Starter Kit for Frontend applications
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
For running this application you need to have NodeJs and NPM. We recommend to use NVM for managing NodeJs versions For NVM installation please refer to manual
npm install
npm run start
If you need to compile application for deployment
npm run build
npm run test
TODO: fill this
- React.js - Component Library
- TypeScript - Primary language
- MobX - State management library
There is 4 roles (layers) in the system: Mapper, Component, Service, Storage
Mapper is data provider for Components (based in MobX). Mapper is a simple TS Class with properties annotated as @computed
or @observable
. Class should implement Injectable
unterface and be annotated as @mapper
. Also can contain simple methods. System provides BaseMapper
class with default (empty) implementation of Injectable
Main rule: read from storage, provide to component
Component is regular ReactJS component (class or functional) annotated with @observer
. Avoid using any state or props related methods. MobX will handle them.
Main rule: read from store, pass logic processing to service
Service is a simple TS class that implements Injectable
interface and is annotated as @service
. Proceed all business logic here. Fetching from remote API should be also proceeded here. System provides BaseService
class with default (empty) implementation of Injectable
Main rule: execute all logic here, including fetching from remote source, no changes in the system, pass it to repository
Storage is a simple TS class that implements Injectable
interface and is annotated as @storage
. This is a one and only one data source is the system. Changes (CRUD) should be proceeded only here. All methods should be annotated as @action
. System provides base generic DefaultRecordStorage<T>
Main rule: only data changes allowed here. no side effects!
System provides a versatile Dependency Injection mechanism.
Model Layer entities are registered via @service
, @store
, @mapper
decorators, or on rare ocasions via @injectable
decorator. Following decorators are available to resolve dependencies for model layer entities:
for constructor arguments of your layers@injectProperty
for property injections@injectMethod
for setter-based injections
Note: All constructor arguments SHOULD be decorated dependencies.
System relays on automated dependency registration. You need to specify any new unit (service, mapper, storage) in ./src/layers.ts
, so dependency registration will be able to load implementations for your interfaces.
To leverage dependency injection mechanism for components use withDependencies()
Higer Order Component. Describe dependencies of your component in a separate interface, like this one:
interface Dependencies extends ComponentDependencies {
todoService: TodoService
todoMapper: TodoMapper
Then, declare your Props interface like this:
interface Props extends WithDependencies<Dependencies> {
user: User.BaseModel
// ...
This will add a deps
field to your props that you will access your dependencies from.
After building your component, export it like this:
export default withDependencies<Dependencies>({
todoService: 'TodoService',
todoMapper: 'TodoMapper',
Note that string identifiers in withDependencies
argument should match registration keys of your dependencies.
Note: @injectAware
decorator is deprecated and will be removed in upcoming versions. Please, migrate your code to withDependencies
To leverage dependency injection mechanism for components use @injectAware
decorator. This allows usage of @injectProperty
and @injectMethod
decorators on your component to receive dependencies.
Note: @injectConstructor
decorator is not (and will not be) supported for components.
lifecycle hook is available for inject-aware components. It is called after all dependencies are provided to component. Use this hook to initialize any properties that relay on your dependencies.
Note: @injectAware
decorator works properly with inheritance and will handle parent class dependencies.
To test your component that works with withDependencies()
just import the plain component and mock it's deps prop properly.
annotation works differently in test environment: dependencies for components are resolved from isolated containers instead of defaultContainer. In test, to access isolated container for your component call Container.containerForComponent(
. Use the isolated container to register dependencies of your component for test. Refer to ./src/tests/common/annotations/dependency-injection.spec.ts
for examples.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details