Parse a directory to a tree with json format.
I need build my static files with md5 version. I want to get this:
// js.json
"base": "js/",
"jquery": "js/"
// or
"www-base": "www/js/",
"mobile-base": "mobile/js/"
// css.json
"base": "css/"
Then, I can get the real path via a function, no matter what the environment is development or production.
The best Grunt plugin ever.
This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-tree --save-dev
One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named tree
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
tree: {
options: {
// hash: string | default: false | like 'md5'
// hashLen: number | default: false
// format: | boolean default: false
// type: array | default: []
// recurse: boolean | default: true
// cwd: string | default: ""
// ext: object
// ext.level: boolean or number [1-N] | default: false
// ext.hyphen: string | default: "-"
// isUNCPath: boolean | default: false
// prettify: boolean | default: false
your_target: {
/** contents like this:
files: [
src: ['relativePath/'],
dest: 'saveTheResult/'
Type: Boolean|Number
Default value: false
. Removed in version 0.4.8
, replaced by options.hash
Get the md5 value of the file and put in file name. If the value is number, then cut the full md5 value to the length.
Type: String
Default value: false
Get the hash value of the file and insert before the postfix of file name. Value is the algorithm name, like md5.
Type: Number
Default value: false
Get the substring of hash value of file. hashValue.substring(0, options.hashLen)
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
A boolean value that what you want the format of result to be.
The Default result is the tree format like the command tree.
And if format set to true, then output a one-to-one mode. Becareful to set format to true, it will overwrite the same file name.
Type: Array
Default value: false
Filter the postfix of the files you set.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Whether recurse in your given directory.
Type: String
Default Value: ''
Relative to the src directory.
Type: Object
Default value: { level:0, hyphen: "-" }
. Add in verison 0.4.4
There is a new option for solve the problem of the same name in directory.
And the format option must be set to true
The level option in options.ext means the subdirectory level.
If file relative path is 'www/css/base.css' and level set to 1, then the result will be: "www-base": "www/css/base.css"
And if level set to 2, then the result will be: "css-base": "www/css/base.css"
. But you set level to 3 in this condition, the result also is : "base": "www/css/base.css"
Type: Array
Default value: []
. Add in version: 0.4.5
. Removed in version: 0.4.8
This is new option for filter needless files. How to use? GO
This is relative to the value of options.cwd
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
. Add in version 0.4.5
. Replace by options.isUNCPath
This is new option for some people run in the windows system and they need unix path rather than the default windows path.
So, if your project run in unix system, you can turn on it.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
. Add in version 0.4.5
. Replace by options.prettify
This is new option for output style, It is equivalent to JSON.stringify(json, null, perttify ? 2 : 0)
Anyway, see the examples.
This task is not support Building the files object dynamically
in configuring-tasks of grunt.
Go to Building the files object dynamically, see more infomation.
tree: {
default: {
options: {},
files: [
src: ['test/'],
dest: '/tmp/test.json'
// If the have files: "a.css", "js/b.js", "c" in the test directory,
// 1. run grunt, then the result will like:
"a": "a.css",
"js": {
"b": "js/b.js"
"c": "c"
// 2. change the options to: { hash: 'md5', hashLen : 8 }, and result will be like:
"a": "a.e8dcfa25.css",
"js": {
"b": "js/b.59efd297.js"
"c": "c.a8e91771"
// 3. change the options to: { format: true }, and result will be like:
"a": "a.css",
"b": "js/b.js"
"c": "c"
// 4. change the options to: { type: ["js", "css"] }, and result will be like:
"a": "a.css",
"js": {
"b": "js/b.js"
// 5. change the options to: { recurse: false }, and result will be like:
"a": "a.css",
"c": "c"
// 6. change the options to : { format: true, ext: { level: 1, hyphen: "-" } }, and result will be like:
// Attention: if we use ext option, and the format must be set to true.
"a": "a.css",
// 7. try to mix the options, and have a look.
var APP_NAME = 'imovie',
PATH_TMP = 'tmp/';
var deps = {};
function getVersion(filepath, jsonFile, grunt) {
grunt.log.writeln(filepath, jsonFile).ok();
if (!deps[jsonFile]) {
deps[jsonFile] = grunt.file.readJSON(jsonFile);
grunt.log.writeln('Loading file:', jsonFile);
grunt.log.writeln('Content is:', deps[jsonFile]);
var filename = filepath.match(/(?:^|\/)([^\/]+)\.(js|css|less)$/)[1];
return deps[jsonFile][filename];
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var config = {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify: {
options: {
compress: true,
banner: '/*! ©<%= %> <%= pkg.version %> */\n'
build: {
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: PATH_SRC,
src: [APP_NAME + '/*.js', APP_NAME + '/**/*.js'],
dest: PATH_DEST,
ext: '.js',
rename: function(dest, src) {
var version = getVersion(src, PATH_TMP + APP_NAME + '.json', grunt);
return version && (dest + version);
tree: {
options: {
format: true,
hash: 'md5',
hashLen: 8
js: {
options: {
cwd: APP_NAME + '/',
type: ['js']
files: [
src: PATH_SRC,
dest: PATH_TMP + APP_NAME + '.json'
grunt.registerTask('builddeps', 'build static dependencies for mobile project base on freemarker', function() {
var jsContent = + APP_NAME + '.json'),
cssContent = + APP_NAME + 'css.json');
grunt.file.write(FILE_STATIC, '<#assign JS_FILE=' + jsContent + ' CSS_FILE=' + cssContent + '>');
grunt.registerTask('default', ['tree','uglify', 'builddeps']);
// Gruntfile.js
var STATIC_PATH = 'static/',
BUILD_PATH = 'build/';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var config = {
tree: {
js: {
options: {
format: true,
hash: 'md5',
hashLen: 8,
type: ['js'],
ext: {
level: 1
files: [
dest: BUILD_PATH + 'data/js.json'
css: {
options: {
format: true,
hash: 'md5',
hashLen: 8,
type: ['css'],
ext: {
level: 1
files: [
dest: BUILD_PATH + 'data/css.json'
genStaticConfig: {
build: []
// Project Configuration
// load grunt tree module.
grunt.registerMultiTask('genStaticConfig', 'generate static config files with js.json and css.json', function() {
grunt.config('tree.css.options.md5', false);
var files = grunt.config('tree.css.files');
files[0].dest = 'data/css.json';
grunt.config('tree.css.files', files);
grunt.config('tree.js.options.md5', false);
files = grunt.config('tree.js.files');
files[0].dest = 'data/js.json';
grunt.config('tree.js.files', files);
// for production
grunt.registerTask('static', ['tree']);
// for development
grunt.registerTask('buildstatic', ['genStaticConfig', 'tree']);
npm run-script test
# Once you run the follow command in console, you should run `npm install` before.
# grunt test
About the version. The first two version is the same with grunt
first two version.
- Compatibility fix for node 0.10.x. [2013/04/12] => for 0.4.1
- Add nodeunit test case. [2013/04/12] => for 0.4.2
- Add
option for avoid the same name of key. [2013/06/03] => for 0.4.3 - Add
option for flexible configuration. [2013/07/23] => for 0.4.4 - Add
option for filter useless file. Anduncpath
options. [2014/03/19] => for 0.4.5. - Use
option. [2014/05/19] => for 0.4.6. - New construct for tree.js. Remove
options. Addhash
options. Replaceuncpath
. - Fix for Fatal Error!!! => 0.4.9