An HTTP trigger Azure Function that returns a SAS token for Azure Storage for the specified container and blob name. You can also specify access permissions for the container/blob name and optionally its token time-to-live period. The SAS token expires in an hour by default.
HTTP Request body must include the following parameters:
'permission': '<Signed permission for shared access signature (Required)>',
'container': '<Container name to access (Required)>',
'blobname': '<Blob object name to access (Optional)>'
'ttl': '<Token time to live period in hours. 1hour by default (Optional)>'
The following values can be used for permissions: "a" (Add), "r" (Read), "w" (Write), "d" (Delete), "l" (List) Concatenate multiple permissions, such as "rwa" = Read, Write, Add
Sample Request Body
'permission': "rl",
'container': "functions",
'blobname': "sample.png"
'ttl': 2
HTTP response body format is:
'token': '<Shared Access Signature Token string>',
'url' : '<SAS resource URI>'
Sample Response Body
{'url': '', 'token': 'sig=sXBjML1Fpk9UnTBtajo05ZTFSk0LWFGvARZ6WlVcAog%3D&srt=o&ss=b&spr=https&sp=rl&sv=2016-05-31&se=2017-07-01T00%3A21%3A38Z&st=2017-07-01T23%3A16%3A38Z'}
api_url="AZURE_FUNCTION_ENDPOINT: ex. https://<app_account><func_name>"
api_key="AZURE_FUNCTION_KEY: ex. aRVQ7Lj0vzDhY0JBYF8gpxYyEBxLwhO51JSC7X5dZFbTvROs7xNg=="
echo "Sending HTTP POST Request............."
curl -s\
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"\
-H "x-functions-key: ${api_key}"\
-XPOST ${api_url} -d'{
"permission": "rl",
"container": "functiontest",
"blobname": "sample.png",
"ttl": 2
echo ""