# Tweeter Project Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone. Hello! Welcome to Tweeter! This app uses an Express Server, JQuery Front-End (for Fun Effects), Handlebars Templating and a Mongo Database. User login and likes are upcoming. ## Getting Started 1. Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository. 2. Install dependencies using the `npm install` command. 3. Start the web server using the `npm run local` command. The app will be served at <http://localhost:8080/>. 4. Go to <http://localhost:8080/> in your browser. 5. Start up your Mongo Database info in index.js and tweet away to yourself! ## Screenshots !["Home: Compose Button On"](https://github.com/zzidante/tweeter/blob/master/Screenshots/Compose-button-toggle-on.png?raw=true) !["Home: Compose Button Off"](https://github.com/zzidante/tweeter/blob/master/Screenshots/Compose-button-toggle-off.png?raw=true) ## Dependencies - Express - Node 5.10.x or above