Run in the order, with caution
Search: int\[\]
Replace: Int32Array
Search: ((private|public|static)( static)?) final ([\w\[\]]+) (\w+)( =|;)
Replace: $1 /*final*/ $5: $4$6
Search: for\s*\((.*) (\w+) :
Replace: for (const $2/*: $1*/ of
Search: for\s*\((\w+) (\w+)
Replace: for (let $2 /*$1*/
Search: \((float|int|byte|short|long|char)\)\s*(\w+)
Replace: <$1>$2
Search: ((private|public|static)( static)?) ([\w\[\]]+) (\w+\(.*?\))
Replace: $1 $5: $4
Search: ([\w\[\]]+) (\w+\(.*?\))
Replace: $2: $1
Search: ^(\s*)([\w\[\]]+) (\w+) =
Replace: $1let $3: $2 =
Search: ^(\s*)([\w\[\]]+) (\w+);
Replace: $1let $3: $2;
Search: \((([\w\[\]]+) (\w+)(\,)?)+\)
Replace: ($3: $2$4)
Search: (\w+) (\w+)(, |\))
Replace: $2: $1$3
Search: : (byte|short|int|float|long)(\[\])?
Replace: : /*$1$2*/ number$2
Search: new int\[(\w+)\]
Replace: new Int32Array($1)
Replace: new Array($1)
Search: (!=|==)
Replace: $1=