Opensearch restful API version v3
This SDK contains wrapper code used to call the OpenSearch Cloud restful API from PHP.
- Downlaod the PHP SDK zip and unzip it.
- Move the SDK to your project.
- View the demo directory, there are some samples likes app control, document push, app search, suggest search and etc.
- NEW: 支持临时安全令牌(STS)
- NEW: 新增搜索参数Rank.secondRankType(EXPRESSION|CAVA_SCRIPT)
- NEW: 新增下拉提示参数userId和reSearch(HOMONYM)
- NEW: 新增SuggestParams与SuggestionClient类
- FIXED: 修复 abtest 传参问题
- NEW: 数据采集 2.0
- NEW: 支持 A/B Test
- NEW: 支持 行为数据采集
- 在使用arg之前先定义arg,否则在php的log level为Notice的时候会报出"Undefined variable: arg"