team members: Juan Carlos Lopez, Michael Mancinelli, and Zane Wolf
- link to website:
For CS171, we found and cleaned data from two locations (Kaggle's All Rocket Launches since 1957 and USC Satellite Database) to analyze and present a story regarding the history of the space industry. We concluded that in addition to the Space Race Age (1957-1975), there are two other defining ages of the space industry: The Exploration Age (1976-2011), which ended when the last Space Shuttle was flown, and the Commercialization Age (2012-Present), which is demarcated by the skyrocketing contributions of SpaceX as well as movement towards space tourism by Virgin Galactic and Blue Origins.
- flightvis.js
- brushvis.js
- launchvis.js
- main.js
- mapbarvis.js
- networkvis.js
- heavily modified from Observable: Radial Dendrogram
- orbitSystem.js
- heavily modified from Blocks: Orbits
- treedata.js
- all code included in the js/libraries, js/examples, js/FullPage.js folders
- css/examples.css
- css/fullpage.css
- css/stars.css