An Hyperledger Fabric network. It has 3 orgs and 1 orderer. For the certificates generation I used cryptogen, since it's a testing network. Each peer has a couchdb instance.
- go --> It's the only language supported
- docker
- docker-compose
- Hyperledger Fabric 2.2
- npm --> only for testing with caliper
- jq
Script permissions
sudo chmod 755
sudo chmod 755
sudo chmod -R 755 scripts/
Run the network
./ network restart
This command will:
- down the network and clean
- initialization with cryptogen
- start the network with docker compose
- create a channel named "mychannel"
- join the channel by the two orgs (Org1, Org2)
- set the anchor peer
- deploy the chaincode
The framework used for the tests is Caliper. Test are run after initializing the ledger with 2000 transactions. Then every workload has 2000 tx with 200tps.
./ caliper init
./ caliper launch campaign
./ caliper launch shareData
./ caliper launch storeAnonymizedKG
./ caliper launch storeProof
./ caliper launch shareAnonyKG