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Value Refinements

Refinements are dynamic annotations associated with unknown values that each shrink the range of possible values futher than can be represented by type constraint alone.

When an unknown value is refined, it allows certain operations against that unknown value to produce a known result, and allows some operations to fail earlier than they would with a fully-unknown value by detecting that a valid result is impossible using just the refinement information.

Refinements always shrink the range of an unknown value, and never grow it. That makes it valid for some operations to ignore refinements and just treat an unknown value as representing any possible value of its type constraint, which is important to avoid burdening all downstream callers of cty from handling all refinements and from immediately adding support for new kinds of refinement if this model gets extended in future releases.

However, note that Value.RawEquals does take into account refinements, so any tests that assert against the exact final value of an operation may need to be updated after adopting a new version of cty which makes increased use of refinements. Value.RawEquals is not intended as part of the user model of cty and so this should not negatively impact the end-user-visible behavior of an application using cty, although of course they might benefit from more specific results from operations that can now take refinements into account.

How to refine a value

You can derive a more refined value from a less refined value by using the Value.Refine method to obtain a refinement builder, which uses the builder pattern to construct a new value with one or more extra refinements.

val := cty.UnknownVal(cty.String).Refine().

The above snippet would produce a refined local value whose range is limited only to non-null strings which start with the prefix "https://". This information can, in theory, allow val.Equals(cty.NullVal(cty.String)) to return cty.False rather than cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), and allow a prefix match against the string to return a known result.

In practice not all operations against unknown values can make full use of unknown value refinements, but hopefully the coverage will increase over time.

Only unknown values can have refinements, because known values are already refined by their concrete value: simple values like cty.Zero are constrained to exactly one value, while some values like cty.ListValEmpty(cty.DynamicPseudoType) represent a set of possible values -- all empty lists of any element type, in this case.

However, the Refine operation is also supported for known values and in that case acts as a self-checking assertion that the known value does actually meet the requirements. If you write your codepaths to unconditionally assign refinements regardless of whether the value is known then your code will self-check and raise a panic if the final known value doesn't match the previously-promised refinements.

A similar rule applies to applying new refinements already-refined values: it's fine to describe a less specific refinement, which will therefore be ignored because it adds no new information. It's an application bug to describe a contradictory refinement, such as a new string prefix that doesn't match one previously assigned.

Value ranges

The Refine() method described above constructs a value with refinements. To access the information from those refinements, use the Value.Range method to obtain a cty.ValueRange object, which describes a superset of all of the values that a particular value could have.

For example, you can use val.Range().DefinitelyNotNull() to test whether a particular value is guaranteed to be non-null once it is finally known. This again works for both known and unknown values, so e.g. cty.StringVal("foo").Range().DefinitelyNotNull() returns true because a known, non-null string value is definitely not null.

When writing operations that depend only on information that can be determined from refinements it's valid to depend exclusively on Value.Range and rely on the fact that the range of an already-known value is just a very narrow range that covers only what that specific value covers.

The model of value ranges is imprecise, though: it's limited only to information we can track for unknown values through refinements. Many operations will still need a special codepath to handle the unknown case vs. the known case so they can take into account the additional detail from the exact value once known.

Available Refinements

The set of possible refinement types might grow over time, but the initial set is focused on a narrow set of possibilities that seems likely to allow a number of other operations to either produce known results from unknown input or to rule that particular input is invalid despite not yet being known.

The most notable restriction on refinements is that the available refinements vary depending on the type constraint of the value being refined.

The least flexible case is cty.DynamicVal -- an unknown value of an unknown type -- which is the one value that cannot be refined at all and will silently ignore any attempts to do so, leaving the result still totally unrefined. This is a pragmatic compromise for backward compatibility: existing callers use patterns like val == cty.DynamicVal to test for this specific special value, and any refinements of that value would make it no longer equal.

Unknown values of built-in exact types, and also unknown values whose type kind is constrained even if the element/attribute types are not, can at least be refined as being non-null, and because that is a common situation there is a shorthand for it which avoids using the builder pattern: val.RefineNotNull().

All other possible refinements are type-constraint-specific:

  • cty.String

    For strings we can refine a known prefix of the string, which is intended for situations where the string represents some microsyntax with a known prefix, such as a URL of a particular known scheme.

    • .StringPrefix(string) specifies a known prefix of the final string.

      By default an unknown string has no known prefix, which is the same as the prefix being the empty string.

      Because cty's model of strings is a sequence of Unicode grapheme clusters, .StringPrefix will quietly disregard trailing Unicode code units of the given prefix that might combine with other code units to form a new combined grapheme. This is a good safe default behavior for situations where the remainder of the string is under end-user control and might begin with combining diacritics or emoji variation sequences. Applications should not rely on the details of this heuristic because it may become more precise in later releases.

    • .StringPrefixFull(string) is like .StringPrefix but does not trim possibly-combining code units from the end of the given string.

      Applications must use this with care, making sure that they control the final string enough to guarantee that the subsequent additional code units will never combine with any characters in the given prefix.

  • cty.Number

    For numbers we can refine both the lower and upper bound of possible values, with each boundary being either inclusive or exclusive.

    • .NumberRangeLowerBound(cty.Value, bool) refines the lower bound of possible values for an unknown number. The boolean argument represents whether the bound is inclusive.

      The given value must be a non-null cty.Number value. An unrefined number effectively has a lower bound of (cty.NegativeInfinity, true).

    • .NumberRangeUpperBound(cty.Value, bool) refines the upper bound of possible values for an unknown number. The boolean argument represents whether the bound is inclusive.

      The given value must be a non-null cty.Number value. An unrefined number effectively has an upper bound of (cty.PositiveInfinity, true).

    • .NumberRangeInclusive(min, max cty.Value) is a helper wrapper around the previous two methods that declares both an upper and lower bound at the same time, while specifying that both are inclusive bounds.

  • cty.List, cty.Set, and cty.Map types

    For all collection types we can refine the lower and upper bound of the length of the collection. The boundaries on length are always inclusive and are integers, because it isn't possible to have a fraction of an element.

    • .CollectionLengthLowerBound(int) refines the lower bound of possible lengths for an unknown collection.

      An unrefined collection effectively has a lower bound of zero, because it's not possible for a collection to have a negative length.

    • .CollectionLengthUpperBound(int) refines the upper bound of possible lengths for an unknown collection.

      An unrefined collection has an upper bound that matches the largest valid Go slice index on the current platform, because cty's collections are implemented in terms of Go's collection types. However, applications should typically not expose that specific value to users (it's an implementation detail) and should instead present the maximum value as an unconstrained length.

    • .CollectionLength(int) is a shorthand that refines both the lower and upper bounds to the same value. This is a helpful requirement to make whenever possible because it will often allow the final value to be a known collection with unknown elements, as described in Refinement Value Collapse.

Some built-in operations will automatically take into account refinements from their input operands and propagate them in a suitable way to the result. However, that is not a guarantee for all operations and so should be treated as a "best effort" behavior which will hopefully become more precise in future versions.

Behaviors implemented in downstream applications, such as custom functions using the function system, might also take into account refinements. If they do their work using only operation methods on Value then the handling of refinements might come for free. If they do work using integration methods instead then they will need to explicitly handle refinements if desired. If they don't then by default the result from an unknown input will be a totally-unrefined unknown value, though will hopefully still have a useful type constraint.

Refinement Value Collapse

For some kinds of refinement it's possible to constrain the range so much that only one possible value remains. In that case, the .NewValue() method of the refinement builder might return a known value instead of an unknown value.

For example, if the lower bound and upper bound of a collection's length are equal then the length of the collection is effectively known. For some lengths of some collection kinds the refinement can collapse into a known collection containing unknown values. For example, an unknown list that's known to have exactly two values can be represented equivalently as a known list of length two where both elements are unknown themselves.

The exact details of how refinement collapse is decided might change in future versions, but only in ways that can make results "more known". It would be a breaking change to weaken a rule to produce unknown values in more cases, so that kind of change would be reserved only for fixing an important bug or design error.

Refinements are Dynamic Only

Refinements belong to unknown values rather than to type constraints, and so refining an unknown value does not change its type constraint.

This design is a tradeoff: making the refinements dynamic and implicit means that it's possible to add more detailed refinements over type without making breaking changes to explicit type information, but the downside is that it isn't possible to represent refinements in any situation that is only aware of types.

For example, it isn't currently possible to represent the idea of an unknown map whose elements each have a further refinement applied, because the refinements apply to the map itself and there are not yet any specific element values for the element refinements to attach to.

(It would be possible in theory to allow refining an unknown collection with meta-refinements about its hypothetical elements, but that is not currently supported because it would mean that refinements would need to be resolved recursively and that would be considerably more complex and expensive than the current single-value-only refinements structure.)

Refinements Under Serialization

Refinements are intentionally designed so that they only constrain the range of an unknown value, and never expand it. This means that it should typically be safe to discard refinements in situations like serialization where there may not be any way to represent the refinements. After decoding the unknown value now has a wider range but it should still be a superset of the true range of the value. This is an example of the general rule that no operation on an unknown value is guaranteed to fully preserve the input refinements or to consider them when calculating the result.

The official MessagePack serialization in particular does have some support for retaining approximations of refinements as part of its serialization of unknown values, using a MessagePack extension value. Some detail may still be lost under round-tripping but the output range should always be a superset of the input range. As long as both the serializer and deserializer are using the cty/msgpack sub-package unknown values will propagate automatically without any additional caller effort.

Relationship to "Marks"

The idea of annotating a value with additional information has some overlap with the concept of Marks. However, the two have different purposes and so different design details and tradeoffs.

Marks should typically be used for additional information that is independent of the specific type and value, such as marking a value as having come from a sensitive location. The marking then propagates to all results from operations on that value, usually without changing the behavior of that operation. In a sense the mark represents the origin of the value rather than the value itself.

Refinements are instead directly part of the value. By reducing the possible range of an unknown value placeholder, other downstream operations can in turn produce a more refined result, or possibly even a known result from unknown inputs. Refinements do not naively propagate from one value to the next, but some operations will use the refinements of their operands to calculate a new set of refiments for their result, with the rules varying on a case-by-case basis depending on what calculation the operation represents.