Implementations for various rendering algorithms and OpenGL homework within the content of Ceng477 Course, written in C++ and GLSL. Development is done on CLion using CMake
, hence one can directly import parts separately to CLion and run them in there using CMakeLists
. Also Makefiles
are provided for further convenience.
- Clone with submodules (since repo also includes various OpenGL libraries' repos, I've added those libraries as submodules so that anybody can get it as a bundle):
git clone --recursive
- Alternatively, if you didn't use
option while cloning, you can type:
cd ComputerGraphics
git submodule init
git submodule update
Implemented a Concurrent version of Ray Tracing Algorithm using Basic Illumination Model with Phong Shading (Ambient + Diffuse + Specular) to Render Scenes such as:
Implemented all steps of Forward Rendering Pipeline until Fragment Pipeline (All kinds of transformation stuff + Clipping + Culling + Rasterization) to Render Scenes such as:
Implementation uses Backface Culling and Liang-Barsky 3D Line Clipping Algorithms for Culling and Clipping phases. Also implementation does not use a Z-Buffer and relies on the fact that, input is given back-to-front order (uses Painter's Algorithm).
Implemented two OpenGL
programs to render both flat Earth model and spherical Earth model (created not only for the Earth inputs; one may also run programs with any kind of input) using vertex and fragment shaders to display a texture image as a height map to fly through the scene interactively by processing keyboard input. Via Keyboard inputs, one can interactively fly through the scene, shift textures, increase/decrease heights of locations, modify location and altitude of the light etc. Below GIFs are sections from the outputs of those programs for Earth inputs.