] | {'test': 2048} | |
ArxivClusteringP2P.v3 | ['eng'] | Clustering | p2p | [Academic] | {'test': 250000} | {'test': 1009.98} |
ArxivClusteringS2S | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | {'test': 732723} | {'test': 74.0} | |
AskUbuntuDupQuestions | ['eng'] | Reranking | s2s | {'test': 2255} | {'test': 52.5} | |
BIOSSES | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
BQ | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
BSARDRetrieval | ['fra'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
BUCC | ['cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'rus'] | BitextMining | s2s | {'test': 641684} | {'test': 101.3} | |
Banking77Classification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 3080} | {'test': 54.2} | |
BengaliDocumentClassification | ['ben'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1658.1} |
BengaliHateSpeechClassification (Karim et al., 2020) | ['ben'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 3418} | {'train': 103.42} |
BengaliSentimentAnalysis (Sazzed et al., 2020) | ['ben'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'train': 11807} | {'train': 69.66} |
BibleNLPBitextMining (Akerman et al., 2023) | ['aai', 'aak', 'aau', 'aaz', 'abt', 'abx', 'aby', 'acf', 'acr', 'acu', 'adz', 'aer', 'aey', 'agd', 'agg', 'agm', 'agn', 'agr', 'agt', 'agu', 'aia', 'aii', 'aka', 'ake', 'alp', 'alq', 'als', 'aly', 'ame', 'amf', 'amk', 'amm', 'amn', 'amo', 'amp', 'amr', 'amu', 'amx', 'anh', 'anv', 'aoi', 'aoj', 'aom', 'aon', 'apb', 'ape', 'apn', 'apr', 'apu', 'apw', 'apz', 'arb', 'are', 'arl', 'arn', 'arp', 'asm', 'aso', 'ata', 'atb', 'atd', 'atg', 'att', 'auc', 'aui', 'auy', 'avt', 'awb', 'awk', 'awx', 'azb', 'azg', 'azz', 'bao', 'bba', 'bbb', 'bbr', 'bch', 'bco', 'bdd', 'bea', 'bef', 'bel', 'ben', 'beo', 'beu', 'bgs', 'bgt', 'bhg', 'bhl', 'big', 'bjk', 'bjp', 'bjr', 'bjv', 'bjz', 'bkd', 'bki', 'bkq', 'bkx', 'blw', 'blz', 'bmh', 'bmk', 'bmr', 'bmu', 'bnp', 'boa', 'boj', 'bon', 'box', 'bpr', 'bps', 'bqc', 'bqp', 'bre', 'bsj', 'bsn', 'bsp', 'bss', 'buk', 'bus', 'bvd', 'bvr', 'bxh', 'byr', 'byx', 'bzd', 'bzh', 'bzj', 'caa', 'cab', 'cac', 'caf', 'cak', 'cao', 'cap', 'car', 'cav', 'cax', 'cbc', 'cbi', 'cbk', 'cbr', 'cbs', 'cbt', 'cbu', 'cbv', 'cco', 'ceb', 'cek', 'ces', 'cgc', 'cha', 'chd', 'chf', 'chk', 'chq', 'chz', 'cjo', 'cjv', 'ckb', 'cle', 'clu', 'cme', 'cmn', 'cni', 'cnl', 'cnt', 'cof', 'con', 'cop', 'cot', 'cpa', 'cpb', 'cpc', 'cpu', 'cpy', 'crn', 'crx', 'cso', 'csy', 'cta', 'cth', 'ctp', 'ctu', 'cub', 'cuc', 'cui', 'cuk', 'cut', 'cux', 'cwe', 'cya', 'daa', 'dad', 'dah', 'dan', 'ded', 'deu', 'dgc', 'dgr', 'dgz', 'dhg', 'dif', 'dik', 'dji', 'djk', 'djr', 'dob', 'dop', 'dov', 'dwr', 'dww', 'dwy', 'ebk', 'eko', 'emi', 'emp', 'eng', 'enq', 'epo', 'eri', 'ese', 'esk', 'etr', 'ewe', 'faa', 'fai', 'far', 'ffm', 'for', 'fra', 'fue', 'fuf', 'fuh', 'gah', 'gai', 'gam', 'gaw', 'gdn', 'gdr', 'geb', 'gfk', 'ghs', 'glk', 'gmv', 'gng', 'gnn', 'gnw', 'gof', 'grc', 'gub', 'guh', 'gui', 'guj', 'gul', 'gum', 'gun', 'guo', 'gup', 'gux', 'gvc', 'gvf', 'gvn', 'gvs', 'gwi', 'gym', 'gyr', 'hat', 'hau', 'haw', 'hbo', 'hch', 'heb', 'heg', 'hin', 'hix', 'hla', 'hlt', 'hmo', 'hns', 'hop', 'hot', 'hrv', 'hto', 'hub', 'hui', 'hun', 'hus', 'huu', 'huv', 'hvn', 'ian', 'ign', 'ikk', 'ikw', 'ilo', 'imo', 'inb', 'ind', 'ino', 'iou', 'ipi', 'isn', 'ita', 'iws', 'ixl', 'jac', 'jae', 'jao', 'jic', 'jid', 'jiv', 'jni', 'jpn', 'jvn', 'kan', 'kaq', 'kbc', 'kbh', 'kbm', 'kbq', 'kdc', 'kde', 'kdl', 'kek', 'ken', 'kew', 'kgf', 'kgk', 'kgp', 'khs', 'khz', 'kik', 'kiw', 'kiz', 'kje', 'kjs', 'kkc', 'kkl', 'klt', 'klv', 'kmg', 'kmh', 'kmk', 'kmo', 'kms', 'kmu', 'kne', 'knf', 'knj', 'knv', 'kos', 'kpf', 'kpg', 'kpj', 'kpr', 'kpw', 'kpx', 'kqa', 'kqc', 'kqf', 'kql', 'kqw', 'ksd', 'ksj', 'ksr', 'ktm', 'kto', 'kud', 'kue', 'kup', 'kvg', 'kvn', 'kwd', 'kwf', 'kwi', 'kwj', 'kyc', 'kyf', 'kyg', 'kyq', 'kyz', 'kze', 'lac', 'lat', 'lbb', 'lbk', 'lcm', 'leu', 'lex', 'lgl', 'lid', 'lif', 'lin', 'lit', 'llg', 'lug', 'luo', 'lww', 'maa', 'maj', 'mal', 'mam', 'maq', 'mar', 'mau', 'mav', 'maz', 'mbb', 'mbc', 'mbh', 'mbj', 'mbl', 'mbs', 'mbt', 'mca', 'mcb', 'mcd', 'mcf', 'mco', 'mcp', 'mcq', 'mcr', 'mdy', 'med', 'mee', 'mek', 'meq', 'met', 'meu', 'mgc', 'mgh', 'mgw', 'mhl', 'mib', 'mic', 'mie', 'mig', 'mih', 'mil', 'mio', 'mir', 'mit', 'miz', 'mjc', 'mkj', 'mkl', 'mkn', 'mks', 'mle', 'mlh', 'mlp', 'mmo', 'mmx', 'mna', 'mop', 'mox', 'mph', 'mpj', 'mpm', 'mpp', 'mps', 'mpt', 'mpx', 'mqb', 'mqj', 'msb', 'msc', 'msk', 'msm', 'msy', 'mti', 'mto', 'mux', 'muy', 'mva', 'mvn', 'mwc', 'mwe', 'mwf', 'mwp', 'mxb', 'mxp', 'mxq', 'mxt', 'mya', 'myk', 'myu', 'myw', 'myy', 'mzz', 'nab', 'naf', 'nak', 'nas', 'nbq', 'nca', 'nch', 'ncj', 'ncl', 'ncu', 'ndg', 'ndj', 'nfa', 'ngp', 'ngu', 'nhe', 'nhg', 'nhi', 'nho', 'nhr', 'nhu', 'nhw', 'nhy', 'nif', 'nii', 'nin', 'nko', 'nld', 'nlg', 'nna', 'nnq', 'noa', 'nop', 'not', 'nou', 'npi', 'npl', 'nsn', 'nss', 'ntj', 'ntp', 'ntu', 'nuy', 'nvm', 'nwi', 'nya', 'nys', 'nyu', 'obo', 'okv', 'omw', 'ong', 'ons', 'ood', 'opm', 'ory', 'ote', 'otm', 'otn', 'otq', 'ots', 'pab', 'pad', 'pah', 'pan', 'pao', 'pes', 'pib', 'pio', 'pir', 'piu', 'pjt', 'pls', 'plu', 'pma', 'poe', 'poh', 'poi', 'pol', 'pon', 'por', 'poy', 'ppo', 'prf', 'pri', 'ptp', 'ptu', 'pwg', 'qub', 'quc', 'quf', 'quh', 'qul', 'qup', 'qvc', 'qve', 'qvh', 'qvm', 'qvn', 'qvs', 'qvw', 'qvz', 'qwh', 'qxh', 'qxn', 'qxo', 'rai', 'reg', 'rgu', 'rkb', 'rmc', 'rmy', 'ron', 'roo', 'rop', 'row', 'rro', 'ruf', 'rug', 'rus', 'rwo', 'sab', 'san', 'sbe', 'sbk', 'sbs', 'seh', 'sey', 'sgb', 'sgz', 'shj', 'shp', 'sim', 'sja', 'sll', 'smk', 'snc', 'snn', 'snp', 'snx', 'sny', 'som', 'soq', 'soy', 'spa', 'spl', 'spm', 'spp', 'sps', 'spy', 'sri', 'srm', 'srn', 'srp', 'srq', 'ssd', 'ssg', 'ssx', 'stp', 'sua', 'sue', 'sus', 'suz', 'swe', 'swh', 'swp', 'sxb', 'tac', 'taj', 'tam', 'tav', 'taw', 'tbc', 'tbf', 'tbg', 'tbo', 'tbz', 'tca', 'tcs', 'tcz', 'tdt', 'tee', 'tel', 'ter', 'tet', 'tew', 'tfr', 'tgk', 'tgl', 'tgo', 'tgp', 'tha', 'tif', 'tim', 'tiw', 'tiy', 'tke', 'tku', 'tlf', 'tmd', 'tna', 'tnc', 'tnk', 'tnn', 'tnp', 'toc', 'tod', 'tof', 'toj', 'ton', 'too', 'top', 'tos', 'tpa', 'tpi', 'tpt', 'tpz', 'trc', 'tsw', 'ttc', 'tte', 'tuc', 'tue', 'tuf', 'tuo', 'tur', 'tvk', 'twi', 'txq', 'txu', 'tzj', 'tzo', 'ubr', 'ubu', 'udu', 'uig', 'ukr', 'uli', 'ulk', 'upv', 'ura', 'urb', 'urd', 'uri', 'urt', 'urw', 'usa', 'usp', 'uvh', 'uvl', 'vid', 'vie', 'viv', 'vmy', 'waj', 'wal', 'wap', 'wat', 'wbi', 'wbp', 'wed', 'wer', 'wim', 'wiu', 'wiv', 'wmt', 'wmw', 'wnc', 'wnu', 'wol', 'wos', 'wrk', 'wro', 'wrs', 'wsk', 'wuv', 'xav', 'xbi', 'xed', 'xla', 'xnn', 'xon', 'xsi', 'xtd', 'xtm', 'yaa', 'yad', 'yal', 'yap', 'yaq', 'yby', 'ycn', 'yka', 'yle', 'yml', 'yon', 'yor', 'yrb', 'yre', 'yss', 'yuj', 'yut', 'yuw', 'yva', 'zaa', 'zab', 'zac', 'zad', 'zai', 'zaj', 'zam', 'zao', 'zap', 'zar', 'zas', 'zat', 'zav', 'zaw', 'zca', 'zga', 'zia', 'ziw', 'zlm', 'zos', 'zpc', 'zpl', 'zpm', 'zpo', 'zpq', 'zpu', 'zpv', 'zpz', 'zsr', 'ztq', 'zty', 'zyp'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Religious] | {'train': 256} | {'train': 120.0} |
BigPatentClustering | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
BiorxivClusteringP2P | ['eng'] | Clustering | p2p | {'test': 75000} | {'test': 1666.2} | |
BiorxivClusteringS2S | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | {'test': 75000} | {'test': 101.6} | |
BlurbsClusteringP2P.v2 (Steffen Remus, 2019) | ['deu'] | Clustering | p2p | [Fiction] | {'test': 50268} | {'test': 664.09} |
BlurbsClusteringS2S.v2 (Steffen Remus, 2019) | ['deu'] | Clustering | s2s | [Fiction] | {'test': 50268} | {'test': 23.02} |
BornholmBitextMining | ['dan'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Web, Social, Fiction] | {'test': 500} | {'test': 89.7} |
BulgarianStoreReviewSentimentClassfication (Georgieva-Trifonova et al., 2018) | ['bul'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 182} | {'test': 316.7} |
CBD | ['pol'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 1000} | {'test': 93.2} | |
CDSC-E | ['pol'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
CDSC-R | ['pol'] | STS | s2s | |||
CLSClusteringP2P | ['cmn'] | Clustering | p2p | |||
CLSClusteringS2S | ['cmn'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
CMedQAv1-reranking | ['cmn'] | Reranking | s2s | |||
CMedQAv2-reranking | ['cmn'] | Reranking | s2s | |||
CQADupstackAndroidRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackEnglishRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackGamingRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackGisRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackMathematicaRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackPhysicsRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackProgrammersRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackStatsRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackTexRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackUnixRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackWebmastersRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CQADupstackWordpressRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CUADAffiliateLicenseLicenseeLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 198} | {'test': 484.11} |
CUADAffiliateLicenseLicensorLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 88} | {'test': 633.4} |
CUADAntiAssignmentLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 1172} | {'test': 340.81} |
CUADAuditRightsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 1216} | {'test': 337.14} |
CUADCapOnLiabilityLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 1246} | {'test': 375.74} |
CUADChangeOfControlLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 416} | {'test': 391.96} |
CUADCompetitiveRestrictionExceptionLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 220} | {'test': 433.04} |
CUADCovenantNotToSueLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 308} | {'test': 402.97} |
CUADEffectiveDateLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 236} | {'test': 277.62} |
CUADExclusivityLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 762} | {'test': 369.17} |
CUADExpirationDateLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 876} | {'test': 309.27} |
CUADGoverningLawLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 876} | {'test': 289.87} |
CUADIPOwnershipAssignmentLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 576} | {'test': 414.0} |
CUADInsuranceLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 1030} | {'test': 365.54} |
CUADIrrevocableOrPerpetualLicenseLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 280} | {'test': 473.4} |
CUADJointIPOwnershipLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 192} | {'test': 374.17} |
CUADLicenseGrantLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 1396} | {'test': 409.89} |
CUADLiquidatedDamagesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 220} | {'test': 351.76} |
CUADMinimumCommitmentLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 772} | {'test': 364.16} |
CUADMostFavoredNationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 64} | {'test': 418.75} |
CUADNoSolicitOfCustomersLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 84} | {'test': 392.89} |
CUADNoSolicitOfEmployeesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 142} | {'test': 417.94} |
CUADNonCompeteLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 442} | {'test': 383.2} |
CUADNonDisparagementLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 100} | {'test': 403.08} |
CUADNonTransferableLicenseLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 542} | {'test': 399.16} |
CUADNoticePeriodToTerminateRenewalLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 222} | {'test': 354.85} |
CUADPostTerminationServicesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 808} | {'test': 422.53} |
CUADPriceRestrictionsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 46} | {'test': 324.71} |
CUADRenewalTermLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 386} | {'test': 340.87} |
CUADRevenueProfitSharingLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 774} | {'test': 371.55} |
CUADRofrRofoRofnLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 690} | {'test': 395.46} |
CUADSourceCodeEscrowLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 118} | {'test': 399.18} |
CUADTerminationForConvenienceLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 430} | {'test': 326.3} |
CUADThirdPartyBeneficiaryLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 68} | {'test': 261.04} |
CUADUncappedLiabilityLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 294} | {'test': 441.04} |
CUADUnlimitedAllYouCanEatLicenseLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 48} | {'test': 368.08} |
CUADVolumeRestrictionLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 322} | {'test': 306.27} |
CUADWarrantyDurationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 320} | {'test': 352.27} |
CanadaTaxCourtOutcomesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 244} | {'test': 622.6} |
ClimateFEVER | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CmedqaRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
Cmnli | ['cmn'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
CodeEditSearchRetrieval (Niklas Muennighoff, 2023) | ['c', 'c++', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'php', 'python', 'ruby', 'rust', 'scala', 'shell', 'swift', 'typescript'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Programming] | {'train': 13000} | {'train': 553.5} |
CodeSearchNetRetrieval (Husain et al., 2019) | ['go', 'java', 'javascript', 'php', 'python', 'ruby'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Programming] | {'test': 1000} | {'test': 1196.4609} |
ContractNLIConfidentialityOfAgreementLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 82} | {'test': 473.17} |
ContractNLIExplicitIdentificationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 109} | {'test': 506.12} |
ContractNLIInclusionOfVerballyConveyedInformationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 139} | {'test': 525.75} |
ContractNLILimitedUseLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 208} | {'test': 407.51} |
ContractNLINoLicensingLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 162} | {'test': 419.42} |
ContractNLINoticeOnCompelledDisclosureLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 142} | {'test': 503.45} |
ContractNLIPermissibleAcquirementOfSimilarInformationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 178} | {'test': 427.4} |
ContractNLIPermissibleCopyLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 87} | {'test': 386.84} |
ContractNLIPermissibleDevelopmentOfSimilarInformationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 136} | {'test': 396.4} |
ContractNLIPermissiblePostAgreementPossessionLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 111} | {'test': 529.09} |
ContractNLIReturnOfConfidentialInformationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 66} | {'test': 478.29} |
ContractNLISharingWithEmployeesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 170} | {'test': 548.63} |
ContractNLISharingWithThirdPartiesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 180} | {'test': 517.29} |
ContractNLISurvivalOfObligationsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 157} | {'test': 417.64} |
Core17InstructionRetrieval (Orion Weller, 2024) | ['eng'] | InstructionRetrieval | s2p | [News] | {'eng': 39838} | {'eng': 2768.749235474006} |
CorporateLobbyingLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 490} | {'test': 6039.85} |
CovidRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
CrossLingualSemanticDiscriminationWMT19 | ['deu', 'fra'] | Retrieval | s2s | [News] | {'test': 2946} | {'test': 161.0} |
CrossLingualSemanticDiscriminationWMT21 | ['deu', 'fra'] | Retrieval | s2s | [News] | {'test': 1786} | {'test': 159.0} |
CzechSubjectivityClassification | ['ces'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'validation': 500, 'test': 2000} | {'validation': 108.2, 'test': 108.3} |
DBPedia | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
DBPedia-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
DBpediaClassification (Zhang et al., 2015) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Encyclopaedic] | {'test': 70000} | {'test': 281.4} |
DKHateClassification | ['dan'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 329} | {'test': 104.0} |
DalajClassification | ['swe'] | Classification | s2s | [Non-fiction] | {'test': 444} | {'test': 243.8} |
DanFEVER | ['dan'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction] | {'train': 8897} | {'train': 124.84} |
DanishPoliticalCommentsClassification | ['dan'] | Classification | s2s | {'train': 9010} | {'train': 69.9} | |
DefinitionClassificationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 1337} | {'test': 253.72} |
DiaBlaBitextMining | ['eng', 'fra'] | BitextMining | s2s | |||
Diversity1LegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 300} | {'test': 103.21} |
Diversity2LegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 300} | {'test': 0.0} |
Diversity3LegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 300} | {'test': 135.46} |
Diversity4LegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 300} | {'test': 144.52} |
Diversity5LegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 300} | {'test': 174.77} |
Diversity6LegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 300} | {'test': 301.01} |
DuRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
DutchBookReviewSentimentClassification (Benjamin et al., 2019) | ['nld'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 2224} | {'test': 1443.0} |
EcomRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
EightTagsClustering | ['pol'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
EmotionClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 2000, 'test': 2000} | {'validation': 95.3, 'test': 95.6} | |
EstQA | ['est'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Encyclopaedic] | {'test': 603} | {'test': 772.5331950207469} |
EstonianValenceClassification | ['est'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 3270, 'test': 818} | {'train': 226.70642201834863, 'test': 231.5085574572127} |
FEVER | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
FQuADRetrieval | ['fra'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Encyclopaedic] | {'test': 400, 'validation': 100} | {'test': 937.0, 'validation': 930.0} |
FalseFriendsGermanEnglish | ['deu'] | PairClassification | s2s | {'test': 1524} | {'test': 40.3} | |
FaroeseSTS | ['fao'] | STS | s2s | [News, Web] | {'train': 729} | {'train': 43.6} |
FiQA-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
FiQA2018 | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
FilipinoHateSpeechClassification (Neil Vicente Cabasag et al., 2019) | ['fil'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'validation': 2048, 'test': 2048} | {'validation': 88.1, 'test': 87.4} |
FilipinoShopeeReviewsClassification | ['fil'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'validation': 2250, 'test': 2250} | {'validation': 143.8, 'test': 145.1} |
FinParaSTS | ['fin'] | STS | s2s | [News, Subtitles] | {'test': 1000, 'validation': 1000} | {'test': 59.0, 'validation': 58.8} |
FinToxicityClassification | ['fin'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 2048, 'test': 2048} | {'train': 432.63, 'test': 401.03} |
FinancialPhrasebankClassification (P. Malo, 2014) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 4840} | {'train': 121.96} |
FloresBitextMining | ['ace', 'acm', 'acq', 'aeb', 'afr', 'ajp', 'aka', 'als', 'amh', 'apc', 'arb', 'ars', 'ary', 'arz', 'asm', 'ast', 'awa', 'ayr', 'azb', 'azj', 'bak', 'bam', 'ban', 'bel', 'bem', 'ben', 'bho', 'bjn', 'bod', 'bos', 'bug', 'bul', 'cat', 'ceb', 'ces', 'cjk', 'ckb', 'crh', 'cym', 'dan', 'deu', 'dik', 'dyu', 'dzo', 'ell', 'eng', 'epo', 'est', 'eus', 'ewe', 'fao', 'fij', 'fin', 'fon', 'fra', 'fur', 'fuv', 'gaz', 'gla', 'gle', 'glg', 'grn', 'guj', 'hat', 'hau', 'heb', 'hin', 'hne', 'hrv', 'hun', 'hye', 'ibo', 'ilo', 'ind', 'isl', 'ita', 'jav', 'jpn', 'kab', 'kac', 'kam', 'kan', 'kas', 'kat', 'kaz', 'kbp', 'kea', 'khk', 'khm', 'kik', 'kin', 'kir', 'kmb', 'kmr', 'knc', 'kon', 'kor', 'lao', 'lij', 'lim', 'lin', 'lit', 'lmo', 'ltg', 'ltz', 'lua', 'lug', 'luo', 'lus', 'lvs', 'mag', 'mai', 'mal', 'mar', 'min', 'mkd', 'mlt', 'mni', 'mos', 'mri', 'mya', 'nld', 'nno', 'nob', 'npi', 'nso', 'nus', 'nya', 'oci', 'ory', 'pag', 'pan', 'pap', 'pbt', 'pes', 'plt', 'pol', 'por', 'prs', 'quy', 'ron', 'run', 'rus', 'sag', 'san', 'sat', 'scn', 'shn', 'sin', 'slk', 'slv', 'smo', 'sna', 'snd', 'som', 'sot', 'spa', 'srd', 'srp', 'ssw', 'sun', 'swe', 'swh', 'szl', 'tam', 'taq', 'tat', 'tel', 'tgk', 'tgl', 'tha', 'tir', 'tpi', 'tsn', 'tso', 'tuk', 'tum', 'tur', 'twi', 'tzm', 'uig', 'ukr', 'umb', 'urd', 'uzn', 'vec', 'vie', 'war', 'wol', 'xho', 'ydd', 'yor', 'yue', 'zho', 'zsm', 'zul'] | BitextMining | s2s | {'dev': 997, 'devtest': 1012} | ||
FloresClusteringS2S | ['spa'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
FrenchBookReviews | ['fra'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 311.5} |
FrenkEnClassification (Nikola Ljubešić, 2019) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 2300} | {'test': 188.75} |
FrenkHrClassification (Nikola Ljubešić, 2019) | ['hrv'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 2120} | {'test': 89.86} |
FrenkSlClassification (Nikola Ljubešić, 2019) | ['slv'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 2177} | {'test': 136.61} |
FunctionOfDecisionSectionLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 367} | {'test': 551.07} |
GeorgianFAQRetrieval | ['kat'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Web] | {'test': 2566} | {'test': 572.0} |
GerDaLIR | ['deu'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
GerDaLIRSmall | ['deu'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Legal] | ||
GermanDPR | ['deu'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
GermanPoliticiansTwitterSentimentClassification | ['deu'] | Classification | s2s | [Social, Government] | {'test': 357} | {'test': 302.48} |
GermanQuAD-Retrieval | ['deu'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
GermanSTSBenchmark | ['deu'] | STS | s2s | |||
GreekCivicsQA | ['ell'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Academic] | {'default': 407} | {'default': 2226.85} |
GreekLegalCodeClassification | ['ell'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'validation': 2048, 'test': 2048} | {'validation': 4046.8, 'test': 4200.8} |
GujaratiNewsClassification | ['guj'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 5269, 'test': 1318} | {'train': 61.95, 'test': 61.91} |
HALClusteringS2S | ['fra'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
HagridRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
HateSpeechPortugueseClassification | ['por'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 101.02} |
HinDialectClassification (Bafna et al., 2022) | ['anp', 'awa', 'ben', 'bgc', 'bhb', 'bhd', 'bho', 'bjj', 'bns', 'bra', 'gbm', 'guj', 'hne', 'kfg', 'kfy', 'mag', 'mar', 'mup', 'noe', 'pan', 'raj'] | Classification | s2s | [Social, Spoken] | {'test': 1152} | {'test': 583.82} |
HindiDiscourseClassification | ['hin'] | Classification | s2s | [Fiction, Social] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 79.23828125} |
HotelReviewSentimentClassification (Elnagar et al., 2018) | ['ara'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 137.2} |
HotpotQA | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
HotpotQA-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
HunSum2AbstractiveRetrieval (Botond Barta, 2024) | ['hun'] | Retrieval | s2p | [News] | {'test': 1998} | {'test': 2462.2177177177177} |
IFlyTek | ['cmn'] | Classification | s2s | |||
IN22ConvBitextMining (Jay Gala, 2023) | ['asm', 'ben', 'brx', 'doi', 'eng', 'gom', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'kas', 'mai', 'mal', 'mar', 'mni', 'npi', 'ory', 'pan', 'san', 'sat', 'snd', 'tam', 'tel', 'urd'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Social, Spoken, Fiction] | {'conv': 1503} | {'conv': 54.3} |
IN22GenBitextMining (Jay Gala, 2023) | ['asm', 'ben', 'brx', 'doi', 'eng', 'gom', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'kas', 'mai', 'mal', 'mar', 'mni', 'npi', 'ory', 'pan', 'san', 'sat', 'snd', 'tam', 'tel', 'urd'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Web, Legal, Government, News, Religious, Non-fiction] | {'gen': 1024} | {'gen': 156.7} |
ImdbClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | p2p | {'test': 25000} | {'test': 1293.8} | |
IndicCrosslingualSTS (Ramesh et al., 2022) | ['asm', 'ben', 'eng', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'mal', 'mar', 'ory', 'pan', 'tam', 'tel', 'urd'] | STS | s2s | [News, Non-fiction, Web, Spoken, Government] | {'test': 10020} | {'test': 76.22} |
IndicLangClassification | ['asm', 'ben', 'brx', 'doi', 'gom', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'kas', 'mai', 'mal', 'mar', 'mni', 'npi', 'ory', 'pan', 'san', 'sat', 'snd', 'tam', 'tel', 'urd'] | Classification | s2s | [Web, Non-fiction] | {'test': 30418} | {'test': 106.5} |
IndicQARetrieval (Sumanth Doddapaneni, 2022) | ['asm', 'ben', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'mal', 'mar', 'ory', 'pan', 'tam', 'tel'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Web] | {'test': 18586} | {'test': 930.6} |
IndicReviewsClusteringP2P (Sumanth Doddapaneni, 2022) | ['asm', 'ben', 'brx', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'mal', 'mar', 'ory', 'pan', 'tam', 'tel', 'urd'] | Clustering | p2p | [Reviews] | {'test': 1000} | {'test': 137.6} |
IndicSentimentClassification (Sumanth Doddapaneni, 2022) | ['asm', 'ben', 'brx', 'guj', 'hin', 'kan', 'mal', 'mar', 'ory', 'pan', 'tam', 'tel', 'urd'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 1000} | {'test': 137.6} |
IndonesianIdClickbaitClassification | ['ind'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 64.28} |
IndonesianMongabayConservationClassification | ['ind'] | Classification | s2s | [Web] | {'validation': 984, 'test': 970} | {'validation': 1675.8, 'test': 1675.5} |
InsurancePolicyInterpretationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 133} | {'test': 521.88} |
InternationalCitizenshipQuestionsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 206.18} |
IsiZuluNewsClassification (Madodonga et al., 2023) | ['zul'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 752} | {'train': 43.1} |
ItaCaseholdClassification (Licari et al., 2023) | ['ita'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal, Government] | {'test': 221} | {'test': 4207.9} |
Itacola | ['ita'] | Classification | s2s | [Non-fiction, Spoken] | {'train': 7801, 'test': 975} | {'train': 35.95, 'test': 36.67} |
JCrewBlockerLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 54} | {'test': 1092.22} |
JDReview | ['cmn'] | Classification | s2s | |||
JSTS | ['jpn'] | STS | s2s | [Web] | {'valudtion': 1457} | {'valudtion': 46.34} |
JaQuADRetrieval (ByungHoon So, 2022) | ['jpn'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction] | {'validation': 2048} | {'validation': 400.75} |
JavaneseIMDBClassification (Wongso et al., 2021) | ['jav'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 25000} | {'test': 481.83} |
KLUE-STS (Sungjoon Park, 2021) | ['kor'] | STS | s2s | [Reviews, News, Spoken] | {'validation': 519} | {'validation': 33.178227360308284} |
KLUE-TC (Sungjoon Park, 2021) | ['kor'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'validation': 2048} | {'validation': 27.079609091907326} |
KannadaNewsClassification | ['kan'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 6460} | {'train': 65.88} |
Ko-StrategyQA | ['kor'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
Ko-miracl | ['kor'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
KorSTS (Ham et al., 2020) | ['kor'] | STS | s2s | [News, Web] | {'test': 1379} | {'test': 29.279433139534884} |
KurdishSentimentClassification (Badawi et al., 2024) | ['kur'] | Classification | s2s | [Web] | {'train': 6000, 'test': 1987} | {'train': 59.38, 'test': 56.11} |
LCQMC | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
LEMBNarrativeQARetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Fiction, Non-fiction] | {'test': 10804} | {'test': 326399.3} |
LEMBNeedleRetrieval (Zhu et al., 2024) | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Academic, Blog] | {'test_256': 150, 'test_512': 150, 'test_1024': 150, 'test_2048': 150, 'test_4096': 150, 'test_8192': 150, 'test_16384': 150, 'test_32768': 150} | {'test_256': 1074.4, 'test_512': 2067.0, 'test_1024': 4129.5, 'test_2048': 8513.4, 'test_4096': 17452.7, 'test_8192': 35261.6, 'test_16384': 72113.7, 'test_32768': 141829.0} |
LEMBPasskeyRetrieval (Zhu et al., 2024) | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Fiction] | {'test_256': 150, 'test_512': 150, 'test_1024': 150, 'test_2048': 150, 'test_4096': 150, 'test_8192': 150, 'test_16384': 150, 'test_32768': 150} | {'test_256': 914.9, 'test_512': 1823.0, 'test_1024': 3644.7, 'test_2048': 7280.0, 'test_4096': 14555.5, 'test_8192': 29108.1, 'test_16384': 58213.9, 'test_32768': 116417.9} |
LEMBQMSumRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Spoken] | {'test': 1724} | {'test': 56136.4} |
LEMBSummScreenFDRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Spoken] | {'validation': 672} | {'validation': 31445.8} |
LEMBWikimQARetrieval (Ho et al., 2020) | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Encyclopaedic] | {'test': 500} | {'test': 37513.0} |
LanguageClassification | ['ara', 'bul', 'cmn', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'ita', 'jpn', 'nld', 'pol', 'por', 'rus', 'spa', 'swa', 'tha', 'tur', 'urd', 'vie'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews, Web, Non-fiction, Fiction, Government] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 107.8} |
LccSentimentClassification | ['dan'] | Classification | s2s | [News, Web] | {'test': 150} | {'test': 118.7} |
LeCaRDv2 | ['zho'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Legal] | ||
LearnedHandsBenefitsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 66} | {'test': 1308.44} |
LearnedHandsBusinessLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 174} | {'test': 1144.51} |
LearnedHandsConsumerLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 614} | {'test': 1277.45} |
LearnedHandsCourtsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 192} | {'test': 1171.02} |
LearnedHandsCrimeLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 688} | {'test': 1212.9} |
LearnedHandsDivorceLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 150} | {'test': 1242.43} |
LearnedHandsDomesticViolenceLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 174} | {'test': 1360.83} |
LearnedHandsEducationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 56} | {'test': 1397.44} |
LearnedHandsEmploymentLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 710} | {'test': 1262.74} |
LearnedHandsEstatesLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 178} | {'test': 1200.7} |
LearnedHandsFamilyLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1338.27} |
LearnedHandsHealthLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 226} | {'test': 1472.59} |
LearnedHandsHousingLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1322.54} |
LearnedHandsImmigrationLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 134} | {'test': 1216.31} |
LearnedHandsTortsLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 432} | {'test': 1406.97} |
LearnedHandsTrafficLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 556} | {'test': 1182.91} |
LegalBenchConsumerContractsQA | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Legal] | ||
LegalBenchCorporateLobbying | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Legal] | ||
LegalBenchPC (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | PairClassification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 678} | {'test': 83.94} |
LegalQuAD | ['deu'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Legal] | ||
LegalReasoningCausalityLegalBenchClassification (Neel Guha, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 55} | {'test': 1563.76} |
LegalSummarization | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Legal] | ||
MIRACLReranking | ['deu', 'spa'] | Reranking | s2s | |||
MIRACLRetrieval | ['deu', 'spa'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MLQARetrieval | ['ara', 'deu', 'eng', 'hin', 'spa', 'vie', 'zho'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Encyclopaedic] | {'test': 158083, 'validation': 15747} | {'test': 37352.28, 'validation': 36952.7} |
MLSUMClusteringP2P (Scialom et al., 2020) | ['deu', 'fra', 'rus', 'spa'] | Clustering | p2p | [News] | {'validation': 38561, 'test': 41206} | {'validation': 4613.0, 'test': 4810.0} |
MLSUMClusteringS2S (Scialom et al., 2020) | ['deu', 'fra', 'rus', 'spa'] | Clustering | s2s | [News] | {'validation': 38561, 'test': 41206} | {'validation': 4613.0, 'test': 4810.0} |
MMarcoReranking | ['cmn'] | Reranking | s2s | |||
MMarcoRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MSMARCO | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MSMARCO-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MSMARCOv2 | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MTOPDomainClassification | ['deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'spa', 'tha'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 2235, 'test': 4386} | {'validation': 36.5, 'test': 36.8} | |
MTOPIntentClassification | ['deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'spa', 'tha'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 2235, 'test': 4386} | {'validation': 36.5, 'test': 36.8} | |
MacedonianTweetSentimentClassification | ['mkd'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 1139} | {'test': 67.6} |
MalayalamNewsClassification | ['mal'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 5036, 'test': 1260} | {'train': 79.48, 'test': 80.44} |
MasakhaNEWSClassification | ['amh', 'eng', 'fra', 'hau', 'ibo', 'lin', 'lug', 'orm', 'pcm', 'run', 'sna', 'som', 'swa', 'tir', 'xho', 'yor'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 422} | {'test': 5116.6} | |
MasakhaNEWSClusteringP2P | ['amh', 'eng', 'fra', 'hau', 'ibo', 'lin', 'lug', 'orm', 'pcm', 'run', 'sna', 'som', 'swa', 'tir', 'xho', 'yor'] | Clustering | p2p | |||
MasakhaNEWSClusteringS2S | ['amh', 'eng', 'fra', 'hau', 'ibo', 'lin', 'lug', 'orm', 'pcm', 'run', 'sna', 'som', 'swa', 'tir', 'xho', 'yor'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
MassiveIntentClassification | ['afr', 'amh', 'ara', 'aze', 'ben', 'cmo', 'cym', 'dan', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'fas', 'fin', 'fra', 'heb', 'hin', 'hun', 'hye', 'ind', 'isl', 'ita', 'jav', 'jpn', 'kan', 'kat', 'khm', 'kor', 'lav', 'mal', 'mon', 'msa', 'mya', 'nld', 'nob', 'pol', 'por', 'ron', 'rus', 'slv', 'spa', 'sqi', 'swa', 'swe', 'tam', 'tel', 'tgl', 'tha', 'tur', 'urd', 'vie'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 2033, 'test': 2974} | {'validation': 34.8, 'test': 34.6} | |
MassiveScenarioClassification | ['afr', 'amh', 'ara', 'aze', 'ben', 'cmo', 'cym', 'dan', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'fas', 'fin', 'fra', 'heb', 'hin', 'hun', 'hye', 'ind', 'isl', 'ita', 'jav', 'jpn', 'kan', 'kat', 'khm', 'kor', 'lav', 'mal', 'mon', 'msa', 'mya', 'nld', 'nob', 'pol', 'por', 'ron', 'rus', 'slv', 'spa', 'sqi', 'swa', 'swe', 'tam', 'tel', 'tgl', 'tha', 'tur', 'urd', 'vie'] | Classification | s2s | {'validation': 2033, 'test': 2974} | {'validation': 34.8, 'test': 34.6} | |
MedicalQARetrieval (Asma et al., 2019) | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2s | [Medical] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1205.9619140625} |
MedicalRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MedrxivClusteringP2P | ['eng'] | Clustering | p2p | {'test': 375000} | {'test': 1981.2} | |
MedrxivClusteringS2S | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | {'test': 375000} | {'test': 114.7} | |
MindSmallReranking | ['eng'] | Reranking | s2s | {'test': 107968} | {'test': 70.9} | |
MintakaRetrieval | ['ara', 'deu', 'fra', 'hin', 'ita', 'jpn', 'por', 'spa'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MovieReviewSentimentClassification (Théophile Blard, 2020) | ['fra'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'validation': 1024, 'test': 1024} | {'validation': 550.3, 'test': 558.1} |
MultiHateClassification | ['ara', 'cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'ita', 'nld', 'pol', 'por', 'spa'] | Classification | s2s | [Constructed] | {'test': 10000} | {'test': 45.9} |
MultiLongDocRetrieval (Jianlv Chen, 2024) | ['ara', 'cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kor', 'por', 'rus', 'spa', 'tha'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
MultilingualSentiment | ['cmn'] | Classification | s2s | |||
MultilingualSentimentClassification | ['ara', 'bam', 'bul', 'cmn', 'cym', 'deu', 'dza', 'ell', 'eng', 'eus', 'fas', 'fin', 'heb', 'hrv', 'ind', 'jpn', 'kor', 'mlt', 'nor', 'pol', 'rus', 'slk', 'spa', 'tha', 'tur', 'uig', 'urd', 'vie', 'zho'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 7000} | {'test': 56.0} |
NFCorpus | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
NFCorpus-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
NQ | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
NQ-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
NTREXBitextMining | ['afr', 'amh', 'arb', 'aze', 'bak', 'bel', 'bem', 'ben', 'bod', 'bos', 'bul', 'cat', 'ces', 'ckb', 'cym', 'dan', 'deu', 'div', 'dzo', 'ell', 'eng', 'eus', 'ewe', 'fao', 'fas', 'fij', 'fil', 'fin', 'fra', 'fuc', 'gle', 'glg', 'guj', 'hau', 'heb', 'hin', 'hmn', 'hrv', 'hun', 'hye', 'ibo', 'ind', 'isl', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kan', 'kat', 'kaz', 'khm', 'kin', 'kir', 'kmr', 'kor', 'lao', 'lav', 'lit', 'ltz', 'mal', 'mar', 'mey', 'mkd', 'mlg', 'mlt', 'mon', 'mri', 'msa', 'mya', 'nde', 'nep', 'nld', 'nno', 'nob', 'nso', 'nya', 'orm', 'pan', 'pol', 'por', 'prs', 'pus', 'ron', 'rus', 'shi', 'sin', 'slk', 'slv', 'smo', 'sna', 'snd', 'som', 'spa', 'sqi', 'srp', 'ssw', 'swa', 'swe', 'tah', 'tam', 'tat', 'tel', 'tgk', 'tha', 'tir', 'ton', 'tsn', 'tuk', 'tur', 'uig', 'ukr', 'urd', 'uzb', 'ven', 'vie', 'wol', 'xho', 'yor', 'yue', 'zho', 'zul'] | BitextMining | s2s | [News] | {'test': 3826252} | {'test': 120.0} |
NarrativeQARetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
NepaliNewsClassification | ['nep'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 5975, 'test': 1495} | {'train': 196.61, 'test': 196.017} |
NeuCLIR2022Retrieval (Lawrie et al., 2023) | ['fas', 'rus', 'zho'] | Retrieval | s2p | [News] | {'fas': 2232130, 'zho': 3179323, 'rus': 4627657} | {'fas': 3500.5143969099317, 'zho': 2543.1140667919617, 'rus': 3214.755239654659} |
NeuCLIR2023Retrieval (Dawn Lawrie, 2024) | ['fas', 'rus', 'zho'] | Retrieval | s2p | [News] | {'fas': 2232092, 'zho': 3179285, 'rus': 4627619} | {'fas': 3579.508213937439, 'zho': 2704.44834488453, 'rus': 3466.8192213553616} |
News21InstructionRetrieval (Orion Weller, 2024) | ['eng'] | InstructionRetrieval | s2p | [News] | {'eng': 61906} | {'eng': 2983.724665391969} |
NewsClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'test': 7600} | {'test': 235.29} |
NoRecClassification | ['nob'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 2050} | {'test': 82.0} | |
NorQuadRetrieval | ['nob'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction] | {'test': 2602} | {'test': 502.19} |
NordicLangClassification | ['dan', 'fao', 'isl', 'nno', 'nob', 'swe'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 3000} | {'test': 78.2} | |
NorwegianCourtsBitextMining | ['nno', 'nob'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Spoken, Legal] | {'test': 456} | {'test': 82.11} |
NorwegianCourtsBitextMining | ['nno', 'nob'] | BitextMining | s2s | {'test': 2050} | {'test': 1884.0} | |
NorwegianParliamentClassification | ['nob'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 1200, 'validation': 1200} | {'test': 1884.0, 'validation': 1911.0} | |
Ocnli | ['cmn'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
OdiaNewsClassification | ['ory'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 49.24} |
OnlineShopping | ['cmn'] | Classification | s2s | |||
OpusparcusPC | ['deu', 'eng', 'fin', 'fra', 'rus', 'swe'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
PAC | ['pol'] | Classification | p2p | {'test': 3453} | {'test': 185.3} | |
PAWSX | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
PSC | ['pol'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
PatentClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 5000} | {'test': 18620.44} |
PawsX | ['cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'jpn', 'kor', 'spa'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
PersianFoodSentimentClassification (Mehrdad Farahani et al., 2020) | ['fas'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'validation': 2048, 'test': 2048} | {'validation': 90.37, 'test': 90.58} |
PlscClusteringP2P | ['pol'] | Clustering | s2s | [Academic] | {'test': 17537} | {'test': 1023.21} |
PlscClusteringS2S | ['pol'] | Clustering | s2s | [Academic] | {'test': 17534} | {'test': 84.34} |
PolEmo2.0-IN | ['pol'] | Classification | s2s | |||
PolEmo2.0-OUT | ['pol'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 722} | {'test': 756.2} | |
PpcPC | ['pol'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
PunjabiNewsClassification | ['pan'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 627, 'test': 157} | {'train': 4222.22, 'test': 4115.14} |
QBQTC | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
Quora-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2s | |||
QuoraRetrieval | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2s | |||
RedditClustering | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | {'test': 420464} | {'test': 64.7} | |
RedditClusteringP2P | ['eng'] | Clustering | p2p | {'test': 459399} | {'test': 727.7} | |
RestaurantReviewSentimentClassification (ElSahar et al., 2015) | ['ara'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 231.4} |
Robust04InstructionRetrieval (Orion Weller, 2024) | ['eng'] | InstructionRetrieval | s2p | [News] | {'eng': 95088} | {'eng': 2471.0398058252426} |
RomaTalesBitextMining | ['hun', 'rom'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Fiction] | {'test': 215} | {'test': 316.8046511627907} |
RomaniBibleClustering | ['rom'] | Clustering | p2p | [Religious] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 132.2} |
RomanianSentimentClassification (Dumitrescu et al., 2020) | ['ron'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 67.6} |
RonSTS (Dumitrescu et al., 2021) | ['ron'] | STS | s2s | [News, Social, Web] | {'test': 1379} | {'test': 60.5} |
SCIDOCS | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
SCIDOCS-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
SIB200Classification (Adelani et al., 2023) | ['ace', 'acm', 'acq', 'aeb', 'afr', 'ajp', 'aka', 'als', 'amh', 'apc', 'arb', 'ars', 'ary', 'arz', 'asm', 'ast', 'awa', 'ayr', 'azb', 'azj', 'bak', 'bam', 'ban', 'bel', 'bem', 'ben', 'bho', 'bjn', 'bod', 'bos', 'bug', 'bul', 'cat', 'ceb', 'ces', 'cjk', 'ckb', 'crh', 'cym', 'dan', 'deu', 'dik', 'dyu', 'dzo', 'ell', 'eng', 'epo', 'est', 'eus', 'ewe', 'fao', 'fij', 'fin', 'fon', 'fra', 'fur', 'fuv', 'gaz', 'gla', 'gle', 'glg', 'grn', 'guj', 'hat', 'hau', 'heb', 'hin', 'hne', 'hrv', 'hun', 'hye', 'ibo', 'ilo', 'ind', 'isl', 'ita', 'jav', 'jpn', 'kab', 'kac', 'kam', 'kan', 'kas', 'kat', 'kaz', 'kbp', 'kea', 'khk', 'khm', 'kik', 'kin', 'kir', 'kmb', 'kmr', 'knc', 'kon', 'kor', 'lao', 'lij', 'lim', 'lin', 'lit', 'lmo', 'ltg', 'ltz', 'lua', 'lug', 'luo', 'lus', 'lvs', 'mag', 'mai', 'mal', 'mar', 'min', 'mkd', 'mlt', 'mni', 'mos', 'mri', 'mya', 'nld', 'nno', 'nob', 'npi', 'nqo', 'nso', 'nus', 'nya', 'oci', 'ory', 'pag', 'pan', 'pap', 'pbt', 'pes', 'plt', 'pol', 'por', 'prs', 'quy', 'ron', 'run', 'rus', 'sag', 'san', 'sat', 'scn', 'shn', 'sin', 'slk', 'slv', 'smo', 'sna', 'snd', 'som', 'sot', 'spa', 'srd', 'srp', 'ssw', 'sun', 'swe', 'swh', 'szl', 'tam', 'taq', 'tat', 'tel', 'tgk', 'tgl', 'tha', 'tir', 'tpi', 'tsn', 'tso', 'tuk', 'tum', 'tur', 'twi', 'tzm', 'uig', 'ukr', 'umb', 'urd', 'uzn', 'vec', 'vie', 'war', 'wol', 'xho', 'ydd', 'yor', 'yue', 'zho', 'zsm', 'zul'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 701, 'validation': 99, 'test': 204} | {'train': 111.24, 'validation': 97.11, 'test': 135.53} |
SICK-E-PL | ['pol'] | PairClassification | s2s | |||
SICK-R | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
SICK-R-PL | ['pol'] | STS | s2s | {'test': 9812} | {'test': 42.8} | |
SICKFr | ['fra'] | STS | s2s | |||
SNLClustering (Navjord et al., 2023) | ['nob'] | Clustering | p2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1101.3} |
SNLRetrieval (Navjord et al., 2023) | ['nob'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1101.3} |
SRNCorpusBitextMining (Zwennicker et al., 2022) | ['nld', 'srn'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Social, Web] | {'test': 256} | {'test': 55.0} |
STS12 | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
STS13 | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
STS14 | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
STS15 | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
STS16 | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
STS17 | ['ara', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'ita', 'kor', 'nld', 'spa', 'tur'] | STS | s2s | {'test': 500} | {'test': 43.3} | |
STS22 | ['ara', 'cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'ita', 'pol', 'rus', 'spa', 'tur'] | STS | p2p | {'test': 8060} | {'train': 1992.8} | |
STSB | ['cmn'] | STS | s2s | |||
STSBenchmark | ['eng'] | STS | s2s | |||
STSBenchmarkMultilingualSTS | ['cmn', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'ita', 'nld', 'pol', 'por', 'rus', 'spa'] | STS | s2s | |||
STSES | ['spa'] | STS | s2s | |||
SanskritShlokasClassification | ['san'] | Classification | s2s | [Religious] | {'train': 383, 'validation': 96} | {'train': 98.415, 'validation': 96.635} |
ScalaClassification | ['dan', 'nno', 'nob', 'swe'] | Classification | s2s | [Fiction, News, Non-fiction, Blog, Spoken, Web] | {'test': 4096} | {'test': 102.72} |
SciDocsRR | ['eng'] | Reranking | s2s | [Academic, Non-fiction] | {'test': 19599} | {'test': 69.0} |
SciFact | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
SciFact-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
SentimentAnalysisHindi (Shantipriya Parida, 2023) | ['hin'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'train': 2497} | {'train': 81.29} |
SinhalaNewsClassification (Nisansa de Silva, 2015) | ['sin'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 3327} | {'train': 148.04} |
SinhalaNewsSourceClassification (Dhananjaya et al., 2022) | ['sin'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 24094} | {'train': 56.08} |
SiswatiNewsClassification (Madodonga et al., 2023) | ['ssw'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 80} | {'train': 354.2} |
SlovakSumRetrieval | ['slk'] | Retrieval | s2s | [News, Social, Web] | {'test': 600} | {'test': 238.44} |
SouthAfricanLangClassification | ['afr', 'eng', 'nbl', 'nso', 'sot', 'ssw', 'tsn', 'tso', 'ven', 'xho', 'zul'] | Classification | s2s | [Web, Non-fiction] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 247.49} |
SpanishNewsClassification | ['spa'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 4218.2} |
SpanishNewsClusteringP2P | ['spa'] | Clustering | p2p | |||
SpanishPassageRetrievalS2P | ['spa'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
SpanishPassageRetrievalS2S | ['spa'] | Retrieval | s2s | |||
SpanishSentimentClassification | ['spa'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'validation': 147, 'test': 296} | {'validation': 85.02, 'test': 87.91} |
SprintDuplicateQuestions | ['eng'] | PairClassification | s2s | {'validation': 101000, 'test': 101000} | {'validation': 65.2, 'test': 67.9} | |
StackExchangeClustering | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | {'test': 373850} | {'test': 57.0} | |
StackExchangeClusteringP2P | ['eng'] | Clustering | p2p | {'test': 75000} | {'test': 1090.7} | |
StackOverflowDupQuestions | ['eng'] | Reranking | s2s | {'test': 3467} | {'test': 49.8} | |
SummEval | ['eng'] | Summarization | p2p | {'test': 2800} | {'test': 359.8} | |
SummEvalFr | ['fra'] | Summarization | p2p | |||
SweFaqRetrieval | ['swe'] | Retrieval | s2s | [Government, Non-fiction] | {'test': 1024} | {'test': 195.44} |
SweRecClassification | ['swe'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 1024} | {'test': 318.8} | |
SwednClusteringP2P (Monsen et al., 2021) | ['swe'] | Clustering | p2p | [News, Non-fiction] | {'all': 2048} | {'all': 1619.71} |
SwednClusteringS2S (Monsen et al., 2021) | ['swe'] | Clustering | s2s | [News, Non-fiction] | {'all': 2048} | {'all': 1619.71} |
SwednRetrieval (Monsen et al., 2021) | ['swe'] | Retrieval | p2p | [News, Non-fiction] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1946.35} |
SwissJudgementClassification (Joel Niklaus, 2022) | ['deu', 'fra', 'ita'] | Classification | s2s | [Legal] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 3411.72} |
SyntecReranking | ['fra'] | Reranking | s2p | |||
SyntecRetrieval | ['fra'] | Retrieval | s2p | {'test': 90} | {'test': 62.0} | |
T2Reranking | ['cmn'] | Reranking | s2s | |||
T2Retrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
TNews | ['cmn'] | Classification | s2s | |||
TRECCOVID | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
TRECCOVID-PL | ['pol'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
TV2Nordretrieval | ['dan'] | Retrieval | p2p | [News, Non-fiction] | {'test': 4096} | {'test': 784.11} |
TamilNewsClassification | ['tam'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 14521, 'test': 3631} | {'train': 56.5, 'test': 56.52} |
Tatoeba | ['afr', 'amh', 'ang', 'ara', 'arq', 'arz', 'ast', 'awa', 'aze', 'bel', 'ben', 'ber', 'bos', 'bre', 'bul', 'cat', 'cbk', 'ceb', 'ces', 'cha', 'cmn', 'cor', 'csb', 'cym', 'dan', 'deu', 'dsb', 'dtp', 'ell', 'eng', 'epo', 'est', 'eus', 'fao', 'fin', 'fra', 'fry', 'gla', 'gle', 'glg', 'gsw', 'heb', 'hin', 'hrv', 'hsb', 'hun', 'hye', 'ido', 'ile', 'ina', 'ind', 'isl', 'ita', 'jav', 'jpn', 'kab', 'kat', 'kaz', 'khm', 'kor', 'kur', 'kzj', 'lat', 'lfn', 'lit', 'lvs', 'mal', 'mar', 'max', 'mhr', 'mkd', 'mon', 'nds', 'nld', 'nno', 'nob', 'nov', 'oci', 'orv', 'pam', 'pes', 'pms', 'pol', 'por', 'ron', 'rus', 'slk', 'slv', 'spa', 'sqi', 'srp', 'swe', 'swg', 'swh', 'tam', 'tat', 'tel', 'tgl', 'tha', 'tuk', 'tur', 'tzl', 'uig', 'ukr', 'urd', 'uzb', 'vie', 'war', 'wuu', 'xho', 'yid', 'yue', 'zsm'] | BitextMining | s2s | {'test': 2000} | {'test': 39.4} | |
TbilisiCityHallBitextMining | ['eng', 'kat'] | BitextMining | s2s | [News] | {'test': 1820} | {'test': 78.0} |
TeluguAndhraJyotiNewsClassification | ['tel'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'test': 4329} | {'test': 1428.28} |
TenKGnadClusteringP2P.v2 | ['deu'] | Clustering | p2p | [News, Non-fiction] | {'test': 10275} | {'test': 2641.03} |
TenKGnadClusteringS2S.v2 | ['deu'] | Clustering | s2s | [News, Non-fiction] | {'test': 10275} | {'test': 50.96} |
ThuNewsClusteringP2P | ['cmn'] | Clustering | p2p | |||
ThuNewsClusteringS2S | ['cmn'] | Clustering | s2s | |||
Touche2020 | ['eng'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
ToxicChatClassification (Zi Lin, 2023) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Constructed] | {'test': 1427} | {'test': 189.4} |
ToxicConversationsClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 50000} | {'test': 296.6} | |
TswanaNewsClassification (Vukosi Marivate, 2023) | ['tsn'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'validation': 487, 'test': 487} | {'validation': 2417.72, 'test': 2369.52} |
TurHistQuadRetrieval (Soygazi et al., 2021) | ['tur'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction, Academic] | {'test': 1330} | {'test': 1513.83} |
TurkishMovieSentimentClassification (Erkin Demirtas, 2013) | ['tur'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 2644} | {'test': 141.5} |
TurkishProductSentimentClassification (Erkin Demirtas, 2013) | ['tur'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 800} | {'test': 246.85} |
TweetEmotionClassification (Al-Khatib et al., 2018) | ['ara'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 78.8} |
TweetSarcasmClassification | ['ara'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 2110} | {'test': 102.1} |
TweetSentimentClassification | ['ara', 'deu', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'ita', 'por', 'spa'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 83.51} |
TweetSentimentExtractionClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | {'test': 3534} | {'test': 67.8} | |
TwentyNewsgroupsClustering | ['eng'] | Clustering | s2s | {'test': 59545} | {'test': 32.0} | |
TwitterHjerneRetrieval (Holm et al., 2024) | ['dan'] | Retrieval | p2p | [Social] | {'train': 340} | {'train': 138.23} |
TwitterSemEval2015 | ['eng'] | PairClassification | s2s | {'test': 16777} | {'test': 38.3} | |
TwitterURLCorpus | ['eng'] | PairClassification | s2s | {'test': 51534} | {'test': 79.5} | |
UkrFormalityClassification | ['ukr'] | Classification | s2s | [News] | {'train': 2048, 'test': 2048} | {'train': 52.1, 'test': 53.07} |
UrduRomanSentimentClassification (Sharf,Zareen, 2018) | ['urd'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 68.248} |
VGClustering (Navjord et al., 2023) | ['nob'] | Clustering | p2p | [News, Non-fiction] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 1009.65} |
VideoRetrieval | ['cmn'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
VieMedEVBitextMining (Nhu Vo, 2024) | ['eng', 'vie'] | BitextMining | s2s | [Medical] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 139.23} |
VieQuADRetrieval | ['vie'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Encyclopaedic, Non-fiction] | {'validation': 2048} | {'validation': 790.24} |
VieStudentFeedbackClassification (Nguyen et al., 2018) | ['vie'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 14.22} |
WRIMEClassification | ['jpn'] | Classification | s2s | [Social] | {'test': 2048} | {'test': 47.78} |
Waimai | ['cmn'] | Classification | s2s | |||
WikiCitiesClustering | ['eng'] | Clustering | p2p | |||
WisesightSentimentClassification | ['tha'] | Classification | s2s | [Social, News] | {'train': 2048} | {'train': 103.42} |
XMarket | ['deu', 'eng', 'spa'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
XNLI (Conneau et al., 2018) | ['ara', 'bul', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'fra', 'hin', 'rus', 'spa', 'swa', 'tha', 'tur', 'vie', 'zho'] | PairClassification | s2s | [Non-fiction, Fiction, Government] | {'validation': 2163, 'test': 2460} | {'validation': 106.5, 'test': 106.5} |
XNLIV2 (Upadhyay et al., 2023) | ['asm', 'ben', 'bho', 'ell', 'guj', 'kan', 'mar', 'ory', 'pan', 'rus', 'san', 'tam', 'tur'] | PairClassification | s2s | [Non-fiction, Fiction, Government] | {'test': 5010} | {'test': 80.06} |
XPQARetrieval | ['ara', 'cmn', 'deu', 'fra', 'hin', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kor', 'pol', 'por', 'spa', 'tam'] | Retrieval | s2p | |||
XQuADRetrieval (Mikel Artetxe, 2019) | ['arb', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'hin', 'ron', 'rus', 'spa', 'tha', 'tur', 'vie', 'zho'] | Retrieval | s2p | [Web] | {'test': 1190} | {'test': 788.7} |
YahooAnswersTopicsClassification | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Web] | {'test': 60000} | {'test': 346.35} |
YelpReviewFullClassification (Zhang et al., 2015) | ['eng'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 50000} | |
YueOpenriceReviewClassification (Xiang et al., 2019) | ['yue'] | Classification | s2s | [Reviews] | {'test': 6161} | {'test': 173.0} |