This comprehensive guide showcases the seamless integration of React, Django, and Postgres within a Docker environment, so that it is easier for moving whole App to cloud server, like AWS EC2 + RDS combo.
- React ⚛️
- Node.js ️
- Axios (for making HTTP requests)
- Bulma ⚡ (for a clean and responsive UI)
- Python
- Django (for building a robust backend)
- Django REST framework (for building an efficient API)
- Postgres (for reliable database management)
- Docker (for containerization goodness)
- Docker Compose ️ (for orchestrating your containers)
To embark on this journey, you'll need the following prerequisites:
- Docker (download link:
- Docker Compose (download link: Or, for *nix
sudo apt install docker-compose
To see the app, clone the repo and execute docker-compose up
git clone
cd rejangras
sudo docker-compose up
Three Docker containers will be launched after last step:
sudo docker ps
The django_db is the Postgres database.
The django_rest_api is the Python/Django Web API. This returns JSON data when accessing localhost:8000
The django_web_front is the Node.js/React container. This fetches API data from django_rest_api using React.
After launching those containers, access the localhost:3000
. The App will be shown the below.
It is necessary to modify the file sharing settings, since the directory of the host will be mounted as VOLUME, depending on the directory location.
The app directory and files configuration the below.
├── DockerfileNode
├── DockerfilePostgres
├── DockerfilePython
├── code
│ ├── django_db
│ │ └──
│ ├── django_rest_api
│ │ ├── requirements.txt
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── test_app
│ └── django_web_front
│ ├──
... ...
└── docker-compose.yml
The configuration of the app is managed by docker-compose.yml.
There are three Dockerfiles the below.
- DockerfileNode
- DockerfilePostgres
- DockerfilePython
These files are specified in docker-compose.yml and used when building each Docker images.
There are application codes in this directory.
There are three entry points the below.
The app is specified some entry points in the docker-compose.yml
. The command is executed when each container starts.
Go inside DB:
sudo docker exec -it containerID bash
psql -U postgres -b test_app
Combo with Jetbrain Datagrip
sudo docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' django_db
Use this ip as host and port is 5432 Set username and password then you will be fine!