description |
All available functions of ZkBobClient object |
{% hint style="info" %}
Functions available in the account-less mode are marked with [*]
{% endhint %}
- create
- login
- logout
- [*] currentPool
- [*] availabePools
- switchToPool
- hasAccount
- [*] getProverMode
- [*] setProverMode
- getTotalBalance
- getBalances
- getOptimisticTotalBalance
- giftCardBalance
- getAllHistory
- getPendingDDs
- getComplianceReport
- generateAddress
- generateUniversalAddress
- generateAddressForSeed
- verifyShieldedAddress
- isMyAddress
- addressInfo
- deposit
- depositEphemeral
- directDeposit
- transferMulti
- withdrawMulti
- redeemGiftCard
- waitJobsTxHashes
- waitJobTxHash
- isReadyToTransact
- waitReadyToTransact
- [*] getRelayerFee
- [*] atomicTxFee
- feeEstimate
- directDepositFee
- [*] maxSupportedTokenSwap
- [*] minTxAmount
- calcMaxAvailableTransfer
- getTransactionParts
- [*] getLimits
- getEphemeralAddress
- getNonusedEphemeralIndex
- getUsedEphemeralAddresses
- getEphemeralAddressInTxCount
- getEphemeralAddressOutTxCount
- getEphemeralAddressPrivateKey
- isAccountDead
- isForcedExitSupported
- forcedExitState
- activeForcedExit
- executedForcedExit
- availableFundsToForcedExit
- requestForcedExit
- executeForcedExit
- cancelForcedExit
- [*] shieldedAmountToWei
- [*] weiToShieldedAmount
- [*] networkName
- [*] poolId
- [*] getRelayerState
- [*] getRelayerOptimisticState
- [*] getPoolState
- getLocalState
- rollbackState
- cleanState
- updateState
- [*] getLibraryVersion
- [*] getRelayerVersion
- [*] getProverVersion
- [*] codeForGiftCard
- [*] giftCardFromCode
- getStatFullSync
- getAverageTimePerTx
- directDepositContract
- [*] tokenSellerContract
- [*] getState
- [*] getProgress