Get fine-grained Kubernetes + Infrastructure on AWS in 30 mins ๐
$ brew install ansible jq terraform kops watch
$ pip install awscli
$ git clone
$ cd terraform-all-one
# Remove .gitigonre to index generated files
rm .gitignore
The key should have AdministratorAccess
# Modify values for `COMPANY`,`PROJECT`, and `EMAIL`
$ COMPANY=github PROJECT=1ambda ./
company and project variable should match with values used for the generated ssh key.
root-infra: Create VPC, Bastion, ECS, Stroages and build kops scripts
cd root-infra; # build infra using terraform terraform init terraform apply -var 'rds_username={USERNAME}' -var 'rds_password={PASSWORD}' # provision non-managed stroages using ansible ../script-provision/
root-kubernetes: Build Kubernetes Cluster and install add-ons
cd root-kubernetes; # generate kops files $(cat; ./; # build kubernetes cluster terraform init terraform apply # wait for few minitues until Kube API ELB is ready (`api-kops-*`) # then validate the created cluster kops export kubecfg --name=$NAME ./ # wait for 3-5 mins until kubernetes cluster is ready kops validate cluster kubectl get pods
- Basiton Host
- Managed Storages: RDS (MariaDB), Elasticsearch, Elasticache (Redis)
- Barematal Storages: Zookeeper
- Kubernetes Cluster (Single Master)
- Terraform Intergrated Kubernetes Cluster Creation using kops
- Cloudwatch Log Groups for Kube AWSLOGS
- Dynamic Cloudwatch Alarm Registration for ASG Event
- Cloudwatch Custom Metrics + Alerts for EC2: Memory, Disk Space
- add-on: Nginx Ingerss Chart with AWS ACM
- add-on: Kubernetes Dashboard
- add-on: Elasticsearch, Kibana, Fluentd