YALC - Latest release
YALC is (yet another) lossless cutter for video files. It's basically a GUI for ffmpeg focused on easy use and fast but not frame accurate cutting. If you want to cut 10 minutes out of 120 minutes then this tool is for you.
Right clicking on jump forward buttons will toggle auto press where it automatically jumps through the entire video until stopped. This is extremely useful if you are looking for a scene in a movie without knowing the timestamp.
- FFmpeg and FFprobe is required but included in release builds.
- Windows 10 or higher
- You need to have the codec installed of the video you want to cut
- YALC is licensed under GPLv3
- YALC uses ffmpeg / ffprobe (not included) which is licensed under LGPL 2.1 / GPL v2
- YALC uses MahApps Metro licensed under MIT
- YALC uses Xceed Toolkit => https://github.com/xceedsoftware/wpftoolkit/blob/master/license.md
- .NET 7
- Visual Studio 2019