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A Discord bot for downloading attachments from channel messages.


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This is a Discord bot for downloading attachments from channel messages.


Now, go into a text channel and type /collect. Then, the command should pop up.


Here, you can now specify following optional arguments.

  • channel: The target channel. This is set to the current channel if not specified.

  • limit: The maximum amount of messages to be fetched. This defaults to 0 (equals all messages in the channel) or the globally set limit.

  • include-metadata: Whether or not to include a metadata.json in the colelction package containing information about each message containing attachments. This defaults to true.

  • include-files: Whether or not download and include the attachment files. You can set this to false if you want to download the files from your system using the metadata.json file. This defaults to true.

After that, the bot will start to analyze all messages in the channel. This can take some time depending on the amount of messages in the channel. Then, all attachments will be collected and downloaded. After that, you will receive a DM with a download link where you can download the full archive.


When the total attachment size exceeds the configured maximum, you will only be able to download the metadata.json file. But no worries, you can use this on your local system to download all attachments using the provided downloader tool (see following section).

Download via metadata.json

You can also download the attachments on your system using the metadata.json file from the archive.

The easy way is to use the povided downloader tool which consumes the metadata.json and downloads the listed atatchment files.

You can download the precompiled downloader tool form the Actions build artifacts. Just click on the latest successful job and download the desired binary for your system.

These are the available option flags:

Usage of downloader:
  -filter string
        Filter attachments to download by UIDs (comma separated list).
  -i string
        The location of the metadata file. (default "metadata.json")
  -o string
        The output directory. (default "files")
  -parallel uint
        Parralell download count. (default 2)
        Split the downloaded files into seperate folders by author user ID.

You can also do it via the console using a combination of jq, xargs and curl, which is - of course - the way cooler way. 😎

Therefore, you need curl and jq installed. If you are on windows, use WSL. 😉

$ mkdir files && cat metadata.json | jq -r '.[].attachments[] | [ .archive_filename, .url ] | join(" ")' | xargs -l bash -c 'curl -Lo "files/$0" "$1"'

You can even do stuff like filter by author ID, for example, using the following command.

$ cat metadata.json | jq -r '.[] | select( .author_id == "221905671296253953" )

... and then combine it with the download command to just download attachments sent by that specific user.

$ mkdir files && cat metadata.json | jq -r '.[] | select( .author_id == "221905671296253953" ) | .attachments[] | [ .archive_filename, .url ] | join(" ")' | xargs -l bash -c 'curl -Lo "files/$0" "$1"'

Man, jq is really one of the most useful CLI tool ever created, inst it? 😄


First, set up a Discord bot application (see here how to do so).

Now, you can go to OAuth2 in the Discord bot application page and go to the sub route URL Generator. There, select the scopes bot and applications.commands. Now, you can copy the Generated Url and pate it into your browser. You might now log in to Discord. After that, select the server you want to have the bot on and invite it.

Using Docker

You can use the provided docker-compose.yml to set up the bot. In the environment configuration, you must set the bot token obtained from the Discord bot application.

You can of course also run the image using the Docker CLI as well.

$ docker run -d \
    --publish "80:80" \
    --name dcdl \
    --env "DCDL_DISCORD_TOKEN=OTEwN..." \

Using Precompiled Binaries

You can also download precompiled binaries from the actions pipeline.

Then, simply create a configuration file.


  token: OTEwN...


  location: ./data

Following, cerate the data directory.

$ mkdir data

After that, start the bot with the following command line.

$ ./dcdl -c config.yml


A Discord bot for downloading attachments from channel messages.





