Extract financial data from the money control website using the company name, BSE or NSE number. Export any selected data into either pandas dataframe or excel sheet with ease!
Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with moneycontrol.com
pip install mcfinance
Create an Extractor instance with company name/ BSE/ NSE ID (required) and/or number of years(default), required documents(default), and filepath to write documents(default current directory).
from mcfinance import Extractor
Company = Extractor(user_input= "Company_name")
#years and docs are default
Company = Extractor(user_input= "Company_name",years = 10, docs = ["balance sheet", "profit loss"], filepath = "/files")
any of the inputs can be changed later on as per user convenience
Company.set_inputs(years = 6)
The get_info() function can be used to extract and store company data in an excel file. The file will be stored in the current filepath or the user defined filepath as per object initialisation
Company.get_info(option = 1)
DataFrame1, DataFrame2, DataFrame3 = Company.get_info(option = 0)
The plotter() function can be used to show the companies attribute from a certain document over the selected period of time using a line graph from the matplotlib library. The function accepts a single required arguement for the attribute selection.
company.plotter("certain file attribute of the document")
cmp = Extractor("TCS", years = 10, docs = ["ratios"])
cmp.plotter("EV/EBITDA (X)")
company1 = Extractor("TCS", years = 10, docs = ["ratios"])
company2 = Extractor("Infosys", years = 10, docs = ["ratios"])
Extractor.cmp_plot(comp = [company1, company2], attributes = "EV/EBITDA (X)")