diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index d77f75c9..e3406f22 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "zkbob-client-js", - "version": "5.0.0", + "version": "5.1.1-beta", "description": "zkBob integration library", "repository": "git@github.com:zkBob/libzkbob-client-js.git", "author": "Dmitry Vdovin ", @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ ], "scripts": { "check": "tsc --noEmit", + "codegen": "graphclient build --dir ./src", + "graphql-dev": "graphclient serve-dev --dir ./src", "build": "rm -rf lib/ && npx tsc && webpack --config webpack.worker.conf.js", "clean": "rm -rf lib/" }, @@ -21,8 +23,10 @@ "@metamask/eth-sig-util": "5.0.0", "@scure/bip32": "1.1.1", "@scure/bip39": "1.1.0", + "bs58": "5.0.0", "comlink": "^4.3.1", "fast-sha256": "^1.3.0", + "graphql": "16.7.1", "hdwallet-babyjub": "^0.0.2", "idb": "^7.0.0", "libzkbob-rs-wasm-web": "1.4.1", @@ -31,13 +35,14 @@ "wasm-feature-detect": "^1.2.11", "web3": "1.8.0", "web3-utils": "1.8.0", - "bs58": "5.0.0" + "@graphprotocol/client-cli": "3.0.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/ethereum-protocol": "^1.0.1", + "@types/node": "^20.3.3", "@types/web3": "1.0.20", "ts-loader": "^9.2.6", - "typescript": "^4.1.2", + "typescript": "^5.1.6", "webpack": "^5.64.2", "webpack-cli": "^4.9.1" }, diff --git a/src/.graphclient/index.ts b/src/.graphclient/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2014e7eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.graphclient/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,950 @@ +// @ts-nocheck +import { GraphQLResolveInfo, SelectionSetNode, FieldNode, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLScalarTypeConfig } from 'graphql'; +import { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core'; +import { gql } from '@graphql-mesh/utils'; + +import type { GetMeshOptions } from '@graphql-mesh/runtime'; +import type { YamlConfig } from '@graphql-mesh/types'; +import { PubSub } from '@graphql-mesh/utils'; +import { DefaultLogger } from '@graphql-mesh/utils'; +import MeshCache from "@graphql-mesh/cache-localforage"; +import { fetch as fetchFn } from '@whatwg-node/fetch'; + +import { MeshResolvedSource } from '@graphql-mesh/runtime'; +import { MeshTransform, MeshPlugin } from '@graphql-mesh/types'; +import GraphqlHandler from "@graphql-mesh/graphql" +import { parse } from 'graphql'; +import BareMerger from "@graphql-mesh/merger-bare"; +import { printWithCache } from '@graphql-mesh/utils'; +import { createMeshHTTPHandler, MeshHTTPHandler } from '@graphql-mesh/http'; +import { getMesh, ExecuteMeshFn, SubscribeMeshFn, MeshContext as BaseMeshContext, MeshInstance } from '@graphql-mesh/runtime'; +import { MeshStore, FsStoreStorageAdapter } from '@graphql-mesh/store'; +import { path as pathModule } from '@graphql-mesh/cross-helpers'; +import { ImportFn } from '@graphql-mesh/types'; +import type { ZkbobBobGoerliTypes } from './sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/types'; +import * as importedModule$0 from "./sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/introspectionSchema"; +export type Maybe = T | null; +export type InputMaybe = Maybe; +export type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; +export type MakeOptional = Omit & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe }; +export type MakeMaybe = Omit & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe }; +export type RequireFields = Omit & { [P in K]-?: NonNullable }; + + + +/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ +export type Scalars = { + ID: string; + String: string; + Boolean: boolean; + Int: number; + Float: number; + BigDecimal: any; + BigInt: any; + Bytes: any; + Int8: any; +}; + +export type Query = { + directDeposit?: Maybe; + directDeposits: Array; + lastSyncBlock?: Maybe; + lastSyncBlocks: Array; + message?: Maybe; + messages: Array; + /** Access to subgraph metadata */ + _meta?: Maybe<_Meta_>; +}; + + +export type QuerydirectDepositArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerydirectDepositsArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerylastSyncBlockArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerylastSyncBlocksArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerymessageArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerymessagesArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type Query_metaArgs = { + block?: InputMaybe; +}; + +export type Subscription = { + directDeposit?: Maybe; + directDeposits: Array; + lastSyncBlock?: Maybe; + lastSyncBlocks: Array; + message?: Maybe; + messages: Array; + /** Access to subgraph metadata */ + _meta?: Maybe<_Meta_>; +}; + + +export type SubscriptiondirectDepositArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptiondirectDepositsArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionlastSyncBlockArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionlastSyncBlocksArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionmessageArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionmessagesArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type Subscription_metaArgs = { + block?: InputMaybe; +}; + +export type BlockChangedFilter = { + number_gte: Scalars['Int']; +}; + +export type Block_height = { + hash?: InputMaybe; + number?: InputMaybe; + number_gte?: InputMaybe; +}; + +export type DirectDeposit = { + id: Scalars['String']; + pending: Scalars['Boolean']; + completed: Scalars['Boolean']; + refunded: Scalars['Boolean']; + sender: Scalars['Bytes']; + fallbackUser: Scalars['Bytes']; + zkAddress_diversifier: Scalars['Bytes']; + zkAddress_pk: Scalars['Bytes']; + deposit: Scalars['BigInt']; + bnInit: Scalars['BigInt']; + tsInit: Scalars['BigInt']; + txInit: Scalars['Bytes']; + bnClosed?: Maybe; + tsClosed?: Maybe; + txClosed?: Maybe; + subgraphEndpoint: Scalars['String']; +}; + +export type DirectDeposit_filter = { + id?: InputMaybe; + id_not?: InputMaybe; + id_gt?: InputMaybe; + id_lt?: InputMaybe; + id_gte?: InputMaybe; + id_lte?: InputMaybe; + id_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_starts_with?: InputMaybe; + id_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; + id_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_ends_with?: InputMaybe; + id_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; + id_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + pending?: InputMaybe; + pending_not?: InputMaybe; + pending_in?: InputMaybe>; + pending_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + completed?: InputMaybe; + completed_not?: InputMaybe; + completed_in?: InputMaybe>; + completed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + refunded?: InputMaybe; + refunded_not?: InputMaybe; + refunded_in?: InputMaybe>; + refunded_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + sender?: InputMaybe; + sender_not?: InputMaybe; + sender_gt?: InputMaybe; + sender_lt?: InputMaybe; + sender_gte?: InputMaybe; + sender_lte?: InputMaybe; + sender_in?: InputMaybe>; + sender_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + sender_contains?: InputMaybe; + sender_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_not?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_gt?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_lt?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_gte?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_lte?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_in?: InputMaybe>; + fallbackUser_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + fallbackUser_contains?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_not?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_gt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_lt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_gte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_lte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_diversifier_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_diversifier_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_not?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_gt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_lt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_gte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_lte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_pk_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_pk_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + deposit?: InputMaybe; + deposit_not?: InputMaybe; + deposit_gt?: InputMaybe; + deposit_lt?: InputMaybe; + deposit_gte?: InputMaybe; + deposit_lte?: InputMaybe; + deposit_in?: InputMaybe>; + deposit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + bnInit?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_not?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_gt?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_lt?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_gte?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_lte?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_in?: InputMaybe>; + bnInit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsInit?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_not?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_gt?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_lt?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_gte?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_lte?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsInit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txInit?: InputMaybe; + txInit_not?: InputMaybe; + txInit_gt?: InputMaybe; + txInit_lt?: InputMaybe; + txInit_gte?: InputMaybe; + txInit_lte?: InputMaybe; + txInit_in?: InputMaybe>; + txInit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txInit_contains?: InputMaybe; + txInit_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_not?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_gt?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_lt?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_gte?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_lte?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_in?: InputMaybe>; + bnClosed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsClosed?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_not?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_gt?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_lt?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_gte?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_lte?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsClosed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txClosed?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_not?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_gt?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_lt?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_gte?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_lte?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_in?: InputMaybe>; + txClosed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txClosed_contains?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + /** Filter for the block changed event. */ + _change_block?: InputMaybe; + and?: InputMaybe>>; + or?: InputMaybe>>; +}; + +export type DirectDeposit_orderBy = + | 'id' + | 'pending' + | 'completed' + | 'refunded' + | 'sender' + | 'fallbackUser' + | 'zkAddress_diversifier' + | 'zkAddress_pk' + | 'deposit' + | 'bnInit' + | 'tsInit' + | 'txInit' + | 'bnClosed' + | 'tsClosed' + | 'txClosed'; + +export type LastSyncBlock = { + id: Scalars['Bytes']; + block?: Maybe; +}; + +export type LastSyncBlock_filter = { + id?: InputMaybe; + id_not?: InputMaybe; + id_gt?: InputMaybe; + id_lt?: InputMaybe; + id_gte?: InputMaybe; + id_lte?: InputMaybe; + id_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + block_not?: InputMaybe; + block_gt?: InputMaybe; + block_lt?: InputMaybe; + block_gte?: InputMaybe; + block_lte?: InputMaybe; + block_in?: InputMaybe>; + block_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + /** Filter for the block changed event. */ + _change_block?: InputMaybe; + and?: InputMaybe>>; + or?: InputMaybe>>; +}; + +export type LastSyncBlock_orderBy = + | 'id' + | 'block'; + +export type Message = { + id: Scalars['Bytes']; + index: Scalars['BigInt']; + hash: Scalars['Bytes']; + message: Scalars['Bytes']; + blockNumber: Scalars['BigInt']; + blockTimestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; + transactionHash: Scalars['Bytes']; +}; + +export type Message_filter = { + id?: InputMaybe; + id_not?: InputMaybe; + id_gt?: InputMaybe; + id_lt?: InputMaybe; + id_gte?: InputMaybe; + id_lte?: InputMaybe; + id_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + index?: InputMaybe; + index_not?: InputMaybe; + index_gt?: InputMaybe; + index_lt?: InputMaybe; + index_gte?: InputMaybe; + index_lte?: InputMaybe; + index_in?: InputMaybe>; + index_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + hash?: InputMaybe; + hash_not?: InputMaybe; + hash_gt?: InputMaybe; + hash_lt?: InputMaybe; + hash_gte?: InputMaybe; + hash_lte?: InputMaybe; + hash_in?: InputMaybe>; + hash_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + hash_contains?: InputMaybe; + hash_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + message?: InputMaybe; + message_not?: InputMaybe; + message_gt?: InputMaybe; + message_lt?: InputMaybe; + message_gte?: InputMaybe; + message_lte?: InputMaybe; + message_in?: InputMaybe>; + message_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + message_contains?: InputMaybe; + message_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_not?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_gt?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_lt?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_gte?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_lte?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_in?: InputMaybe>; + blockNumber_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + blockTimestamp?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_not?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; + blockTimestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + transactionHash?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_not?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_gt?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_lt?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_gte?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_lte?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_in?: InputMaybe>; + transactionHash_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + transactionHash_contains?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + /** Filter for the block changed event. */ + _change_block?: InputMaybe; + and?: InputMaybe>>; + or?: InputMaybe>>; +}; + +export type Message_orderBy = + | 'id' + | 'index' + | 'hash' + | 'message' + | 'blockNumber' + | 'blockTimestamp' + | 'transactionHash'; + +/** Defines the order direction, either ascending or descending */ +export type OrderDirection = + | 'asc' + | 'desc'; + +export type _Block_ = { + /** The hash of the block */ + hash?: Maybe; + /** The block number */ + number: Scalars['Int']; + /** Integer representation of the timestamp stored in blocks for the chain */ + timestamp?: Maybe; +}; + +/** The type for the top-level _meta field */ +export type _Meta_ = { + /** + * Information about a specific subgraph block. The hash of the block + * will be null if the _meta field has a block constraint that asks for + * a block number. It will be filled if the _meta field has no block constraint + * and therefore asks for the latest block + * + */ + block: _Block_; + /** The deployment ID */ + deployment: Scalars['String']; + /** If `true`, the subgraph encountered indexing errors at some past block */ + hasIndexingErrors: Scalars['Boolean']; +}; + +export type _SubgraphErrorPolicy_ = + /** Data will be returned even if the subgraph has indexing errors */ + | 'allow' + /** If the subgraph has indexing errors, data will be omitted. The default. */ + | 'deny'; + +export type WithIndex = TObject & Record; +export type ResolversObject = WithIndex; + +export type ResolverTypeWrapper = Promise | T; + + +export type ResolverWithResolve = { + resolve: ResolverFn; +}; + +export type LegacyStitchingResolver = { + fragment: string; + resolve: ResolverFn; +}; + +export type NewStitchingResolver = { + selectionSet: string | ((fieldNode: FieldNode) => SelectionSetNode); + resolve: ResolverFn; +}; +export type StitchingResolver = LegacyStitchingResolver | NewStitchingResolver; +export type Resolver = + | ResolverFn + | ResolverWithResolve + | StitchingResolver; + +export type ResolverFn = ( + parent: TParent, + args: TArgs, + context: TContext, + info: GraphQLResolveInfo +) => Promise | TResult; + +export type SubscriptionSubscribeFn = ( + parent: TParent, + args: TArgs, + context: TContext, + info: GraphQLResolveInfo +) => AsyncIterable | Promise>; + +export type SubscriptionResolveFn = ( + parent: TParent, + args: TArgs, + context: TContext, + info: GraphQLResolveInfo +) => TResult | Promise; + +export interface SubscriptionSubscriberObject { + subscribe: SubscriptionSubscribeFn<{ [key in TKey]: TResult }, TParent, TContext, TArgs>; + resolve?: SubscriptionResolveFn; +} + +export interface SubscriptionResolverObject { + subscribe: SubscriptionSubscribeFn; + resolve: SubscriptionResolveFn; +} + +export type SubscriptionObject = + | SubscriptionSubscriberObject + | SubscriptionResolverObject; + +export type SubscriptionResolver = + | ((...args: any[]) => SubscriptionObject) + | SubscriptionObject; + +export type TypeResolveFn = ( + parent: TParent, + context: TContext, + info: GraphQLResolveInfo +) => Maybe | Promise>; + +export type IsTypeOfResolverFn = (obj: T, context: TContext, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => boolean | Promise; + +export type NextResolverFn = () => Promise; + +export type DirectiveResolverFn = ( + next: NextResolverFn, + parent: TParent, + args: TArgs, + context: TContext, + info: GraphQLResolveInfo +) => TResult | Promise; + + + +/** Mapping between all available schema types and the resolvers types */ +export type ResolversTypes = ResolversObject<{ + Query: ResolverTypeWrapper<{}>; + Subscription: ResolverTypeWrapper<{}>; + BigDecimal: ResolverTypeWrapper; + BigInt: ResolverTypeWrapper; + BlockChangedFilter: BlockChangedFilter; + Block_height: Block_height; + Boolean: ResolverTypeWrapper; + Bytes: ResolverTypeWrapper; + DirectDeposit: ResolverTypeWrapper; + DirectDeposit_filter: DirectDeposit_filter; + DirectDeposit_orderBy: DirectDeposit_orderBy; + Float: ResolverTypeWrapper; + ID: ResolverTypeWrapper; + Int: ResolverTypeWrapper; + Int8: ResolverTypeWrapper; + LastSyncBlock: ResolverTypeWrapper; + LastSyncBlock_filter: LastSyncBlock_filter; + LastSyncBlock_orderBy: LastSyncBlock_orderBy; + Message: ResolverTypeWrapper; + Message_filter: Message_filter; + Message_orderBy: Message_orderBy; + OrderDirection: OrderDirection; + String: ResolverTypeWrapper; + _Block_: ResolverTypeWrapper<_Block_>; + _Meta_: ResolverTypeWrapper<_Meta_>; + _SubgraphErrorPolicy_: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}>; + +/** Mapping between all available schema types and the resolvers parents */ +export type ResolversParentTypes = ResolversObject<{ + Query: {}; + Subscription: {}; + BigDecimal: Scalars['BigDecimal']; + BigInt: Scalars['BigInt']; + BlockChangedFilter: BlockChangedFilter; + Block_height: Block_height; + Boolean: Scalars['Boolean']; + Bytes: Scalars['Bytes']; + DirectDeposit: DirectDeposit; + DirectDeposit_filter: DirectDeposit_filter; + Float: Scalars['Float']; + ID: Scalars['ID']; + Int: Scalars['Int']; + Int8: Scalars['Int8']; + LastSyncBlock: LastSyncBlock; + LastSyncBlock_filter: LastSyncBlock_filter; + Message: Message; + Message_filter: Message_filter; + String: Scalars['String']; + _Block_: _Block_; + _Meta_: _Meta_; +}>; + +export type entityDirectiveArgs = { }; + +export type entityDirectiveResolver = DirectiveResolverFn; + +export type subgraphIdDirectiveArgs = { + id: Scalars['String']; +}; + +export type subgraphIdDirectiveResolver = DirectiveResolverFn; + +export type derivedFromDirectiveArgs = { + field: Scalars['String']; +}; + +export type derivedFromDirectiveResolver = DirectiveResolverFn; + +export type QueryResolvers = ResolversObject<{ + directDeposit?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + directDeposits?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + lastSyncBlock?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + lastSyncBlocks?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + message?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + messages?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + _meta?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType, Partial>; +}>; + +export type SubscriptionResolvers = ResolversObject<{ + directDeposit?: SubscriptionResolver, "directDeposit", ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + directDeposits?: SubscriptionResolver, "directDeposits", ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + lastSyncBlock?: SubscriptionResolver, "lastSyncBlock", ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + lastSyncBlocks?: SubscriptionResolver, "lastSyncBlocks", ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + message?: SubscriptionResolver, "message", ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + messages?: SubscriptionResolver, "messages", ParentType, ContextType, RequireFields>; + _meta?: SubscriptionResolver, "_meta", ParentType, ContextType, Partial>; +}>; + +export interface BigDecimalScalarConfig extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig { + name: 'BigDecimal'; +} + +export interface BigIntScalarConfig extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig { + name: 'BigInt'; +} + +export interface BytesScalarConfig extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig { + name: 'Bytes'; +} + +export type DirectDepositResolvers = ResolversObject<{ + id?: Resolver; + pending?: Resolver; + completed?: Resolver; + refunded?: Resolver; + sender?: Resolver; + fallbackUser?: Resolver; + zkAddress_diversifier?: Resolver; + zkAddress_pk?: Resolver; + deposit?: Resolver; + bnInit?: Resolver; + tsInit?: Resolver; + txInit?: Resolver; + bnClosed?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType>; + tsClosed?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType>; + txClosed?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType>; + subgraphEndpoint?: Resolver; + __isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn; +}>; + +export interface Int8ScalarConfig extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig { + name: 'Int8'; +} + +export type LastSyncBlockResolvers = ResolversObject<{ + id?: Resolver; + block?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType>; + __isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn; +}>; + +export type MessageResolvers = ResolversObject<{ + id?: Resolver; + index?: Resolver; + hash?: Resolver; + message?: Resolver; + blockNumber?: Resolver; + blockTimestamp?: Resolver; + transactionHash?: Resolver; + __isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn; +}>; + +export type _Block_Resolvers = ResolversObject<{ + hash?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType>; + number?: Resolver; + timestamp?: Resolver, ParentType, ContextType>; + __isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn; +}>; + +export type _Meta_Resolvers = ResolversObject<{ + block?: Resolver; + deployment?: Resolver; + hasIndexingErrors?: Resolver; + __isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn; +}>; + +export type Resolvers = ResolversObject<{ + Query?: QueryResolvers; + Subscription?: SubscriptionResolvers; + BigDecimal?: GraphQLScalarType; + BigInt?: GraphQLScalarType; + Bytes?: GraphQLScalarType; + DirectDeposit?: DirectDepositResolvers; + Int8?: GraphQLScalarType; + LastSyncBlock?: LastSyncBlockResolvers; + Message?: MessageResolvers; + _Block_?: _Block_Resolvers; + _Meta_?: _Meta_Resolvers; +}>; + +export type DirectiveResolvers = ResolversObject<{ + entity?: entityDirectiveResolver; + subgraphId?: subgraphIdDirectiveResolver; + derivedFrom?: derivedFromDirectiveResolver; +}>; + +export type MeshContext = ZkbobBobGoerliTypes.Context & BaseMeshContext; + + +import { fileURLToPath } from '@graphql-mesh/utils'; +const baseDir = pathModule.join(pathModule.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), '..'); + +const importFn: ImportFn = (moduleId: string) => { + const relativeModuleId = (pathModule.isAbsolute(moduleId) ? pathModule.relative(baseDir, moduleId) : moduleId).split('\\').join('/').replace(baseDir + '/', ''); + switch(relativeModuleId) { + case ".graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/introspectionSchema": + return Promise.resolve(importedModule$0) as T; + + default: + return Promise.reject(new Error(`Cannot find module '${relativeModuleId}'.`)); + } +}; + +const rootStore = new MeshStore('.graphclient', new FsStoreStorageAdapter({ + cwd: baseDir, + importFn, + fileType: "ts", +}), { + readonly: true, + validate: false +}); + +export const rawServeConfig: YamlConfig.Config['serve'] = undefined as any +export async function getMeshOptions(): Promise { +const pubsub = new PubSub(); +const sourcesStore = rootStore.child('sources'); +const logger = new DefaultLogger("GraphClient"); +const cache = new (MeshCache as any)({ + ...({} as any), + importFn, + store: rootStore.child('cache'), + pubsub, + logger, + } as any) + +const sources: MeshResolvedSource[] = []; +const transforms: MeshTransform[] = []; +const additionalEnvelopPlugins: MeshPlugin[] = []; +const zkbobBobGoerliTransforms = []; +const zkbobBobGoerliHandler = new GraphqlHandler({ + name: "zkbob-bob-goerli", + config: {"endpoint":"{context.subgraphEndpoint:https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/zkbob/zkbob-bob-goerli}"}, + baseDir, + cache, + pubsub, + store: sourcesStore.child("zkbob-bob-goerli"), + logger: logger.child("zkbob-bob-goerli"), + importFn, + }); +sources[0] = { + name: 'zkbob-bob-goerli', + handler: zkbobBobGoerliHandler, + transforms: zkbobBobGoerliTransforms + } +const additionalTypeDefs = [parse("extend type DirectDeposit {\n subgraphEndpoint: String!\n}"),] as any[]; +const additionalResolvers = await Promise.all([ + import("../dd/dd-resolvers") + .then(m => m.resolvers || m.default || m) + ]); +const merger = new(BareMerger as any)({ + cache, + pubsub, + logger: logger.child('bareMerger'), + store: rootStore.child('bareMerger') + }) + + return { + sources, + transforms, + additionalTypeDefs, + additionalResolvers, + cache, + pubsub, + merger, + logger, + additionalEnvelopPlugins, + get documents() { + return [ + { + document: PendingDirectDepositsDocument, + get rawSDL() { + return printWithCache(PendingDirectDepositsDocument); + }, + location: 'PendingDirectDepositsDocument.graphql' + } + ]; + }, + fetchFn, + }; +} + +export function createBuiltMeshHTTPHandler(): MeshHTTPHandler { + return createMeshHTTPHandler({ + baseDir, + getBuiltMesh: getBuiltGraphClient, + rawServeConfig: undefined, + }) +} + + +let meshInstance$: Promise | undefined; + +export function getBuiltGraphClient(): Promise { + if (meshInstance$ == null) { + meshInstance$ = getMeshOptions().then(meshOptions => getMesh(meshOptions)).then(mesh => { + const id = mesh.pubsub.subscribe('destroy', () => { + meshInstance$ = undefined; + mesh.pubsub.unsubscribe(id); + }); + return mesh; + }); + } + return meshInstance$; +} + +export const execute: ExecuteMeshFn = (...args) => getBuiltGraphClient().then(({ execute }) => execute(...args)); + +export const subscribe: SubscribeMeshFn = (...args) => getBuiltGraphClient().then(({ subscribe }) => subscribe(...args)); +export function getBuiltGraphSDK(globalContext?: TGlobalContext) { + const sdkRequester$ = getBuiltGraphClient().then(({ sdkRequesterFactory }) => sdkRequesterFactory(globalContext)); + return getSdk((...args) => sdkRequester$.then(sdkRequester => sdkRequester(...args))); +} +export type PendingDirectDepositsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>; + + +export type PendingDirectDepositsQuery = { directDeposits: Array> }; + + +export const PendingDirectDepositsDocument = gql` + query PendingDirectDeposits { + directDeposits(orderBy: bnInit, where: {pending: true}) { + id + zkAddress_pk + zkAddress_diversifier + deposit + fallbackUser + tsInit + txInit + } +} + ` as unknown as DocumentNode; + + +export type Requester = (doc: DocumentNode, vars?: V, options?: C) => Promise | AsyncIterable +export function getSdk(requester: Requester) { + return { + PendingDirectDeposits(variables?: PendingDirectDepositsQueryVariables, options?: C): Promise { + return requester(PendingDirectDepositsDocument, variables, options) as Promise; + } + }; +} +export type Sdk = ReturnType; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/.graphclient/schema.graphql b/src/.graphclient/schema.graphql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..486b2e4f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.graphclient/schema.graphql @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +schema { + query: Query + subscription: Subscription +} + +"Marks the GraphQL type as indexable entity. Each type that should be an entity is required to be annotated with this directive." +directive @entity on OBJECT + +"Defined a Subgraph ID for an object type" +directive @subgraphId(id: String!) on OBJECT + +"creates a virtual field on the entity that may be queried but cannot be set manually through the mappings API." +directive @derivedFrom(field: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION + +type Query { + directDeposit( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): DirectDeposit + directDeposits( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: DirectDeposit_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: DirectDeposit_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [DirectDeposit!]! + lastSyncBlock( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): LastSyncBlock + lastSyncBlocks( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: LastSyncBlock_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: LastSyncBlock_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [LastSyncBlock!]! + message( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): Message + messages( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: Message_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: Message_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [Message!]! + """Access to subgraph metadata""" + _meta(block: Block_height): _Meta_ +} + +type Subscription { + directDeposit( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): DirectDeposit + directDeposits( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: DirectDeposit_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: DirectDeposit_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [DirectDeposit!]! + lastSyncBlock( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): LastSyncBlock + lastSyncBlocks( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: LastSyncBlock_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: LastSyncBlock_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [LastSyncBlock!]! + message( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): Message + messages( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: Message_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: Message_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [Message!]! + """Access to subgraph metadata""" + _meta(block: Block_height): _Meta_ +} + +scalar BigDecimal + +scalar BigInt + +input BlockChangedFilter { + number_gte: Int! +} + +input Block_height { + hash: Bytes + number: Int + number_gte: Int +} + +scalar Bytes + +type DirectDeposit { + id: String! + pending: Boolean! + completed: Boolean! + refunded: Boolean! + sender: Bytes! + fallbackUser: Bytes! + zkAddress_diversifier: Bytes! + zkAddress_pk: Bytes! + deposit: BigInt! + bnInit: BigInt! + tsInit: BigInt! + txInit: Bytes! + bnClosed: BigInt + tsClosed: BigInt + txClosed: Bytes + subgraphEndpoint: String! +} + +input DirectDeposit_filter { + id: String + id_not: String + id_gt: String + id_lt: String + id_gte: String + id_lte: String + id_in: [String!] + id_not_in: [String!] + id_contains: String + id_contains_nocase: String + id_not_contains: String + id_not_contains_nocase: String + id_starts_with: String + id_starts_with_nocase: String + id_not_starts_with: String + id_not_starts_with_nocase: String + id_ends_with: String + id_ends_with_nocase: String + id_not_ends_with: String + id_not_ends_with_nocase: String + pending: Boolean + pending_not: Boolean + pending_in: [Boolean!] + pending_not_in: [Boolean!] + completed: Boolean + completed_not: Boolean + completed_in: [Boolean!] + completed_not_in: [Boolean!] + refunded: Boolean + refunded_not: Boolean + refunded_in: [Boolean!] + refunded_not_in: [Boolean!] + sender: Bytes + sender_not: Bytes + sender_gt: Bytes + sender_lt: Bytes + sender_gte: Bytes + sender_lte: Bytes + sender_in: [Bytes!] + sender_not_in: [Bytes!] + sender_contains: Bytes + sender_not_contains: Bytes + fallbackUser: Bytes + fallbackUser_not: Bytes + fallbackUser_gt: Bytes + fallbackUser_lt: Bytes + fallbackUser_gte: Bytes + fallbackUser_lte: Bytes + fallbackUser_in: [Bytes!] + fallbackUser_not_in: [Bytes!] + fallbackUser_contains: Bytes + fallbackUser_not_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_not: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_gt: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_lt: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_gte: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_lte: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_diversifier_not_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_diversifier_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_not_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_pk: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_not: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_gt: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_lt: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_gte: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_lte: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_pk_not_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_pk_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_not_contains: Bytes + deposit: BigInt + deposit_not: BigInt + deposit_gt: BigInt + deposit_lt: BigInt + deposit_gte: BigInt + deposit_lte: BigInt + deposit_in: [BigInt!] + deposit_not_in: [BigInt!] + bnInit: BigInt + bnInit_not: BigInt + bnInit_gt: BigInt + bnInit_lt: BigInt + bnInit_gte: BigInt + bnInit_lte: BigInt + bnInit_in: [BigInt!] + bnInit_not_in: [BigInt!] + tsInit: BigInt + tsInit_not: BigInt + tsInit_gt: BigInt + tsInit_lt: BigInt + tsInit_gte: BigInt + tsInit_lte: BigInt + tsInit_in: [BigInt!] + tsInit_not_in: [BigInt!] + txInit: Bytes + txInit_not: Bytes + txInit_gt: Bytes + txInit_lt: Bytes + txInit_gte: Bytes + txInit_lte: Bytes + txInit_in: [Bytes!] + txInit_not_in: [Bytes!] + txInit_contains: Bytes + txInit_not_contains: Bytes + bnClosed: BigInt + bnClosed_not: BigInt + bnClosed_gt: BigInt + bnClosed_lt: BigInt + bnClosed_gte: BigInt + bnClosed_lte: BigInt + bnClosed_in: [BigInt!] + bnClosed_not_in: [BigInt!] + tsClosed: BigInt + tsClosed_not: BigInt + tsClosed_gt: BigInt + tsClosed_lt: BigInt + tsClosed_gte: BigInt + tsClosed_lte: BigInt + tsClosed_in: [BigInt!] + tsClosed_not_in: [BigInt!] + txClosed: Bytes + txClosed_not: Bytes + txClosed_gt: Bytes + txClosed_lt: Bytes + txClosed_gte: Bytes + txClosed_lte: Bytes + txClosed_in: [Bytes!] + txClosed_not_in: [Bytes!] + txClosed_contains: Bytes + txClosed_not_contains: Bytes + """Filter for the block changed event.""" + _change_block: BlockChangedFilter + and: [DirectDeposit_filter] + or: [DirectDeposit_filter] +} + +enum DirectDeposit_orderBy { + id + pending + completed + refunded + sender + fallbackUser + zkAddress_diversifier + zkAddress_pk + deposit + bnInit + tsInit + txInit + bnClosed + tsClosed + txClosed +} + +""" +8 bytes signed integer + +""" +scalar Int8 + +type LastSyncBlock { + id: Bytes! + block: BigInt +} + +input LastSyncBlock_filter { + id: Bytes + id_not: Bytes + id_gt: Bytes + id_lt: Bytes + id_gte: Bytes + id_lte: Bytes + id_in: [Bytes!] + id_not_in: [Bytes!] + id_contains: Bytes + id_not_contains: Bytes + block: BigInt + block_not: BigInt + block_gt: BigInt + block_lt: BigInt + block_gte: BigInt + block_lte: BigInt + block_in: [BigInt!] + block_not_in: [BigInt!] + """Filter for the block changed event.""" + _change_block: BlockChangedFilter + and: [LastSyncBlock_filter] + or: [LastSyncBlock_filter] +} + +enum LastSyncBlock_orderBy { + id + block +} + +type Message { + id: Bytes! + index: BigInt! + hash: Bytes! + message: Bytes! + blockNumber: BigInt! + blockTimestamp: BigInt! + transactionHash: Bytes! +} + +input Message_filter { + id: Bytes + id_not: Bytes + id_gt: Bytes + id_lt: Bytes + id_gte: Bytes + id_lte: Bytes + id_in: [Bytes!] + id_not_in: [Bytes!] + id_contains: Bytes + id_not_contains: Bytes + index: BigInt + index_not: BigInt + index_gt: BigInt + index_lt: BigInt + index_gte: BigInt + index_lte: BigInt + index_in: [BigInt!] + index_not_in: [BigInt!] + hash: Bytes + hash_not: Bytes + hash_gt: Bytes + hash_lt: Bytes + hash_gte: Bytes + hash_lte: Bytes + hash_in: [Bytes!] + hash_not_in: [Bytes!] + hash_contains: Bytes + hash_not_contains: Bytes + message: Bytes + message_not: Bytes + message_gt: Bytes + message_lt: Bytes + message_gte: Bytes + message_lte: Bytes + message_in: [Bytes!] + message_not_in: [Bytes!] + message_contains: Bytes + message_not_contains: Bytes + blockNumber: BigInt + blockNumber_not: BigInt + blockNumber_gt: BigInt + blockNumber_lt: BigInt + blockNumber_gte: BigInt + blockNumber_lte: BigInt + blockNumber_in: [BigInt!] + blockNumber_not_in: [BigInt!] + blockTimestamp: BigInt + blockTimestamp_not: BigInt + blockTimestamp_gt: BigInt + blockTimestamp_lt: BigInt + blockTimestamp_gte: BigInt + blockTimestamp_lte: BigInt + blockTimestamp_in: [BigInt!] + blockTimestamp_not_in: [BigInt!] + transactionHash: Bytes + transactionHash_not: Bytes + transactionHash_gt: Bytes + transactionHash_lt: Bytes + transactionHash_gte: Bytes + transactionHash_lte: Bytes + transactionHash_in: [Bytes!] + transactionHash_not_in: [Bytes!] + transactionHash_contains: Bytes + transactionHash_not_contains: Bytes + """Filter for the block changed event.""" + _change_block: BlockChangedFilter + and: [Message_filter] + or: [Message_filter] +} + +enum Message_orderBy { + id + index + hash + message + blockNumber + blockTimestamp + transactionHash +} + +"""Defines the order direction, either ascending or descending""" +enum OrderDirection { + asc + desc +} + +type _Block_ { + """The hash of the block""" + hash: Bytes + """The block number""" + number: Int! + """Integer representation of the timestamp stored in blocks for the chain""" + timestamp: Int +} + +"""The type for the top-level _meta field""" +type _Meta_ { + """ + Information about a specific subgraph block. The hash of the block + will be null if the _meta field has a block constraint that asks for + a block number. It will be filled if the _meta field has no block constraint + and therefore asks for the latest block + + """ + block: _Block_! + """The deployment ID""" + deployment: String! + """If `true`, the subgraph encountered indexing errors at some past block""" + hasIndexingErrors: Boolean! +} + +enum _SubgraphErrorPolicy_ { + """Data will be returned even if the subgraph has indexing errors""" + allow + """ + If the subgraph has indexing errors, data will be omitted. The default. + """ + deny +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/introspectionSchema.ts b/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/introspectionSchema.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed14a262 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/introspectionSchema.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6407 @@ +// @ts-nocheck +import { buildASTSchema } from 'graphql'; + +const schemaAST = { + "kind": "Document", + "definitions": [ + { + "kind": "SchemaDefinition", + "operationTypes": [ + { + "kind": "OperationTypeDefinition", + "operation": "query", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Query" + } + } + }, + { + "kind": "OperationTypeDefinition", + "operation": "subscription", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Subscription" + } + } + } + ], + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "DirectiveDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Marks the GraphQL type as indexable entity. Each type that should be an entity is required to be annotated with this directive." + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "entity" + }, + "arguments": [], + "repeatable": false, + "locations": [ + { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "OBJECT" + } + ] + }, + { + "kind": "DirectiveDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Defined a Subgraph ID for an object type" + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphId" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "id" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "String" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "repeatable": false, + "locations": [ + { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "OBJECT" + } + ] + }, + { + "kind": "DirectiveDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "creates a virtual field on the entity that may be queried but cannot be set manually through the mappings API." + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "derivedFrom" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "field" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "String" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "repeatable": false, + "locations": [ + { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "FIELD_DEFINITION" + } + ] + }, + { + "kind": "ScalarTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "BigDecimal" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "ScalarTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "BigInt" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputObjectTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "BlockChangedFilter" + }, + "fields": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "number_gte" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputObjectTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + }, + "fields": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "hash" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Bytes" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "number" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "number_gte" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "ScalarTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Bytes" + }, + "directives": [] + 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Defaults to the latest block when omitted.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphError" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + } + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "EnumValue", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "DirectDeposit" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "directDeposits" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "skip" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "IntValue", + "value": "0" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "first" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "IntValue", + "value": "100" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "orderBy" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "DirectDeposit_orderBy" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "orderDirection" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "OrderDirection" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "where" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "DirectDeposit_filter" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The block at which the query should be executed. 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Defaults to the latest block when omitted.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphError" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + } + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "EnumValue", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "ListType", + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "DirectDeposit" + } + } + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "lastSyncBlock" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "id" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "ID" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphError" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + } + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "EnumValue", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "LastSyncBlock" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "lastSyncBlocks" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "skip" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "IntValue", + "value": "0" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "first" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "IntValue", + "value": "100" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "orderBy" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "LastSyncBlock_orderBy" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "orderDirection" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "OrderDirection" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "where" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "LastSyncBlock_filter" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphError" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + } + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "EnumValue", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "ListType", + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "LastSyncBlock" + } + } + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "message" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "id" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "ID" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphError" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + } + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "EnumValue", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Message" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "messages" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "skip" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "IntValue", + "value": "0" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "first" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "IntValue", + "value": "100" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "orderBy" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Message_orderBy" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "orderDirection" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "OrderDirection" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "where" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Message_filter" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "subgraphError" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + } + } + }, + "defaultValue": { + "kind": "EnumValue", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "ListType", + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Message" + } + } + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Access to subgraph metadata", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_meta" + }, + "arguments": [ + { + "kind": "InputValueDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Block_height" + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_Meta_" + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "interfaces": [], + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "ObjectTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_Block_" + }, + "fields": [ + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The hash of the block", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "hash" + }, + "arguments": [], + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Bytes" + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The block number", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "number" + }, + "arguments": [], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Integer representation of the timestamp stored in blocks for the chain", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "timestamp" + }, + "arguments": [], + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Int" + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "interfaces": [], + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "ObjectTypeDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The type for the top-level _meta field", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_Meta_" + }, + "fields": [ + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Information about a specific subgraph block. The hash of the block\nwill be null if the _meta field has a block constraint that asks for\na block number. It will be filled if the _meta field has no block constraint\nand therefore asks for the latest block\n", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "block" + }, + "arguments": [], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_Block_" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "The deployment ID", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "deployment" + }, + "arguments": [], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "String" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "FieldDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "If `true`, the subgraph encountered indexing errors at some past block", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "hasIndexingErrors" + }, + "arguments": [], + "type": { + "kind": "NonNullType", + "type": { + "kind": "NamedType", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "Boolean" + } + } + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "interfaces": [], + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "EnumTypeDefinition", + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "_SubgraphErrorPolicy_" + }, + "values": [ + { + "kind": "EnumValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "Data will be returned even if the subgraph has indexing errors", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "allow" + }, + "directives": [] + }, + { + "kind": "EnumValueDefinition", + "description": { + "kind": "StringValue", + "value": "If the subgraph has indexing errors, data will be omitted. The default.", + "block": true + }, + "name": { + "kind": "Name", + "value": "deny" + }, + "directives": [] + } + ], + "directives": [] + } + ] +}; + +export default buildASTSchema(schemaAST, { + assumeValid: true, + assumeValidSDL: true +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/schema.graphql b/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/schema.graphql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7893ae43 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/schema.graphql @@ -0,0 +1,542 @@ +schema { + query: Query + subscription: Subscription +} + +"Marks the GraphQL type as indexable entity. Each type that should be an entity is required to be annotated with this directive." +directive @entity on OBJECT + +"Defined a Subgraph ID for an object type" +directive @subgraphId(id: String!) on OBJECT + +"creates a virtual field on the entity that may be queried but cannot be set manually through the mappings API." +directive @derivedFrom(field: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION + +scalar BigDecimal + +scalar BigInt + +input BlockChangedFilter { + number_gte: Int! +} + +input Block_height { + hash: Bytes + number: Int + number_gte: Int +} + +scalar Bytes + +type DirectDeposit { + id: String! + pending: Boolean! + completed: Boolean! + refunded: Boolean! + sender: Bytes! + fallbackUser: Bytes! + zkAddress_diversifier: Bytes! + zkAddress_pk: Bytes! + deposit: BigInt! + bnInit: BigInt! + tsInit: BigInt! + txInit: Bytes! + bnClosed: BigInt + tsClosed: BigInt + txClosed: Bytes +} + +input DirectDeposit_filter { + id: String + id_not: String + id_gt: String + id_lt: String + id_gte: String + id_lte: String + id_in: [String!] + id_not_in: [String!] + id_contains: String + id_contains_nocase: String + id_not_contains: String + id_not_contains_nocase: String + id_starts_with: String + id_starts_with_nocase: String + id_not_starts_with: String + id_not_starts_with_nocase: String + id_ends_with: String + id_ends_with_nocase: String + id_not_ends_with: String + id_not_ends_with_nocase: String + pending: Boolean + pending_not: Boolean + pending_in: [Boolean!] + pending_not_in: [Boolean!] + completed: Boolean + completed_not: Boolean + completed_in: [Boolean!] + completed_not_in: [Boolean!] + refunded: Boolean + refunded_not: Boolean + refunded_in: [Boolean!] + refunded_not_in: [Boolean!] + sender: Bytes + sender_not: Bytes + sender_gt: Bytes + sender_lt: Bytes + sender_gte: Bytes + sender_lte: Bytes + sender_in: [Bytes!] + sender_not_in: [Bytes!] + sender_contains: Bytes + sender_not_contains: Bytes + fallbackUser: Bytes + fallbackUser_not: Bytes + fallbackUser_gt: Bytes + fallbackUser_lt: Bytes + fallbackUser_gte: Bytes + fallbackUser_lte: Bytes + fallbackUser_in: [Bytes!] + fallbackUser_not_in: [Bytes!] + fallbackUser_contains: Bytes + fallbackUser_not_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_not: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_gt: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_lt: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_gte: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_lte: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_diversifier_not_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_diversifier_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_diversifier_not_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_pk: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_not: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_gt: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_lt: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_gte: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_lte: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_pk_not_in: [Bytes!] + zkAddress_pk_contains: Bytes + zkAddress_pk_not_contains: Bytes + deposit: BigInt + deposit_not: BigInt + deposit_gt: BigInt + deposit_lt: BigInt + deposit_gte: BigInt + deposit_lte: BigInt + deposit_in: [BigInt!] + deposit_not_in: [BigInt!] + bnInit: BigInt + bnInit_not: BigInt + bnInit_gt: BigInt + bnInit_lt: BigInt + bnInit_gte: BigInt + bnInit_lte: BigInt + bnInit_in: [BigInt!] + bnInit_not_in: [BigInt!] + tsInit: BigInt + tsInit_not: BigInt + tsInit_gt: BigInt + tsInit_lt: BigInt + tsInit_gte: BigInt + tsInit_lte: BigInt + tsInit_in: [BigInt!] + tsInit_not_in: [BigInt!] + txInit: Bytes + txInit_not: Bytes + txInit_gt: Bytes + txInit_lt: Bytes + txInit_gte: Bytes + txInit_lte: Bytes + txInit_in: [Bytes!] + txInit_not_in: [Bytes!] + txInit_contains: Bytes + txInit_not_contains: Bytes + bnClosed: BigInt + bnClosed_not: BigInt + bnClosed_gt: BigInt + bnClosed_lt: BigInt + bnClosed_gte: BigInt + bnClosed_lte: BigInt + bnClosed_in: [BigInt!] + bnClosed_not_in: [BigInt!] + tsClosed: BigInt + tsClosed_not: BigInt + tsClosed_gt: BigInt + tsClosed_lt: BigInt + tsClosed_gte: BigInt + tsClosed_lte: BigInt + tsClosed_in: [BigInt!] + tsClosed_not_in: [BigInt!] + txClosed: Bytes + txClosed_not: Bytes + txClosed_gt: Bytes + txClosed_lt: Bytes + txClosed_gte: Bytes + txClosed_lte: Bytes + txClosed_in: [Bytes!] + txClosed_not_in: [Bytes!] + txClosed_contains: Bytes + txClosed_not_contains: Bytes + """Filter for the block changed event.""" + _change_block: BlockChangedFilter + and: [DirectDeposit_filter] + or: [DirectDeposit_filter] +} + +enum DirectDeposit_orderBy { + id + pending + completed + refunded + sender + fallbackUser + zkAddress_diversifier + zkAddress_pk + deposit + bnInit + tsInit + txInit + bnClosed + tsClosed + txClosed +} + +""" +8 bytes signed integer + +""" +scalar Int8 + +type LastSyncBlock { + id: Bytes! + block: BigInt +} + +input LastSyncBlock_filter { + id: Bytes + id_not: Bytes + id_gt: Bytes + id_lt: Bytes + id_gte: Bytes + id_lte: Bytes + id_in: [Bytes!] + id_not_in: [Bytes!] + id_contains: Bytes + id_not_contains: Bytes + block: BigInt + block_not: BigInt + block_gt: BigInt + block_lt: BigInt + block_gte: BigInt + block_lte: BigInt + block_in: [BigInt!] + block_not_in: [BigInt!] + """Filter for the block changed event.""" + _change_block: BlockChangedFilter + and: [LastSyncBlock_filter] + or: [LastSyncBlock_filter] +} + +enum LastSyncBlock_orderBy { + id + block +} + +type Message { + id: Bytes! + index: BigInt! + hash: Bytes! + message: Bytes! + blockNumber: BigInt! + blockTimestamp: BigInt! + transactionHash: Bytes! +} + +input Message_filter { + id: Bytes + id_not: Bytes + id_gt: Bytes + id_lt: Bytes + id_gte: Bytes + id_lte: Bytes + id_in: [Bytes!] + id_not_in: [Bytes!] + id_contains: Bytes + id_not_contains: Bytes + index: BigInt + index_not: BigInt + index_gt: BigInt + index_lt: BigInt + index_gte: BigInt + index_lte: BigInt + index_in: [BigInt!] + index_not_in: [BigInt!] + hash: Bytes + hash_not: Bytes + hash_gt: Bytes + hash_lt: Bytes + hash_gte: Bytes + hash_lte: Bytes + hash_in: [Bytes!] + hash_not_in: [Bytes!] + hash_contains: Bytes + hash_not_contains: Bytes + message: Bytes + message_not: Bytes + message_gt: Bytes + message_lt: Bytes + message_gte: Bytes + message_lte: Bytes + message_in: [Bytes!] + message_not_in: [Bytes!] + message_contains: Bytes + message_not_contains: Bytes + blockNumber: BigInt + blockNumber_not: BigInt + blockNumber_gt: BigInt + blockNumber_lt: BigInt + blockNumber_gte: BigInt + blockNumber_lte: BigInt + blockNumber_in: [BigInt!] + blockNumber_not_in: [BigInt!] + blockTimestamp: BigInt + blockTimestamp_not: BigInt + blockTimestamp_gt: BigInt + blockTimestamp_lt: BigInt + blockTimestamp_gte: BigInt + blockTimestamp_lte: BigInt + blockTimestamp_in: [BigInt!] + blockTimestamp_not_in: [BigInt!] + transactionHash: Bytes + transactionHash_not: Bytes + transactionHash_gt: Bytes + transactionHash_lt: Bytes + transactionHash_gte: Bytes + transactionHash_lte: Bytes + transactionHash_in: [Bytes!] + transactionHash_not_in: [Bytes!] + transactionHash_contains: Bytes + transactionHash_not_contains: Bytes + """Filter for the block changed event.""" + _change_block: BlockChangedFilter + and: [Message_filter] + or: [Message_filter] +} + +enum Message_orderBy { + id + index + hash + message + blockNumber + blockTimestamp + transactionHash +} + +"""Defines the order direction, either ascending or descending""" +enum OrderDirection { + asc + desc +} + +type Query { + directDeposit( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): DirectDeposit + directDeposits( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: DirectDeposit_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: DirectDeposit_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [DirectDeposit!]! + lastSyncBlock( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): LastSyncBlock + lastSyncBlocks( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: LastSyncBlock_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: LastSyncBlock_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [LastSyncBlock!]! + message( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): Message + messages( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: Message_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: Message_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [Message!]! + """Access to subgraph metadata""" + _meta(block: Block_height): _Meta_ +} + +type Subscription { + directDeposit( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): DirectDeposit + directDeposits( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: DirectDeposit_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: DirectDeposit_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [DirectDeposit!]! + lastSyncBlock( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): LastSyncBlock + lastSyncBlocks( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: LastSyncBlock_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: LastSyncBlock_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [LastSyncBlock!]! + message( + id: ID! + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): Message + messages( + skip: Int = 0 + first: Int = 100 + orderBy: Message_orderBy + orderDirection: OrderDirection + where: Message_filter + """ + The block at which the query should be executed. Can either be a `{ hash: Bytes }` value containing a block hash, a `{ number: Int }` containing the block number, or a `{ number_gte: Int }` containing the minimum block number. In the case of `number_gte`, the query will be executed on the latest block only if the subgraph has progressed to or past the minimum block number. Defaults to the latest block when omitted. + """ + block: Block_height + """ + Set to `allow` to receive data even if the subgraph has skipped over errors while syncing. + """ + subgraphError: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_! = deny + ): [Message!]! + """Access to subgraph metadata""" + _meta(block: Block_height): _Meta_ +} + +type _Block_ { + """The hash of the block""" + hash: Bytes + """The block number""" + number: Int! + """Integer representation of the timestamp stored in blocks for the chain""" + timestamp: Int +} + +"""The type for the top-level _meta field""" +type _Meta_ { + """ + Information about a specific subgraph block. The hash of the block + will be null if the _meta field has a block constraint that asks for + a block number. It will be filled if the _meta field has no block constraint + and therefore asks for the latest block + + """ + block: _Block_! + """The deployment ID""" + deployment: String! + """If `true`, the subgraph encountered indexing errors at some past block""" + hasIndexingErrors: Boolean! +} + +enum _SubgraphErrorPolicy_ { + """Data will be returned even if the subgraph has indexing errors""" + allow + """ + If the subgraph has indexing errors, data will be omitted. The default. + """ + deny +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/types.ts b/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e35687b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.graphclient/sources/zkbob-bob-goerli/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +// @ts-nocheck + +import { InContextSdkMethod } from '@graphql-mesh/types'; +import { MeshContext } from '@graphql-mesh/runtime'; + +export namespace ZkbobBobGoerliTypes { + export type Maybe = T | null; +export type InputMaybe = Maybe; +export type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; +export type MakeOptional = Omit & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe }; +export type MakeMaybe = Omit & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe }; +/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ +export type Scalars = { + ID: string; + String: string; + Boolean: boolean; + Int: number; + Float: number; + BigDecimal: any; + BigInt: any; + Bytes: any; + Int8: any; +}; + +export type BlockChangedFilter = { + number_gte: Scalars['Int']; +}; + +export type Block_height = { + hash?: InputMaybe; + number?: InputMaybe; + number_gte?: InputMaybe; +}; + +export type DirectDeposit = { + id: Scalars['String']; + pending: Scalars['Boolean']; + completed: Scalars['Boolean']; + refunded: Scalars['Boolean']; + sender: Scalars['Bytes']; + fallbackUser: Scalars['Bytes']; + zkAddress_diversifier: Scalars['Bytes']; + zkAddress_pk: Scalars['Bytes']; + deposit: Scalars['BigInt']; + bnInit: Scalars['BigInt']; + tsInit: Scalars['BigInt']; + txInit: Scalars['Bytes']; + bnClosed?: Maybe; + tsClosed?: Maybe; + txClosed?: Maybe; +}; + +export type DirectDeposit_filter = { + id?: InputMaybe; + id_not?: InputMaybe; + id_gt?: InputMaybe; + id_lt?: InputMaybe; + id_gte?: InputMaybe; + id_lte?: InputMaybe; + id_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_starts_with?: InputMaybe; + id_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_not_starts_with?: InputMaybe; + id_not_starts_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_ends_with?: InputMaybe; + id_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + id_not_ends_with?: InputMaybe; + id_not_ends_with_nocase?: InputMaybe; + pending?: InputMaybe; + pending_not?: InputMaybe; + pending_in?: InputMaybe>; + pending_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + completed?: InputMaybe; + completed_not?: InputMaybe; + completed_in?: InputMaybe>; + completed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + refunded?: InputMaybe; + refunded_not?: InputMaybe; + refunded_in?: InputMaybe>; + refunded_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + sender?: InputMaybe; + sender_not?: InputMaybe; + sender_gt?: InputMaybe; + sender_lt?: InputMaybe; + sender_gte?: InputMaybe; + sender_lte?: InputMaybe; + sender_in?: InputMaybe>; + sender_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + sender_contains?: InputMaybe; + sender_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_not?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_gt?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_lt?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_gte?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_lte?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_in?: InputMaybe>; + fallbackUser_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + fallbackUser_contains?: InputMaybe; + fallbackUser_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_not?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_gt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_lt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_gte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_lte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_diversifier_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_diversifier_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_diversifier_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_not?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_gt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_lt?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_gte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_lte?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_pk_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + zkAddress_pk_contains?: InputMaybe; + zkAddress_pk_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + deposit?: InputMaybe; + deposit_not?: InputMaybe; + deposit_gt?: InputMaybe; + deposit_lt?: InputMaybe; + deposit_gte?: InputMaybe; + deposit_lte?: InputMaybe; + deposit_in?: InputMaybe>; + deposit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + bnInit?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_not?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_gt?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_lt?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_gte?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_lte?: InputMaybe; + bnInit_in?: InputMaybe>; + bnInit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsInit?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_not?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_gt?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_lt?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_gte?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_lte?: InputMaybe; + tsInit_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsInit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txInit?: InputMaybe; + txInit_not?: InputMaybe; + txInit_gt?: InputMaybe; + txInit_lt?: InputMaybe; + txInit_gte?: InputMaybe; + txInit_lte?: InputMaybe; + txInit_in?: InputMaybe>; + txInit_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txInit_contains?: InputMaybe; + txInit_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_not?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_gt?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_lt?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_gte?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_lte?: InputMaybe; + bnClosed_in?: InputMaybe>; + bnClosed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsClosed?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_not?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_gt?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_lt?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_gte?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_lte?: InputMaybe; + tsClosed_in?: InputMaybe>; + tsClosed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txClosed?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_not?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_gt?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_lt?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_gte?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_lte?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_in?: InputMaybe>; + txClosed_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + txClosed_contains?: InputMaybe; + txClosed_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + /** Filter for the block changed event. */ + _change_block?: InputMaybe; + and?: InputMaybe>>; + or?: InputMaybe>>; +}; + +export type DirectDeposit_orderBy = + | 'id' + | 'pending' + | 'completed' + | 'refunded' + | 'sender' + | 'fallbackUser' + | 'zkAddress_diversifier' + | 'zkAddress_pk' + | 'deposit' + | 'bnInit' + | 'tsInit' + | 'txInit' + | 'bnClosed' + | 'tsClosed' + | 'txClosed'; + +export type LastSyncBlock = { + id: Scalars['Bytes']; + block?: Maybe; +}; + +export type LastSyncBlock_filter = { + id?: InputMaybe; + id_not?: InputMaybe; + id_gt?: InputMaybe; + id_lt?: InputMaybe; + id_gte?: InputMaybe; + id_lte?: InputMaybe; + id_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + block_not?: InputMaybe; + block_gt?: InputMaybe; + block_lt?: InputMaybe; + block_gte?: InputMaybe; + block_lte?: InputMaybe; + block_in?: InputMaybe>; + block_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + /** Filter for the block changed event. */ + _change_block?: InputMaybe; + and?: InputMaybe>>; + or?: InputMaybe>>; +}; + +export type LastSyncBlock_orderBy = + | 'id' + | 'block'; + +export type Message = { + id: Scalars['Bytes']; + index: Scalars['BigInt']; + hash: Scalars['Bytes']; + message: Scalars['Bytes']; + blockNumber: Scalars['BigInt']; + blockTimestamp: Scalars['BigInt']; + transactionHash: Scalars['Bytes']; +}; + +export type Message_filter = { + id?: InputMaybe; + id_not?: InputMaybe; + id_gt?: InputMaybe; + id_lt?: InputMaybe; + id_gte?: InputMaybe; + id_lte?: InputMaybe; + id_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + id_contains?: InputMaybe; + id_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + index?: InputMaybe; + index_not?: InputMaybe; + index_gt?: InputMaybe; + index_lt?: InputMaybe; + index_gte?: InputMaybe; + index_lte?: InputMaybe; + index_in?: InputMaybe>; + index_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + hash?: InputMaybe; + hash_not?: InputMaybe; + hash_gt?: InputMaybe; + hash_lt?: InputMaybe; + hash_gte?: InputMaybe; + hash_lte?: InputMaybe; + hash_in?: InputMaybe>; + hash_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + hash_contains?: InputMaybe; + hash_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + message?: InputMaybe; + message_not?: InputMaybe; + message_gt?: InputMaybe; + message_lt?: InputMaybe; + message_gte?: InputMaybe; + message_lte?: InputMaybe; + message_in?: InputMaybe>; + message_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + message_contains?: InputMaybe; + message_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_not?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_gt?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_lt?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_gte?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_lte?: InputMaybe; + blockNumber_in?: InputMaybe>; + blockNumber_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + blockTimestamp?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_not?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_gt?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_lt?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_gte?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_lte?: InputMaybe; + blockTimestamp_in?: InputMaybe>; + blockTimestamp_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + transactionHash?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_not?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_gt?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_lt?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_gte?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_lte?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_in?: InputMaybe>; + transactionHash_not_in?: InputMaybe>; + transactionHash_contains?: InputMaybe; + transactionHash_not_contains?: InputMaybe; + /** Filter for the block changed event. */ + _change_block?: InputMaybe; + and?: InputMaybe>>; + or?: InputMaybe>>; +}; + +export type Message_orderBy = + | 'id' + | 'index' + | 'hash' + | 'message' + | 'blockNumber' + | 'blockTimestamp' + | 'transactionHash'; + +/** Defines the order direction, either ascending or descending */ +export type OrderDirection = + | 'asc' + | 'desc'; + +export type Query = { + directDeposit?: Maybe; + directDeposits: Array; + lastSyncBlock?: Maybe; + lastSyncBlocks: Array; + message?: Maybe; + messages: Array; + /** Access to subgraph metadata */ + _meta?: Maybe<_Meta_>; +}; + + +export type QuerydirectDepositArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerydirectDepositsArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerylastSyncBlockArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerylastSyncBlocksArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerymessageArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type QuerymessagesArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type Query_metaArgs = { + block?: InputMaybe; +}; + +export type Subscription = { + directDeposit?: Maybe; + directDeposits: Array; + lastSyncBlock?: Maybe; + lastSyncBlocks: Array; + message?: Maybe; + messages: Array; + /** Access to subgraph metadata */ + _meta?: Maybe<_Meta_>; +}; + + +export type SubscriptiondirectDepositArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptiondirectDepositsArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionlastSyncBlockArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionlastSyncBlocksArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionmessageArgs = { + id: Scalars['ID']; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type SubscriptionmessagesArgs = { + skip?: InputMaybe; + first?: InputMaybe; + orderBy?: InputMaybe; + orderDirection?: InputMaybe; + where?: InputMaybe; + block?: InputMaybe; + subgraphError?: _SubgraphErrorPolicy_; +}; + + +export type Subscription_metaArgs = { + block?: InputMaybe; +}; + +export type _Block_ = { + /** The hash of the block */ + hash?: Maybe; + /** The block number */ + number: Scalars['Int']; + /** Integer representation of the timestamp stored in blocks for the chain */ + timestamp?: Maybe; +}; + +/** The type for the top-level _meta field */ +export type _Meta_ = { + /** + * Information about a specific subgraph block. The hash of the block + * will be null if the _meta field has a block constraint that asks for + * a block number. It will be filled if the _meta field has no block constraint + * and therefore asks for the latest block + * + */ + block: _Block_; + /** The deployment ID */ + deployment: Scalars['String']; + /** If `true`, the subgraph encountered indexing errors at some past block */ + hasIndexingErrors: Scalars['Boolean']; +}; + +export type _SubgraphErrorPolicy_ = + /** Data will be returned even if the subgraph has indexing errors */ + | 'allow' + /** If the subgraph has indexing errors, data will be omitted. The default. */ + | 'deny'; + + export type QuerySdk = { + /** null **/ + directDeposit: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + directDeposits: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + lastSyncBlock: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + lastSyncBlocks: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + message: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + messages: InContextSdkMethod, + /** Access to subgraph metadata **/ + _meta: InContextSdkMethod + }; + + export type MutationSdk = { + + }; + + export type SubscriptionSdk = { + /** null **/ + directDeposit: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + directDeposits: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + lastSyncBlock: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + lastSyncBlocks: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + message: InContextSdkMethod, + /** null **/ + messages: InContextSdkMethod, + /** Access to subgraph metadata **/ + _meta: InContextSdkMethod + }; + + export type Context = { + ["zkbob-bob-goerli"]: { Query: QuerySdk, Mutation: MutationSdk, Subscription: SubscriptionSdk }, + ["subgraphEndpoint"]: Scalars['ID'] + }; +} diff --git a/src/.graphclientrc.yml b/src/.graphclientrc.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8b2ceb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/.graphclientrc.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +sources: + - name: zkbob-bob-goerli + handler: + graphql: + endpoint: '{context.subgraphEndpoint:https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/zkbob/zkbob-bob-goerli}' + +additionalTypeDefs: | + extend type DirectDeposit { + subgraphEndpoint: String! + } + +additionalResolvers: + - ./dd/dd-resolvers + +documents: + - ./dd/dd-query.graphql + +codegen: + contextType: 'MeshContext & { subgraphEndpoint: string }' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/client-provider.ts b/src/client-provider.ts index 77a83b2e..b83f1aa3 100644 --- a/src/client-provider.ts +++ b/src/client-provider.ts @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import { RelayerFee, LimitsFetch, ZkBobRelayer } from "./services/relayer"; import { ColdStorageConfig } from "./coldstorage"; import { bufToHex, HexStringReader, HexStringWriter, hexToBuf, truncateHexPrefix } from "./utils"; import { estimateCalldataLength, TxType } from "./tx"; +import { DirectDepositProcessor } from "./dd"; const bs58 = require('bs58') @@ -53,6 +54,13 @@ export interface PoolLimits { // all values are in Gwei dailyForAll: Limit; }; } + dd: { + total: bigint; + components: { + singleOperation: bigint; + dailyForAddress: Limit; + }; + } tier: number; } @@ -126,8 +134,9 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { this.provers[alias] = ZkBobDelegatedProver.create(pool.delegatedProverUrls, supportId); } + const network = this.chains[pool.chainId].backend; if (alias == currentPool) { - this.chains[pool.chainId].backend.setEnabled(true); + network.setEnabled(true); } this.proverModes[alias] = ProverMode.Local; @@ -395,10 +404,6 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { return cachedAmount.amount; } - public async directDepositFee(): Promise { - return this.network().getDirectDepositFee(this.pool().poolAddress); - } - public async minTxAmount(): Promise { return this.pool().minTxAmount ?? MIN_TX_AMOUNT; } @@ -407,12 +412,12 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { // https://docs.zkbob.com/bob-protocol/deposit-and-withdrawal-limits // Global limits are fetched from the relayer (except personal deposit limit from the specified address) public async getLimits(address: string | undefined, directRequest: boolean = false): Promise { - const token = this.pool(); + const pool = this.pool(); const network = this.network(); const relayer = this.relayer(); async function fetchLimitsFromContract(network: NetworkBackend): Promise { - const poolLimits = await network.poolLimits(token.poolAddress, address); + const poolLimits = await network.poolLimits(pool.poolAddress, address); return { deposit: { singleOperation: BigInt(poolLimits.depositCap), @@ -435,6 +440,13 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { available: BigInt(poolLimits.dailyWithdrawalCap) - BigInt(poolLimits.dailyWithdrawalCapUsage), }, }, + dd: { + singleOperation: BigInt(poolLimits.directDepositCap), + dailyForAddress: { + total: BigInt(poolLimits.dailyUserDirectDepositCap), + available: BigInt(poolLimits.dailyUserDirectDepositCap) - BigInt(poolLimits.dailyUserDirectDepositCapUsage), + }, + }, tier: poolLimits.tier === undefined ? 0 : Number(poolLimits.tier) }; } @@ -463,6 +475,13 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { available: BigInt(100000000000000), // 100k tokens }, }, + dd: { + singleOperation: BigInt(10000000000000), // 10k tokens + dailyForAddress: { + total: BigInt(10000000000000), // 10k tokens + available: BigInt(10000000000000), // 10k tokens + }, + }, tier: 0 }; } @@ -511,15 +530,26 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { const allWithdrawLimits = [ currentLimits.withdraw.dailyForAll.available ]; const totalWithdrawLimit = bigIntMin(...allWithdrawLimits); + // Calculate direct deposit limits + const allDdLimits = [ + currentLimits.dd.singleOperation, + currentLimits.dd.dailyForAddress.available, + ]; + const totalDdLimit = bigIntMin(...allDdLimits); + return { deposit: { - total: totalDepositLimit >= 0 ? totalDepositLimit : BigInt(0), + total: totalDepositLimit >= 0 ? totalDepositLimit : 0n, components: currentLimits.deposit, }, withdraw: { - total: totalWithdrawLimit >= 0 ? totalWithdrawLimit : BigInt(0), + total: totalWithdrawLimit >= 0 ? totalWithdrawLimit : 0n, components: currentLimits.withdraw, }, + dd: { + total: totalDdLimit >=0 ? totalDdLimit : 0n, + components: currentLimits.dd, + }, tier: currentLimits.tier } } @@ -667,4 +697,8 @@ export class ZkBobProvider { return { sk: hexToBuf(sk), birthIndex, balance, poolAlias }; } + + public async tokenSellerContract(): Promise { + return this.network().getTokenSellerContract(this.pool().poolAddress); + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/client.ts b/src/client.ts index a0208016..a3093fee 100644 --- a/src/client.ts +++ b/src/client.ts @@ -10,18 +10,20 @@ import { CONSTANTS } from './constants'; import { HistoryRecord, HistoryRecordState, HistoryTransactionType, ComplianceHistoryRecord } from './history' import { EphemeralAddress } from './ephemeral'; import { - InternalError, PoolJobError, RelayerJobError, SignatureError, TxDepositDeadlineExpiredError, + InternalError, PoolJobError, RelayerJobError, SignatureError, TxDepositAllowanceTooLow, TxDepositDeadlineExpiredError, TxInsufficientFundsError, TxInvalidArgumentError, TxLimitError, TxProofError, TxSmallAmount, TxSwapTooHighError } from './errors'; import { JobInfo, RelayerFee } from './services/relayer'; import { TreeState, ZkBobProvider } from './client-provider'; import { DepositData, SignatureRequest } from './signers/abstract-signer'; import { DepositSignerFactory } from './signers/signer-factory' +import { PERMIT2_CONTRACT } from './signers/permit2-signer'; +import { DirectDeposit, DirectDepositProcessor, DirectDepositType } from './dd'; import { isHexPrefixed } from '@ethereumjs/util'; import { isAddress } from 'web3-utils'; import { wrap } from 'comlink'; -import { PERMIT2_CONTRACT } from './signers/permit2-signer'; +import { PreparedTransaction } from './networks/network'; const OUTPLUSONE = CONSTANTS.OUT + 1; // number of leaves (account + notes) in a transaction const PARTIAL_TREE_USAGE_THRESHOLD = 500; // minimum tx count in Merkle tree to partial tree update using @@ -70,6 +72,8 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { private zpStates: { [poolAlias: string]: ZkBobState } = {}; // Holds gift cards temporary states (id - gift card unique ID based on sk and pool) private auxZpStates: { [id: string]: ZkBobState } = {}; + // Direct deposit processors are used to create DD and fetch DD pending txs + private ddProcessors: { [poolAlias: string]: DirectDepositProcessor } = {}; // The single worker for the all pools // Currently we assume parameters are the same for the all pools private worker: any; @@ -206,7 +210,7 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { } } - this.zpStates[newPoolAlias] = await ZkBobState.create( + const state = await ZkBobState.create( this.account.sk, this.account.birthindex, networkName, @@ -216,6 +220,8 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { pool.tokenAddress, this.worker ); + this.zpStates[newPoolAlias] = state; + this.ddProcessors[newPoolAlias] = new DirectDepositProcessor(pool, network, state) console.log(`Pool and user account was switched to ${newPoolAlias} successfully`); } else { @@ -342,6 +348,10 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { return await this.zpState().history?.getAllHistory() ?? []; } + public async getPendingDDs(): Promise { + return this.ddProcessor().pendingDirectDeposits(); + } + // Generate compliance report public async getComplianceReport( fromTimestamp: number | null, @@ -704,6 +714,42 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { }, fromAddress.address, actualFee); } + // Deposit funds + public async directDeposit( + type: DirectDepositType, + fromAddress: string, + amount: bigint, // in pool resolution + sendTxCallback: (tx: PreparedTransaction) => Promise, // txHash + ): Promise { + const pool = this.pool(); + const processor = this.ddProcessor(); + const ddQueueAddress = await processor.getQueueContract(); + const zkAddress = await this.generateAddress(); + + const limits = await this.getLimits(fromAddress); + if (amount > limits.dd.total) { + throw new TxLimitError(amount, limits.dd.total); + } + + const fee = await processor.getFee(); + let fullAmountNative = await this.shieldedAmountToWei(amount + fee); + + if (type == DirectDepositType.Token) { + // For the token-based DD we should check allowance first + const curAllowance = await this.network().allowance(pool.tokenAddress, fromAddress, ddQueueAddress); + if (curAllowance < fullAmountNative) { + throw new TxDepositAllowanceTooLow(fullAmountNative, curAllowance, ddQueueAddress); + } + } + + const rawTx = await processor.prepareDirectDeposit(type, zkAddress, fullAmountNative, fromAddress, true); + const txHash = await sendTxCallback(rawTx); + + console.log(`DD transaction sent: ${txHash}`) + + return; + } + // Transfer shielded funds to the shielded address // This method can produce several transactions in case of insufficient input notes (constants::IN per tx) // Returns jobIds from the relayer or throw an Error @@ -1358,6 +1404,7 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { return ephPool.getEphemeralAddressPrivateKey(index); } + // ----------------=========< Statistic Routines >=========----------------- // | Calculating sync time | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -1381,5 +1428,26 @@ export class ZkBobClient extends ZkBobProvider { return undefined; // relevant stat doesn't found } + + // ------------------=========< Direct Deposits >=========------------------ + // | Calculating sync time | + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + protected ddProcessor(): DirectDepositProcessor { + const proccessor = this.ddProcessors[this.curPool]; + if (!proccessor) { + throw new InternalError(`No direct deposit processer initialized for the pool ${this.curPool}`); + } + + return proccessor; + } + + public async directDepositContract(): Promise { + return this.ddProcessor().getQueueContract(); + } + + public async directDepositFee(): Promise { + return this.ddProcessor().getFee(); + } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/config.ts b/src/config.ts index e57b159c..2aa3b785 100644 --- a/src/config.ts +++ b/src/config.ts @@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ export interface Pool { tokenAddress: string, relayerUrls: string[]; delegatedProverUrls: string[]; + depositScheme: DepositType; coldStorageConfigPath?: string; minTxAmount?: bigint; feeDecimals?: number; - depositScheme: DepositType; + isNative?: boolean; + ddSubgraph?: string; } export enum ProverMode { diff --git a/src/dd/dd-query.graphql b/src/dd/dd-query.graphql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec7ffdc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/dd/dd-query.graphql @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +query PendingDirectDeposits { + directDeposits(orderBy: bnInit, where: {pending: true}) { + id + zkAddress_pk + zkAddress_diversifier + deposit + fallbackUser + tsInit + txInit + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/dd/dd-resolvers.ts b/src/dd/dd-resolvers.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ac841d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/dd/dd-resolvers.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import { Resolvers, MeshContext } from '../.graphclient' + +export const hostedServiceDefaultURL = 'https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/zkbob/'; +export const defaultSubgraphName = 'zkbob-bob-goerli'; +export const defaultSubgraphEndpoint = `${hostedServiceDefaultURL}${defaultSubgraphName}`; + +export const resolvers: Resolvers = { + DirectDeposit: { + subgraphEndpoint: (_root, _args, context, _info) => context.subgraphEndpoint || defaultSubgraphEndpoint, + }, +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/dd/index.ts b/src/dd/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f889295c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/dd/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +import { Pool } from "../config"; +import { InternalError } from "../errors"; +import { NetworkBackend, PreparedTransaction } from "../networks/network"; +import { getBuiltGraphSDK } from "../.graphclient"; +import { ZkBobState } from "../state"; +import { hostedServiceDefaultURL } from "./dd-resolvers"; + +const DD_FEE_LIFETIME = 3600; + +export enum DirectDepositState { + Queued, + Deposited, + Refunded, +} + +export interface DirectDeposit { + id: bigint; // DD queue unique identifier + state: DirectDepositState; + amount: bigint; // in pool resolution + destination: string; // zk-addresss + fallback: string; // 0x-address to refund DD + timestamp: number; // when it was created + queueTxHash: string; // transaction hash to the queue +} + +export enum DirectDepositType { + Token, // using directDeposit contract method, amount in the pool token resolution + Native, // using directNativeDeposit, amount in wei (e.g. native coin for Ethereum mainnet is ETH) +} + +interface FeeFetch { + fee: bigint; + timestamp: number; // when the fee was fetched +} + +export class DirectDepositProcessor { + protected network: NetworkBackend; + protected tokenAddress: string; + protected poolAddress: string; + protected ddQueueContract?: string; + protected isNativeSupported: boolean; + protected subgraphName?: string; + protected state: ZkBobState; + protected sdk; + + protected cachedFee?: FeeFetch; + + constructor(pool: Pool, network: NetworkBackend, state: ZkBobState) { + this.network = network; + this.tokenAddress = pool.tokenAddress; + this.poolAddress = pool.poolAddress; + this.isNativeSupported = pool.isNative ?? false; + this.subgraphName = pool.ddSubgraph; + this.state = state; + + this.sdk = getBuiltGraphSDK({ + subgraphEndpoint: this.subgraphEndpoint(), + }) + } + + public async getQueueContract(): Promise { + if (!this.ddQueueContract) { + this.ddQueueContract = await this.network.getDirectDepositQueueContract(this.poolAddress); + } + + return this.ddQueueContract; + } + + public async getFee(): Promise { + + let fee = this.cachedFee; + if (!fee || fee.timestamp + DD_FEE_LIFETIME * 1000 < Date.now()) { + const queue = await this.getQueueContract(); + const fetchedFee = await this.network.getDirectDepositFee(queue); + fee = {fee: fetchedFee, timestamp: Date.now()}; + this.cachedFee = fee; + } + + return fee.fee; + } + + public async prepareDirectDeposit( + type: DirectDepositType, + zkAddress: string, + amount: bigint, // in native resolution (wei for DirectDepositType.Native) + fallbackAddress: string, + feeAlreadyIncluded: boolean = true, // calculate and add required fee amount when false + ): Promise { + if (type == DirectDepositType.Native && !this.isNativeSupported) { + throw new InternalError(`Native direct deposits are not supported in this pool`); + } + + const queue = await this.getQueueContract(); + + let addedFee = 0n; + if (!feeAlreadyIncluded) { + addedFee = await this.getFee(); + } + + switch (type) { + case DirectDepositType.Token: + return this.network.createDirectDepositTx(queue, amount + addedFee, zkAddress, fallbackAddress); + + case DirectDepositType.Native: + return this.network.createNativeDirectDepositTx(queue, amount + addedFee, zkAddress, fallbackAddress); + + default: + throw new InternalError(`Unsupported direct deposit type ${type}`); + } + } + + protected subgraphEndpoint(): string | undefined { + if (this.subgraphName) { + if (this.subgraphName.indexOf('/') == -1) { + return `${hostedServiceDefaultURL}${this.subgraphName}`; + } + } + + return this.subgraphName; + } + + public async pendingDirectDeposits(): Promise { + + if (this.subgraphEndpoint()) { + const allPendingDDs = await this.sdk.PendingDirectDeposits({}, { + subgraphEndpoint: this.subgraphEndpoint(), + }).then((data) => data.directDeposits); + + if (Array.isArray(allPendingDDs)) { + const myPendingDDs = (await Promise.all(allPendingDDs.map(async (subgraphDD) => { + const d = BigInt(subgraphDD.zkAddress_diversifier); + const p_d = BigInt(subgraphDD.zkAddress_pk); + const zkAddress = await this.state.assembleAddress(d.toString(), p_d.toString()); + const isOwn = await this.state.isOwnAddress(zkAddress); + + const dd: DirectDeposit = { + id: BigInt(subgraphDD.id), + state: DirectDepositState.Queued, + amount: BigInt(subgraphDD.deposit), + destination: zkAddress, + fallback: subgraphDD.fallbackUser, + timestamp: Number(subgraphDD.tsInit), + queueTxHash: subgraphDD.txInit, + }; + + return {dd, isOwn}; + }))) + .filter((dd) => dd.isOwn) + .map((myDD) => myDD.dd); + + return myPendingDDs; + } else { + throw new InternalError(`Unexpected response from the DD subgraph: ${allPendingDDs}`); + } + } else { + console.warn('There is no configured subraph to query pending DD') + } + + return []; + } + + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index c4f6d1f0..0e68ebd3 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ export { EvmNetwork } from './networks/evm' export { deriveSpendingKeyZkBob } from './utils' export { IAddressComponents } from 'libzkbob-rs-wasm-web'; export { SignatureType } from './signers/abstract-signer' +export { DirectDepositType, DirectDeposit } from './dd' export * from './errors' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/networks/evm-abi.ts b/src/networks/evm-abi.ts index c0d5efee..6159ad64 100644 --- a/src/networks/evm-abi.ts +++ b/src/networks/evm-abi.ts @@ -250,9 +250,21 @@ export const poolContractABI: AbiItem[] = [ name: 'depositCap', type: 'uint256', }, { - internalType: 'uint8', - name: 'tier', - type: 'uint8', + internalType: 'uint8', + name: 'tier', + type: 'uint8', + }, { + internalType: 'uint256', + name: 'dailyUserDirectDepositCap', + type: 'uint256' + }, { + internalType: 'uint256', + name: 'dailyUserDirectDepositCapUsage', + type: 'uint256' + }, { + internalType: 'uint256', + name: 'directDepositCap', + type: 'uint256' }], internalType: 'struct ZkBobAccounting.Limits', name: '', @@ -271,6 +283,17 @@ export const poolContractABI: AbiItem[] = [ }], stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function' + }, + { + inputs: [], + name: 'tokenSeller', + outputs: [{ + internalType: 'contract ITokenSeller', + name: '', + type: 'address' + }], + stateMutability: 'view', + type: 'function' } ]; @@ -285,5 +308,47 @@ export const ddContractABI: AbiItem[] = [ }], stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function' - } + }, + { + inputs: [{ + internalType: 'address', + name: '_fallbackUser', + type: 'address' + }, { + internalType: 'uint256', + name: '_amount', + type: 'uint256' + }, { + internalType: 'bytes', + name: '_rawZkAddress', + type: 'bytes' + }], + name: 'directDeposit', + outputs: [{ + internalType: 'uint256', + name: '', + type: 'uint256' + }], + stateMutability: 'nonpayable', + type: 'function' + }, + { + inputs: [ { + internalType: 'address', + name: '_fallbackUser', + type: 'address' + }, { + internalType: 'bytes', + name: '_rawZkAddress', + type: 'bytes' + }], + name: 'directNativeDeposit', + outputs: [{ + internalType: 'uint256', + name: '', + type: 'uint256' + }], + stateMutability: 'payable', + type: 'function' + }, ]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/networks/evm.ts b/src/networks/evm.ts index 6da8c2d2..fa297e54 100644 --- a/src/networks/evm.ts +++ b/src/networks/evm.ts @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ import Web3 from 'web3'; import { Contract } from 'web3-eth-contract' import { TransactionConfig } from 'web3-core' -import { NetworkBackend } from './network'; +import { NetworkBackend, PreparedTransaction } from './network'; import { InternalError } from '..'; import { ddContractABI, poolContractABI, tokenABI } from './evm-abi'; +import bs58 from 'bs58'; export class EvmNetwork implements NetworkBackend { rpcUrl: string; @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ export class EvmNetwork implements NetworkBackend { private dd?: Contract; private token?: Contract; + private tokenSellerAddresses = new Map(); // poolContractAddress -> tokenSellerContractAddress private ddContractAddresses = new Map(); // poolContractAddress -> directDepositContractAddress constructor(rpcUrl: string, enabled: boolean = true) { @@ -129,13 +131,13 @@ export class EvmNetwork implements NetworkBackend { return BigInt(result); } - public async getDenominator(contractAddress: string): Promise { - this.poolContract().options.address = contractAddress; + public async getDenominator(poolAddress: string): Promise { + this.poolContract().options.address = poolAddress; return BigInt(await this.poolContract().methods.denominator().call()); } - public async getPoolId(contractAddress: string): Promise { - this.poolContract().options.address = contractAddress; + public async getPoolId(poolAddress: string): Promise { + this.poolContract().options.address = poolAddress; return Number(await this.poolContract().methods.pool_id().call()); } @@ -151,8 +153,8 @@ export class EvmNetwork implements NetworkBackend { return this.rpcUrl; } - public async poolLimits(contractAddress: string, address: string | undefined): Promise { - this.poolContract().options.address = contractAddress; + public async poolLimits(poolAddress: string, address: string | undefined): Promise { + this.poolContract().options.address = poolAddress; let addr = address; if (address === undefined) { addr = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; @@ -161,25 +163,76 @@ export class EvmNetwork implements NetworkBackend { return await this.poolContract().methods.getLimitsFor(addr).call(); } - public async getDirectDepositFee(contractAddress: string): Promise { - let ddContractAddr = this.ddContractAddresses.get(contractAddress); + public async getTokenSellerContract(poolAddress: string): Promise { + let tokenSellerAddr = this.tokenSellerAddresses.get(poolAddress); + if (!tokenSellerAddr) { + this.poolContract().options.address = poolAddress; + tokenSellerAddr = await this.poolContract().methods.tokenSeller().call(); + if (tokenSellerAddr) { + this.tokenSellerAddresses.set(poolAddress, tokenSellerAddr); + } else { + throw new InternalError(`Cannot fetch token seller contract address`); + } + } + + return tokenSellerAddr; + } + + public async getDirectDepositQueueContract(poolAddress: string): Promise { + let ddContractAddr = this.ddContractAddresses.get(poolAddress); if (!ddContractAddr) { - this.poolContract().options.address = contractAddress; + this.poolContract().options.address = poolAddress; ddContractAddr = await this.poolContract().methods.direct_deposit_queue().call(); if (ddContractAddr) { - this.ddContractAddresses.set(contractAddress, ddContractAddr); + this.ddContractAddresses.set(poolAddress, ddContractAddr); } else { throw new InternalError(`Cannot fetch DD contract address`); } } - this.directDepositContract().options.address = ddContractAddr; + return ddContractAddr; + } + + public async getDirectDepositFee(ddQueueAddress: string): Promise { + this.directDepositContract().options.address = ddQueueAddress; return BigInt(await this.directDepositContract().methods.directDepositFee().call()); } - public async poolState(contractAddress: string, index?: bigint): Promise<{index: bigint, root: bigint}> { - this.poolContract().options.address = contractAddress; + public async createDirectDepositTx( + ddQueueAddress: string, + amount: bigint, + zkAddress: string, + fallbackAddress: string, + ): Promise { + const zkAddrBytes = `0x${Buffer.from(bs58.decode(zkAddress.substring(zkAddress.indexOf(':') + 1))).toString('hex')}`; + const encodedTx = await this.directDepositContract().methods["directDeposit(address,uint256,bytes)"](fallbackAddress, amount, zkAddrBytes).encodeABI(); + + return { + to: ddQueueAddress, + amount: 0n, + data: encodedTx, + }; + } + + public async createNativeDirectDepositTx( + ddQueueAddress: string, + nativeAmount: bigint, + zkAddress: string, + fallbackAddress: string, + ): Promise { + const zkAddrBytes = `0x${Buffer.from(bs58.decode(zkAddress.substring(zkAddress.indexOf(':') + 1))).toString('hex')}`; + const encodedTx = await this.directDepositContract().methods["directNativeDeposit(address,bytes)"](fallbackAddress, zkAddrBytes).encodeABI(); + + return { + to: ddQueueAddress, + amount: nativeAmount, + data: encodedTx, + }; + } + + public async poolState(poolAddress: string, index?: bigint): Promise<{index: bigint, root: bigint}> { + this.poolContract().options.address = poolAddress; let idx; if (index === undefined) { idx = await this.poolContract().methods.pool_index().call(); diff --git a/src/networks/network.ts b/src/networks/network.ts index 8132d9a6..c6cb952f 100644 --- a/src/networks/network.ts +++ b/src/networks/network.ts @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +export interface PreparedTransaction { + to: string; + amount: bigint; + data: string; +} + export interface NetworkBackend { isEnabled(): boolean; setEnabled(enabled: boolean); @@ -10,11 +16,15 @@ export interface NetworkBackend { allowance(tokenAddress: string, owner: string, spender: string): Promise; permit2NonceBitmap(permit2Address: string, owner: string, wordPos: bigint): Promise; erc3009AuthState(tokenAddress: string, authorizer: string, nonce: bigint): Promise; - getDenominator(contractAddress: string): Promise; - getPoolId(contractAddress: string): Promise; - poolLimits(contractAddress: string, address: string | undefined): Promise; - getDirectDepositFee(contractAddress: string): Promise; - poolState(contractAddress: string, index?: bigint): Promise<{index: bigint, root: bigint}>; + getDenominator(poolAddress: string): Promise; + getPoolId(poolAddress: string): Promise; + poolLimits(poolAddress: string, address: string | undefined): Promise; + getTokenSellerContract(poolAddress: string): Promise; + getDirectDepositQueueContract(poolAddress: string): Promise; + getDirectDepositFee(ddQueueAddress: string): Promise; + createDirectDepositTx(ddQueueAddress: string, amount: bigint, zkAddress: string, fallbackAddress: string): Promise; + createNativeDirectDepositTx(ddQueueAddress: string, nativeAmount: bigint, zkAddress: string, fallbackAddress: string): Promise; + poolState(poolAddress: string, index?: bigint): Promise<{index: bigint, root: bigint}>; getTxRevertReason(txHash: string): Promise isSignatureCompact(): boolean; defaultNetworkName(): string; diff --git a/src/services/relayer.ts b/src/services/relayer.ts index d97305ae..b9a82891 100644 --- a/src/services/relayer.ts +++ b/src/services/relayer.ts @@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ export interface LimitsFetch { withdraw: { dailyForAll: Limit; } + dd: { + singleOperation: bigint; + dailyForAddress: Limit; + } tier: number; } @@ -93,6 +97,13 @@ function LimitsFromJson(json: any): LimitsFetch { available: BigInt(json.withdraw.dailyForAll.available), }, }, + dd: { + singleOperation: BigInt(json.dd.singleOperation), + dailyForAddress: { + total: BigInt(json.dd.dailyForAddress.total), + available: BigInt(json.dd.dailyForAddress.available), + }, + }, tier: json.tier === undefined ? 0 : Number(json.tier) }; } diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 2841eb08..c933421d 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ "compilerOptions": { "declaration": true, "strictNullChecks": true, - "target": "es2020", + "target": "es2022", "outDir": "lib", - "module": "es2020", + "module": "es2022", "moduleResolution": "node", "sourceMap": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, + 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