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Getting the receipt with the latest expiration date

Pablo Rivera edited this page Jul 9, 2016 · 5 revisions

You might have an issue where the receipt you get by using receipt.last_in_app is not the one with the latest expiration date. To solve that, simply iterate over the receipts and get the one with the latest expiration date like so:

newest_receipt = None
for receipt in response.receipt.in_app:
    if not newest_receipt:
        #this makes sure we get a receipt that has an expires_date property
        if receipt._.get('expires_date'):
            newest_receipt = receipt

    if receipt._.get('expires_date'):
         #check which expires last
        if receipt.expires_date > newest_receipt.expires_date:
            newest_receipt = receipt

Read this if the use of properties and keys confuses you.