useScrollOnEdges is a react custom hook which uses scrollTo
for scrolling X and Y. requestAnimationFrame
to animate the scrolling.
Returns back the prop getter, which can be spread on a Html element for which we want the scrolling animation to happen.
npm install --save react-scroll-on-edges
import React from 'react'
import useScrollOnEdges from 'react-scroll-on-edges'
function Example() {
const getEdgeScrollingProps = useScrollOnEdges()
// Container div
return <div {...getEdgeScrollingProps()} >
export default Example
hook can be called with the parameter as an object with three optional props
canAnimate: boolean | true (default),
scrollSpeed: number | 12 (default),
edgeSize: number | 30 (default)
- boolean - Tell the hook - Whether to scroll or not thorugh programmatically (default istrue
- number - speed of the scroll (default is12
- number - Tell the hook - the distance from edges when mouse has to start scrolling (default is30
const edgeScroll = useScrollOnEdges({
canAnimate: true,
scrollSpeed: 15,
edgeSize: 35
// JSX
// edgeScroll is a prop getter, more info below
return (
<div {...edgeScroll()} >
More info on prop getters
Basic demo - Move the mouse near edges to scroll the container
More realistic example using React-table - Start selecting the cells and move near edges to scroll the container and select more cells
MIT © 07harish