Javascript Library that interfaces with the NativeWebKit App and Safari Web Extension
📦 Setup
🎧 HeadphoneMotionManager
Using any of the build files in the /build directory, you can either add it to your webpage:
<script src="nativewebkit.js"></script>
<!-- or minified -->
<script src="nativewebkit.min.js"></script>
which adds a NativeWebKit
object into the global scope:
console.log("NativeWebKit is now available", NativeWebKit);
NativeWebKit.HeadphoneMotionManager.addEventListener("motionData", (event) => {
const motionData = event.message.motionData;
console.log("received headphone motionData", motionData);
or you can import it as a module into your javascript files:
import { HeadphoneMotionManager } from "nativewebkit.module.js"; // or "nativewebkit.module.min.js"
HeadphoneMotionManager.addEventListener("motionData", (event) => {
const motionData = event.message.motionData;
console.log("received headphone motionData", motionData);
HeadphoneMotionManager manages motion data from AirPods Pro, AirPods (3rd gen), AirPods Max, and Beats Fit Pro.
import { HeadphoneMotionManager } from "nativewebkit.module.js";
// set to true to check if your device supports headphone motion data on webpage load
HeadphoneMotionManager.checkAvailabilityOnLoad = true;
// set to true to turn off headphone motion updates when the page closes/reloads/redirects
HeadphoneMotionManager.stopUpdatesOnUnload = true;
// listen to "isAvailable" event so you can know if your device supports headphone motion data
HeadphoneMotionManager.addEventListener("isAvailable", (event) => {
console.log("isAvailable", event.message.isAvailable);
// start receiving updates - can trigger in response to a user event, or automatically in the "isAvailable" event
// HeadphoneMotionManager.startUpdates();
// stop receiving updates - can trigger in response to a user event, or you can set HeadphoneMotionManager.stopUpdatesOnUnload to false to stop automatically when refreshing/closing/leaving the webpage
// HeadphoneMotionManager.stopUpdates();
// listen to "isActive" event so you can know when your device has started/stopped receiving headphone motion data
// this will trigger after you call HeadphoneMotionManager.startUpdates or HeadphoneMotionManager.stopUpdates, assuming "isActive" changes state
HeadphoneMotionManager.addEventListener("isActive", (event) => {
console.log("isActive", event.message.isActive);
// the part you care about - triggers when new headphone motion data is available
HeadphoneMotionManager.addEventListener("motionData", (event) => {
const motionData = event.message.motionData;
console.log("received headphone motionData", motionData);
const {timestamp, sensorLocation, quaternion, euler, userAcceleration, gravity, rotationRate} = motionData;
console.log("timestamp", timestamp); // a number (milliseconds)
console.log("sensorLocation", sensorLocation); // "left headphone", "right headphone", "default", or "unknown"
console.log("quaternion", quaternion); // an array of 4 numbers - compatible with three.js Quaternion
console.log("euler", euler); // an array of 3 numbers - compatible with three.js Euler
console.log("userAcceleration", userAcceleration); // an array of 3 numbers - compatible with three.js Vector3
console.log("gravity", gravity); // an array of 3 numbers - compatible with three.js Vector3
console.log("rotationRate", rotationRate); // an array of 3 numbers - compatible with three.js Euler