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Package Overview:

getdp : Extract data block by slice-order or z-entry order from GENESIS 1.3 TDP simulation output files.

old versions (in old folder): getdp_s and getdp_z served as extracting slice or entry records.

The usage can be found by simply type getdp or getdp --help in terminal.

e.g. getdp

Usage: ../getdp [--flag value]...

Usage Example (1): ../getdp --input infilename --output outfilename --s 1 --sOrder 100
Usage Example (2): ../getdp --input infilename --output outfilename --z 1 --zOrder 100
Usage Example (3): ../getdp --help
Usage Example (4): ../getdp --input infilename --showRange 1

Mandatory Options:
	--input infile
		TDP output file
	--output outfile
		File for data dumping

	Third mandatory flag: --s or --z
		--s sFlag
			Data extraction type: slice
			default value: 0, enable by set 1
			Meanwhile --sOrder or --sPos should be set
		--z zFlag
			Data extraction type: zentry
			default value: 0, enable by set 1
			Meanwhile --zOrder or --zPos should be set

Other Options:
	--sOrder isOrder
		Extract slice order
	--zOrder izOrder
		Extract z-entry order
	--sPos dsPos
		Extract slice position in [m]
		if --sOrder and --sPos are all
		defined, --sOrder is used by ../getdp
	--zPos dzPos
		Extract zentry position in [m]
		if --zOrder and --zPos are all
		defined, --zOrder is used by ../getdp
	--showRange ishowRange
		Flag for showing record range, default 0,
		should be used by given --input infilename

old/getdp_z test/template.out zoutput1 10 and getdp_z --input test/template.out --output zoutput2 --z 1 --zOrder 10 will give the same output, i.e. zoutput1 and zoutput2 are identical.

The same rule applies to getdp_s new and old version.