The benchmark project contains a set of tests aimed to measure the performance of certain OS operations. It currently supports both the qemu_x86 and frdm_k64f boards on Zephyr and only the frdm_k64f board on FreeRTOS. Additional boards and RTOSes are expected to be added in the future.
It is recognized that running a benchmark test suite on QEMU is not generally recommended, and any results from that should be taken with a grain of salt. That being said, the primary reason it has been added has been to act as a blueprint for integrating additional boards and architectures.
Install the GNU ARM compiler for the frdm_k64f
GNU ARM Embedded toolchain
and set ARMGCC_DIR
to the installation directory.
Refer to the Zephyr Getting Started Guide
for installing and setting up the Zephyr environment. This must be done so that
a freestanding application can be built. As indicated under "Common", be sure
to set the ARMGCC_DIR
environment variable appropriately.
To enable use of the 3rd Party GNU ARM Embedded toolchain, set the following environment variables.
export GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=<path to installed toolchain>
Build and download the FRDM-K64F SDK from the NXP MCUXpresso SDK Builder.
Select Linux
as your host OS and GCC ARM Embedded
as your toolchain.
Be sure to also check the FreeRTOS
checkbox to build FreeRTOS
awareness and examples into the SDK.
mkdir freertos/SDK_<version>_FRDM-K64F
unzip ~/Downloads/SDK_<version> -d <SDK Install Dir>/SDK_<version>_FRDM-K64F
Install pyOCD - tool used to flash FRDM_K64F.
Install VxWorks version later than 24.03 (including).
cmake -GNinja -DRTOS=zephyr -DBOARD=frdm_k64f -S . -B build
ninja -C build
ninja -C build flash
Similar steps apply to when building for a different board. In the cmake
command, specify the name of the board after -DBOARD
. For example ...
cmake -GNinja -DRTOS=zephyr -DBOARD=qemu_x86 -S . -B build
Remember that the ZEPHYR_BASE
environment variable must be set so that the
Zephyr west
tool can be found.
cmake -GNinja -DRTOS=freertos -DBOARD=frdm_k64f -DMCUX_SDK_PATH=<SDK Install Dir>/SDK_<version>_FRDM-K64F -S . -B build
ninja -C build
ninja -C build flash
VxWorks supports to run rtos-benchmark for either POSIX interfaces,
or non-POSIX interfaces at user space on difference boards.
For example with the BSP nxp_s32g274
vxprj vsb create -force -S -smp -lp64 -bsp nxp_s32g274 vsb_nxp_s32g274
cd vsb_nxp_s32g274
The followings are the steps for POSIX interfaces. To test non-POSIX interfaces,
and replace rtos_benchmark_posix.vxe
with rtos_benchmark_non_posix.vxe
vxprj create -vsb </path/to/vsb_nxp_s32g274> vip_nxp_s32g274
cd vip_nxp_s32g274
mkdir romfs
cp </path/to/vsb_nxp_s32g274/usr/root/llvm/bin/rtos_benchmark_posix.vxe> romfs/
vxprj parameter set RTOS_BENCHMARK_OPTIONS 1
vxprj parameter set HIGH_RES_POSIX_CLOCK TRUE (Needed when POSIX clock is used for timestamping)
vxprj component remove INCLUDE_NETWORK
vxprj build
Load the image on the target, rtos-benchmark will automatically run on bootup.
Connect the frdm_k64f
to your host via USB. In another terminal, open
a serial terminal (such as screen, minicom, etc) to see the output:
minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
Debugging on both Zephyr and FreeRTOS are quite similar.
cmake <RTOS Debug Options>
ninja -C build debugserver
In another terminal, start GDB:
$ARMGCC_DIR/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb build/freertos.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
Nothing extra--just the standard cmake
cmake -GNinja -DRTOS=zephyr -DBOARD=frdm_k64f -S . -B build
to the build options:
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -DRTOS=freertos -DBOARD=frdm_k64f -DMCUX_SDK_PATH=SDK_<version>_FRDM-K64F -S . -B build