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psiinon edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 6 revisions

Alerts tab

The Alerts tab show the Alerts that have been raised in this session. The alerts are displayed in a tree in risk order in the left hand pane, and each node of the tree shows the total number of alerts underneath it.

Selecting an alert with one click will display it in the right hand pane. Double clicking an alert will display the Add Alert dialog which will allow you to change the alert details.

Filtering alerts

The filter buttons, shown immediately above the tree, allows you to restrict which alerts are displayed:

target.png /  target-grey.png  Show only URLs in Scope / Show all URLs

Allows to show only the alerts of URLs that are in scope.

094.png /  earth-grey.png  Link / Unlink with Sites selection

Allows to show only the alerts of the Sites tab selected tree node.

Note: Selecting one filter will disable the other as they are mutually exclusive.

Right click menu

Right clicking on a node will bring up a menu which will allow you to:


This will bring up the Resend dialog which allows you to resend the request associated with the alert after making any changes to it that you want to.

See also

     UI Overview for an overview of the user interface
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