The arcade version of Donkey Kong adapted for 2 player co-operative gameplay.
DKBros. includes a program wrapper and a LUA plugin with MAME v0.256 all bundled in a convenient ready to play package.
Development by Jon Wilson (10yard)
Extract the contents of the dkbros zip file into a folder. It includes everything you need apart from the
rom file. -
Place your
into the wolf256\roms folder. -
Run the
program. This will set up a 2 player co-op Donkey Kong session in MAME. -
Press the start button to play
Refer to notes below for configuring the controls.
2 players are controlled independently in the same game.
Each player gets their own hammers, and they can be smashed together
The last player to take a hammer gets barrel control and retains control until the other player takes a hammer. The barrels change colour when P2 has the steering.
Pulling rivets is fun with 2 players sharing the task. The fireballs spawn in a calculated safe position for both players.
If one player completes the stage then both players complete the stage together but the player completing the stage gets the bonus points - unless you finish exactly at the same time.
Both players accrue points independently but there is a combined score displayed in the centre.
If one player dies then both players die.
There are 7 lives shared between both players.
The default player controls are mapped to one keyboard as follows.
- P1 Up = W
- P1 Down = S
- P1 Left = A
- P1 Right = D
- P1 Jump = Left Ctrl
- P2 Up = Up Arrow
- P2 Down = Down Arrow
- P2 Left = Left Arrow
- P2 Right = Right Arrow
- P2 Jump = Space
Controls can be customised as per regular MAME including using joysticks.
- Run dkbros.exe and press the TAB key to open the settings menu
- Select "Input Settings"
- Select "Input Assignments (this system)"
- Change 1P and 2P input controls as required
- Close the settings menu
- Exit and restart dkbros game to apply changes for both players
Please be sure to map every input for P1 and P2.
You can launch the game in windowed mode by providing the parameter "WINDOW"
i.e. dkbros WINDOW
To assist testing there is an invincible mode.
i.e. dkbros INVINCIBLE
The Donkey Kong rom hacking resource -
Mr2Nut123 (Luke) for his ideas, assistance with testing and marquee design -
Paul Goes for his thorough testing -
CharlieFar (Dave) for play testing on his stream -
The MAMEdev team -
WolfMAME by Mahlemiut -
Please send feedback to