TL;DR: If your Cadence service is running on or above 0.14.0 and you do not have workflows running for more than 6 months. It is safe to upgrade without any operations.
If your cluster has open workflows for more than 6 months, please download and run the following CLI command prior to the upgrades.
Prior to release 0.16, the workflow state structure contains a field called replication state. Instead, we introduce a new field 'version histories' to manage the replication. In release 0.16, this field 'replication state' has been removed from the code path. From release 0.14, the field 'replication state' has been deprecated. If you are upgrading the service from version below 0.14.0 to 0.16.0 or you may have workflows running for more than 6 months, please consider follow the instruction to see if you have any unsupported workflows.
Run the following command based on your database.
cadence admin db unsupported-workflow --db_type=cassandra --db_address <db address> --db_port <port number> --username=<username> --password=<password> --keyspace <keyspace> --lower_shard_bound=<the start shard id> --upper_shard_bound=<the end shard id> --rps <scan rps> --output_filename ./cadence_scan
cadence admin db unsupported-workflow --db_type=<mysql/postgres> --db_address <db address> --db_port <port number> --username=<username> --password=<password> --db_name <database name> --lower_shard_bound=<the start shard id> --upper_shard_bound=<the end shard id> --rps <scan rps> --output_filename ./cadence_scan
Note: This CLI is a long-running process to scan the database for unsupported workflows. If you have TLS configurations or use customized encoding/decoding type. Please use
cadence adm db unsupported-workflow --help
to configurate the correct connection.
After the CLI completes, a list of unsupported workflows will be listed in the file cadence_scan
For example:
cadence --address <host>:<port> --domain <ee7316ab-2e42-4f3c-86ee-344a4299791c> workflow reset --wid helloworld_7f2fa1fe-594e-44ad-a9e2-7ac7c5f97861 --rid e79ce972-b657-48a4-bba9-e2f2ac6424e2 --reset_type LastDecisionCompleted --reason 'release 0.16 upgrade'
Use reset CLI to reset these unsupported workflow. This operation is to migrate these unsupported workflow data.
- replace the host and port with your cadence host address and port number.
- replace the domain uuid with the domain name.
To find the domain name, you can use
cadence --address <host>:<port> domain describe --domain_id=<domain uuid>
After replacing the fields with the correct values, you can copy/paste to run the CLI. This is going to reset those workflows to the last decision task completed event.
Note: If your workflows has outstanding child workflows, you have to wait for these child workflows completion or terminate the workflows.