diff --git a/vignettes/seismicGWAS.html b/vignettes/seismicGWAS.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7702ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vignettes/seismicGWAS.html @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +A simple introduction to seismic + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

A simple introduction to seismic

+ + + +

This vignette introduces the seismicGWAS package an implementation of the seismic framework for linking cell types with traits using single-cell RNA-seq data and MAGMA summarized GWAS data. We organize this vignette in two sections: Section 1 contains a walk through using the sample data included with the seismicGWAS package, and Section 2 walks through data starting from a SingleCellExperiment object. In both cases, MAGMA is needed to produce gene level GWAS summaries.




First, install and load the seismic package. If you have not yet installed seismicGWAS, use devtools::install(path_to_seismic_folder).


Section 1: running seismic on the included sample data


seismicGWAS includes a preloaded small single cell RNAseq dataset in the form of a SingleCellExperiment object tmfacs_sce_small

+#> class: SingleCellExperiment 
+#> dim: 23341 4000 
+#> metadata(0):
+#> assays(1): logcounts
+#> rownames(23341): 0610005C13Rik 0610007C21Rik ... l7Rn6
+#>   zsGreen-transgene
+#> rowData names(1): symbol
+#> colnames(4000): M4.MAA000844.3_10_M.1.1 A18.MAA000388.3_11_M.1.1 ...
+#>   M5.MAA000910.3_10_M.1.1 L2.MAA000563.3_10_M.1.1
+#> colData names(17): nReads orig.ident ... sizeFactor cluster_name
+#> reducedDimNames(0):
+#> mainExpName: RNA
+#> altExpNames(0):

and two sample MAGMA files, one for Rheumatoid Arthritis (Okada et al. 2013)

+#> 1 148398   1 824993 889961     1      1 58284 -0.025069 0.51000
+#> 2 339451   1 860967 911099     1      1 58284 -0.025069 0.51000
+#> 3  84069   1 866872 920488    12      2 58284 -0.671780 0.74914
+#> 4  26155   1 869583 929679    36      4 58284 -1.717100 0.95702
+#> 5  84808   1 900579 952473    80      6 58284 -1.124900 0.86968
+#> 6   9636   1 913847 959920    93      7 58284 -0.991290 0.83923

and one for Type 2 Diabetes (Xue et al. 2018)

+#>     GENE CHR   START    STOP NSNPS NPARAM      N    ZSTAT        P
+#> 1 254173   1 1074286 1143315    21      3 572082  1.75840 0.039337
+#> 2   8784   1 1128888 1177163     6      1 572870  1.93210 0.026671
+#> 3  55210   1 1412523 1480067     9      1 569925  0.24436 0.403470
+#> 4 339453   1 1460158 1510740    37      2 571069  0.14879 0.440860
+#> 5  29101   1 1467053 1545262    39      2 571016  0.15608 0.437990
+#> 6   9906   1 1646277 1712438    16      2 576212 -0.48124 0.684830

Calculating cell type specificity scores


The first step of seismic is to calculate cell type specificity scores which will be used for subsequent cell type-trait association calculations and influential gene analyses. Here we provide the sample SingleCellExperiment object and column in the data containing cell type labels cluster_name.

tmfacs_sscore <- calc_specificity(tmfacs_sce_small, ct_label_col='cluster_name')
+head(tmfacs_sscore[, 1:3]) # show a truncated view of the matrix
+#>               Bladder.Bladder mesenchymal cell
+#> 0610005C13Rik                       0.00000000
+#> 0610007C21Rik                       0.05171198
+#> 0610007L01Rik                       0.05053099
+#> 0610007N19Rik                       0.10618537
+#> 0610007P08Rik                       0.04881961
+#> 0610007P14Rik                       0.04976406
+#>               Bladder.Luminal bladder epithelial cell
+#> 0610005C13Rik                            0.000000e+00
+#> 0610007C21Rik                            5.416472e-02
+#> 0610007L01Rik                            5.907819e-02
+#> 0610007N19Rik                            4.726793e-05
+#> 0610007P08Rik                            6.890189e-02
+#> 0610007P14Rik                            6.196749e-02
+#>               Brain_Myeloid.microglial cell
+#> 0610005C13Rik                  3.639054e-19
+#> 0610007C21Rik                  3.768650e-02
+#> 0610007L01Rik                  3.409995e-07
+#> 0610007N19Rik                 4.422689e-185
+#> 0610007P08Rik                  2.758088e-08
+#> 0610007P14Rik                  2.225707e-17

The original single cell experiment in the tmfacs_sce_small was derived from Tabula Muris. To associate with human GWAS traits we need to convert the gene identifiers. For convenience seismicGWAS has a function for translating between gene ids for a specificity score matrix. We change here from mouse gene symbols to human entrez ids to match the MAGMA data.

tmfacs_sscore_hsa <- translate_gene_ids(tmfacs_sscore, from='mmu_symbol')
+head(tmfacs_sscore_hsa[,1:3]) # show a truncated view of the matrix
+#> 6 x 3 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
+#>        Bladder.Bladder mesenchymal cell Bladder.Luminal bladder epithelial cell
+#> 81932                      2.542912e-04                              0.01671191
+#> 81577                      5.003187e-04                              0.01487892
+#> 8614                       9.234388e-02                              0.02736780
+#> 256281                     3.213228e-07                              0.08150739
+#> 221687                     0.000000e+00                              0.00000000
+#> 346389                     0.000000e+00                              0.17272120
+#>        Brain_Myeloid.microglial cell
+#> 81932                   7.503793e-12
+#> 81577                   3.645070e-10
+#> 8614                    0.000000e+00
+#> 256281                  7.970981e-07
+#> 221687                  0.000000e+00
+#> 346389                  0.000000e+00

Calculating cell type trait associations


We can now get cell type-trait associations for the RA and Type 2 Diabetes data and plot the top 20 associations per trait. Default plots show FDR corrected p-values plotted on a -log scale so that stronger associations appear at the top of the boxplot.

# calculate and plot the cell type-trait associations for RA
+ra <- get_ct_trait_associations(tmfacs_sscore_hsa, ra_magma)
+plot_top_associations(ra, limit = 20)

# calculate and plot the cell type-trait associations for T2D
+t2d <- get_ct_trait_associations(tmfacs_sscore_hsa, t2d_magma)
+plot_top_associations(t2d, limit = 20)


Influential gene analysis


With seismicGWAS we can also look at the genes driving a particular cell type-trait association, in a process we call influential gene analysis. Here, we need to select a particular cell type (in our example we choose pancreas beta cell) and a trait (we use Type 2 Diabetes again). It is important to note that influential gene calculations are only meaningful for cell type-trait associations that are significant. So we have chosen a cell type and trait that were found to be significant in the cell type-trait associations above.

# calculate influential genes
+ct <- "Pancreas.beta cell"
+t2d_beta_inf_genes <- find_inf_genes(ct, tmfacs_sscore_hsa, t2d_magma)
+#>      gene specificity  zstat   dfbetas is_influential
+#>    <char>       <num>  <num>     <num>         <lgcl>
+#> 1:   3767   0.4410499 6.1866 0.1941221           TRUE
+#> 2: 169026   0.4932408 5.5197 0.1886886           TRUE
+#> 3:   2645   0.4184336 5.2990 0.1513507           TRUE
+#> 4:   3651   0.8982126 3.2276 0.1386102           TRUE
+#> 5:   6833   0.4991599 4.1322 0.1293991           TRUE
+#> 6:   7466   0.2439394 7.5000 0.1256267           TRUE

Note: Only genes with positive contributions to the cell type-trait association are marked influential by default. While negative contributions may be informative, they are not as directly interpretable and are driven by genes from other cell types or are somewhat cell type specific but not associated with the given trait.


Next, to aid in result interpretation we make use of the biomaRt package to convert entrez ids to gene symbols.

# convert ids to symbols using biomaRt
+ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
+hsa.map <- getBM(attributes = c('entrezgene_id', 'hgnc_symbol'), 
+                 filters = 'entrezgene_id', 
+                 values = t2d_beta_inf_genes$gene, 
+                 mart = ensembl)
+hsa.map$entrezgene_id <- as.character(hsa.map$entrezgene_id)
+t2d_beta_inf_genes <- merge(t2d_beta_inf_genes, hsa.map, 
+                            by.x='gene', by.y='entrezgene_id')

We can also use the gene symbols to label the influential points in the influential gene plot.

# plot influential genes
+plot_inf_genes(t2d_beta_inf_genes, gene_col = 'hgnc_symbol', num_labels = 5)


Section 2: running seismicGWAS on Tabula Muris Senis


Generally, we assume that users will be able to construct and appropriately normalize their single cell data before using seismicGWAS. For these tasks we recommend using the scran package.


In this section we illustrate how to run the seismicGWAS package on a real world single cell dataset from Tabula Muris. For convenience we use the scFind package to grab tissue level SingleCellExperiment objects.


Grabbing Tabula Muris pancreas data with scFind


For simplicity, we grab one tissue type’s worth of data from the scfind package.

# if scFind is not installed can install with devtools
+# devtools::install_github("hemberg-lab/scfind")
+sce_panc <- readRDS(url(tmfacs["Pancreas"]))

Explore the SCE object to find the relevant cell type column. If one did not exist, or one did not exist with our desired specificity, we could create it by clustering, combining, or using other metadata and adding to the SCE object before continuing.

+#> DataFrame with 1961 rows and 7 columns
+#>                             mouse     well             cell_type1   tissue
+#>                          <factor> <factor>               <factor> <factor>
+#> B21.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      B21              NA        Pancreas
+#> D12.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      D12              NA        Pancreas
+#> B22.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      B22              NA        Pancreas
+#> D13.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      D13              leukocyte Pancreas
+#> C1.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1      3_8_M      C1               NA        Pancreas
+#> ...                           ...      ...                    ...      ...
+#> I9.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1    3_38_F      I9  pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> K10.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      K10 NA                     Pancreas
+#> M19.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      M19 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> O9.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1    3_38_F      O9  NA                     Pancreas
+#> P16.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      P16 NA                     Pancreas
+#>                          subtissue     FACS      sex
+#>                           <factor> <factor> <factor>
+#> B21.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M
+#> D12.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M
+#> B22.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M
+#> D13.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M
+#> C1.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1    Exocrine   Viable        M
+#> ...                            ...      ...      ...
+#> I9.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        F
+#> K10.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F
+#> M19.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F
+#> O9.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        F
+#> P16.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F

The cell_type1 field contains the cell annotations that we can use for calculating cell specificity scores. Right now there are some NA values for field. Lets remove them before continuing.

# remove cells with NA from the SCE object
+sce_panc_filt <- sce_panc[,!is.na(colData(sce_panc)$cell_type1)]
+#> DataFrame with 1327 rows and 8 columns
+#>                             mouse     well             cell_type1   tissue
+#>                          <factor> <factor>               <factor> <factor>
+#> D13.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      D13 leukocyte              Pancreas
+#> D14.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      D14 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> C5.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1      3_8_M      C5  pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> A3.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1      3_8_M      A3  pancreatic PP cell     Pancreas
+#> C11.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1     3_8_M      C11 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> ...                           ...      ...                    ...      ...
+#> M16.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      M16 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> M17.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      M17 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> P15.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      P15 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> I9.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1    3_38_F      I9  pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#> M19.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   3_38_F      M19 pancreatic acinar cell Pancreas
+#>                          subtissue     FACS      sex sizeFactor
+#>                           <factor> <factor> <factor>  <numeric>
+#> D13.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M  1.9765270
+#> D14.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M  1.2732105
+#> C5.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1    Exocrine   Viable        M  0.7804386
+#> A3.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1    Exocrine   Viable        M  0.0969612
+#> C11.MAA000574.3_8_M.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        M  1.4387834
+#> ...                            ...      ...      ...        ...
+#> M16.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F  0.1675565
+#> M17.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F  0.0712616
+#> P15.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F  0.1585532
+#> I9.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1   Exocrine   Viable        F  0.2143557
+#> M19.MAA001868.3_38_F.1.1  Exocrine   Viable        F  0.2392390

Calculating cell type-trait associations


Now we can calculate the cell type specificity scores we will need for other downstream functions.

# calculate cell specificity
+panc_sscore <- calc_specificity(sce_panc_filt, ct_label_col='cell_type1')
+head(panc_sscore[,1:4]) # show a truncated view of the matrix
+#>               endothelial cell    leukocyte pancreatic A cell
+#> 0610007C21Rik     1.925564e-02 8.198702e-08      1.996716e-01
+#> 0610007L01Rik     2.031098e-03 8.280322e-06      1.576197e-01
+#> 0610007N19Rik     4.378839e-13 0.000000e+00      5.664380e-19
+#> 0610007P08Rik     3.511300e-13 2.826381e-05      1.804820e-01
+#> 0610007P14Rik     1.026578e-03 6.615702e-06      1.918313e-01
+#> 0610007P22Rik     1.052606e-04 8.502420e-03      1.250415e-01
+#>               pancreatic acinar cell
+#> 0610007C21Rik          8.149700e-216
+#> 0610007L01Rik           3.567238e-43
+#> 0610007N19Rik           6.355130e-02
+#> 0610007P08Rik           3.894345e-12
+#> 0610007P14Rik          5.294229e-107
+#> 0610007P22Rik           7.515759e-21

Since we are using a subset of Tabula Muris it is time again to convert mouse gene symbols to human entrez ids before continuing so that we can match the identifiers in the human Type 2 Diabetes GWAS data.

panc_sscore_hsa <- translate_gene_ids(panc_sscore, from='mmu_symbol')
+head(panc_sscore_hsa[,1:4]) # show a truncated view of the matrix
+#> 6 x 4 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
+#>        endothelial cell    leukocyte pancreatic A cell pancreatic acinar cell
+#> 81932       0.004922072 0.000000e+00      2.088431e-01           6.213640e-04
+#> 81577       0.119625749 1.955628e-16      1.127160e-01           3.838398e-31
+#> 8614        0.000000000 0.000000e+00      2.420464e-05           1.766824e-01
+#> 256281      0.004280693 9.500268e-03      1.938377e-01           8.279519e-95
+#> 221687      0.000000000 0.000000e+00      1.659393e-37           0.000000e+00
+#> 346389      0.000000000 0.000000e+00      1.067150e-07           1.468089e-05

Finally, we can calculate cell type-trait associations as before.

panc_t2d <- get_ct_trait_associations(panc_sscore_hsa, t2d_magma)
+plot_top_associations(panc_t2d, limit = 20)

+ + + + + + + + + + +