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Persistent Semaphore

A persistent semaphore is a multi-slot lock with the number of possible available slots persistent in RabbitMQ, in which each slot can only be held by one client. It is implemented using pairs of queues; persistent A queues (which represent persistent semaphore "slots"), and exclusive/transient B queues, which represent lock holders.


"A" and "B" Queues

A persistent semaphore is defined as a group of queues such that, given a semaphore name N, and a number of slots C, members of three sets of queues may exist in RabbitMQ:

  • A queues: These are queues named some equivalent of N-1-A, N-2-A, and so on, up to N-C-A. These queues should persist independently of lock clients' actions.
  • B queues: These are queues named some equivalent of N-X-B, where C' can be any current or previous value of C, and 0 < X <= C'. These queues represent lock clients, and should be exclusive queues.
  • Administration Mutex: This is an optional non-numbered queue named some equivalent of N such that its name cannot collide with the names of any A or B queues for any values of C. This queue represents the mutex acquired by lock administrators for lock administration actions.

A and B queue set members are represented in array-like notation (e.g. A[2] for N-2-A) in the rest of this document.

Determining Queue Existence:

Queue existence can be determined by publishing (with confirms) to a queue or by passively declaring it.

Publishes are recommended to determine the max, as passive queue declaration's failure mode is a channel-breaking error, which would then necessitate that the lock administrator hold open two channels: one for the administration mutex and one to probe the maximum count.

Note that this does not guarantee queue identity in more than name; two publishes to queue Q may arrive at two different incarnations of a queue by that name.

Determining the Maximum Number of Slots

Lock administrators can determine the maximum number of slots on a semaphore N by checking the existence of all A queues of the semaphore in order. When the first NO_ROUTE or NOT_FOUND occurs, the highest numbered routable queue is represents the maximum of the semaphore.

Lock Administration

Creating the Semaphore

To create a semaphore, a lock administrator should create all of the A queues for a semaphore, from A[1] to A[C].

Destroying the Semaphore

An administrator can destroy a semaphore by determining the maximum value C of the semaphore, and then deleting A queues in descending order from C to 0.

For alternatives to descending order, see the "Swiss Cheese Semaphores" section.

Adding Slots

Adding some number X of slots to a semaphore consists of determining the maximum value C of the semaphore and then declaring the A queue for C + X.

Removing Slots

Removing some number X slots from a semaphore consists of determining the maximum value C of the semaphore, and then deleting A queues in descending order from C to max(0, C - X).

  • Node that decrementing the available slots on a semaphore does not affect any lock clients that have acquired the slots being decremented. A client holding a decremented slot must voluntarily relinquish its slot (cleanly or by crashing) for the decrement operation to be complete. This is the largest limitation of amqp-locks's implementation of a persistent semaphore.
  • For alternatives to descending order, see the "Swiss Cheese Semaphores" section.
  • It is imperative that clients wait for the delete-ok message from the broker before continuing on to remove the next queue.

Waiting on Lock Holders

Administrators can wait for lock holders to release a slot by polling the existence of a B queue for a given slot. When existence-checking fails, the lock has been relinquished. This can be done at any time, but is only really useful once the A queue for a slot has been removed, since a lock could be relinquished and then reacquired between successive polls in other circumstances.

Note on Linear Ordering/"Swiss Cheese Semaphores""

  • Administrators can optimistically delete in ascending order, provided that, expiration mechanisms exist to keep old A queues from accumilating on a system (or overshooting is enabled such that all old A queues will be deleted at some point), and that lock clients are always starting from 0 when searching for an available slot on the semaphore.
  • Deleting in ascending order will allow for faster lock-acquire failures in clients that start checking semaphore availability at 0, but is less reliable--if deletion fails at some number X; 0 < X < C, potential or current lock holders at slots between X and C will still have valid slots on a nonexistent semaphore until some "pruning" action takes place (see "overshooting").

Administration Mutex

Before all administrative actions, the lock administrator must acquire a mutex that is unique to the semaphore in question. This prevents multiple administrators making concurrent changes. Otherwise, it is possible to create a non-sequential set of A queues such that it is impossible to determine the semaphore's maximum.


Creation, addition, and deletion operations may choose to "overshoot" the determined-max value C of the semaphore by some amount T, and (idempotently, if using RabbitMQ 3 or later) delete all A queues found between C and C + T. This copes with some "unexpected" scenarios (multiple semaphores with different implementations/administration queues, strange broker corruption/failures, manual/external queue deletion, and so on).

Lock Clients

Acquiring a Lock

Clients attempting to acquire a slot on a semaphore should do the following:

  1. For some number L that starts at 1, poll the existence of the A queue for L.
  2. If A[L] does not exist, return lock-acquire failure.
  3. If A[L] exists, poll the existence of the B queue for L.
  4. If B[L] exists, increment L by 1 and go to step 1.
  5. If B[L] does not exist, attempt to declare it (all B queues are exclusive).
  6. If declaration fails with RESOURCE_LOCKED, re-connect the channel, re-set L to 1 and go to step 1.
    • The whole persistent semaphore scheme is just an optimization to avoid this channel-breaking race condition
    • You can re-set L to any other number (or leave it at the current value) depending on lock-traffic and the likelihood of finding a free slot, but 1 usually makes the most sense.
    • It is theoretically possible for clients to infinitely recurse on lock-acquire attempts. Because of this possibility, clients should support a maximum number of failed second-stage lock acquire attempts after which they will return a failure. It may also be useful in some situations to reduce the chance of such races by introducing a single random time skew upon second-stage acquire failure before retrying.
  7. If declaration succeeds, return lock-acquire success.
    • It is strongly recommended that clients also return or store the value of L for the lock they successfully acquired. This allows for cheap lock verification to occur.
    • It is recommended that clients verify their held lock before returning success.

Clients may use algorithms other than "start at 0 and ascend" for finding a free slot on a semaphore; depending on the lock traffic characteristics of a given application, other approaches may be more efficient. However, non-linear approaches may incur penalties in reliability and efficiency of semaphore destruction (see "Destroying the semaphore" in the "Lock administration" section).

Verifying a Held Lock

Clients that have already successfully acquired a held lock should do the following to determine if the lock and/or their channel/connection are still valid:

  1. Given a held lock number L and the connection and channel that originally acquired it, poll the existence of the A queue for L.
  2. If A[L] does not exist, return lock-relinquished/verification-failure.
  3. If A[L] exists, return lock-still-held/verification-success.

Relinquishing a Lock

Given a held lock number L and the connection and channel that originally acquired it, a client may do any of the following to relinquish a held semaphore:

  • Close its channel.
  • Close its connection (via disconnect or crash).
    • Important reliability note: If connections are closed via crash, RabbitMQ may not detect the absence of a client until its heartbeat interval, internal TCP keepalive registry update, or subsequent attempt to use the channel.
  • Delete the B queue for L.